It is now established that "LARPing Stargate SG-1" is a legitimate reason to build a PS90 SBR

If the second half of the reason wasn’t there…decent chance it gets Disapproved. They’ve lost their sense of humor over the years.
Not kidding, I had to look up 'LARP'. I are old. :rolleyes:
Can be super fun. I used to help run one that used airsoft guns and was ripped off from Stargate with the added twist that there were no bad aliens, just treacherous greedy governments and corporations and people with mad agendas with a side of body horror and disease themes (the remnant alien tech was a mind controlling nanite plague that turned things like people and animals into agents).

The best missions ended like the Thing, if everyone had automatic weapons and had to pretend to work together. Fun stuff.
Certainly beats the “for investment and all other lawful purposes” I’ve been using. I sold off my ps90 2 years ago because the ammo was too expensive even before the recent ammo crises and I couldn’t justify it. I also knew I’d have to SBR it and I just couldn’t figure that I’d want to engrave my name on it and keep it forever.
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