Quiet coffee makers?

Electric kettle is the first part of the answer, ours has no beeps and it’ll keep the water hot for as long as you want.

I find a french press a pain to clean, compressed grounds in the bottom that my wife just rinses down the drain.

I’d go pour over. It’s like your mr. Coffee, grounds in a filter, but you pour the hot water in. You can do as much fancy pouring as you want to “get the perfect cup” or you can just drizzle it in to get the grounds and filter damp, then dump in the rest.

You can either do this for each cup, or get a big one and run it into an insulated container like a thermos or yeti. Heck, run it into your mr. Coffee pot and turn it on to keep it warm if you like.
French press is a quiet option for brewing but you still have to grind the beans and I don't know a quiet way to do that. Maybe you should become the am geezer at Bojangles?
I told her a year ago I could put it in my “office” at the other end of the house, but she dismissed that idea, for reasons only she understands.
It must not bother her then. Sounds like you've done your part.
@Jeppo I am so thankful that you changed your Avatar back to something I can barely stand to look at. The last one was so bad I always scrolled your posts right off the page, as soon as I saw it.
Coming soon to a browser near you.

@Jeppo I am so thankful that you changed your Avatar back to something I can barely stand to look at. The last one was so bad I always scrolled your posts right off the page, as soon as I saw it.
Agreed. That cartoon character masquerading as a woman was obnoxious.
Why do y’all wanna make this so complicated?

Make the pot of coffee before bedtime. Either leave it on the warming element or microwave one cup at a time the next morning. 🤓

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Our microwave beeps at every button touch and beeps 300 times when done, sounds like a garbage truck back up horn in the house. 😡
You crazy coffee people are high maintenance. Geez. Just pour or open some water and be done with it. Or have a nice glass of tea. Thought this was the South.
Get a white noise machine for the bedroom.

kinda surprised that nobody mentioned the totally silent, ultra fast brew, made in Creston, Iowa, family-owned-and-managed company, reliable, Bunn 'classic' series

in fact

these used to be commonplace, until walmart decided we had to have chinese coffee pots
You could always go fire up the HD and go to the local Bojangles for coffee and a biscuit.
About 3 days of that and you making coffee at 4AM would be all good to go.
I've thought this through and I have a solution: You need a percolator.

The gentle gurgling of the perc pot will not awaken your slumbering spouse, but it will subconsciously make her want to pee. Then once she's up she can make you breakfast. Win!
The French Press is not hard to use. Coffee in the bottom, pour in hot water, put the press in and, ah, press it down (muttering in French if you must. Search for some really old Steve Martin recordings of him visiting France.). My only issue with this method is the coffee doesn't stay hot long so you might have to make small amounts or reheat the coffee.

They really do make some good coffee bags or pods for steeping just like tea.
The fix, double insulated french press. Until recently I've been using one for 1~10 years.
I'm currently VERY happy with
Amazon product ASIN B09RBF6FCGAmazon link:

Surprised no one has mentioned this:

This is the model I use and will never use a different brand.

Adding that I've had Bunn for years and never hear it.

US Made to boot.
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This seems labor intensive.

Plus, the cabinets with the pots and pans are against the wall between the kitchen and the master’s chambers.

I don’t think my wife could resist the urge to put that pot back in the cabinet every night within an hour of me getting it out for the next morning. And me trying to get that pot out in the morning would definitely be louder than the coffee maker.

I’ll have to present that idea to the boss to see if she can resist her tendancies and just leave that pot out at night.

Not really, if this is the process he is referring to.

I notice that that when mine gets loud and I clean it, the 'noise' drops dramatically. I have to clean it about once a month by running a pot of white vinegar through it.

This reminds me, when my wife was pregnant she had awful morning sickness (really 24x7 sickness), and the smell of coffee would make her violently puke. I moved the coffee maker onto the porch for a while, then into our walk-in attic.

The things we do for our wives.
The things we do for our wives.

It doesn't happen often, but if I'm up before my wife, and by that I mean up at an unreasonable hour, I just don't have coffee until she's awake.
It doesn't happen often, but if I'm up before my wife, and by that I mean up at an unreasonable hour, I just don't have coffee until she's awake.

When she's not pregnant, she's good with it (with coffee; other smells from those times can still trigger a pretty good gag, but not coffee, thank God). Whoever is up first starts the machine.
I do the aeropress too. been using it for almost 15 years.
put water in kettle. leave kettle whistle open. listen for water to start to boil.
Put filter in aeropress by locking strainer lid in place. put in a heaping scoop of any kind of grounds.
Pour nearly boiling water into press. stir for 30 seconds or so. longer/shorter depending on how coarse/fine the grind is.
top off aeropress with more hot water, press out coffee into big mug.
take off strainer lid, eject filter and puck of wet grounds into trash.
add a little cool water to mug, drink immediately.

It can be a little messy sometimes (leaks in filter, drop grounds on accident), but do the work over a napkin and you're fine.
as long as you have ground coffee ready, it's next to silent.
Not gonna be a helpful post at all…but the topic reminds me of the first grind-and-brew (or whatever it’s called) my wife got. She got it all set up one night with the timer set for the next morning. No test run or anything. It sat on the counter about two feet from our heads (head of the bed shares a wall with the oven/microwave/etc).

Well, when it fires up the grinder at some obscene hour the next morning we both think a train is coming through the house…🤣🤣🤣.

(She gets up 2-3 hours before me, so I consider that time obscene)
I have to clean it about once a month by running a pot of white vinegar through it.

You run it through just like brewing a cup, just no coffee?
I like to use citric acid crystals for cleaning/descaling. It’s cheap and doesn’t smell like Easter eggs or affect the flavor of the coffee.
Jeppo beat me to it, but is it possible to move the coffee maker to another room? Fill it up with water the night before.
Surprised no one has mentioned this:

This is the model I use and will never use a different brand.

Adding that I've had Bunn for years and never hear it.

US Made to boot.
I just came here to say that. Best standard coffee maker ever. 3 mins and you have a pot of coffee, virtually no noise.
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I just came here to say that. Best standard coffee maker ever. 3 mins and you have a pot of coffee, virtually no noise.
yep, that makes three of us posting the same answer, seems like a consensus ... and often takes less than 3 minutes

they have a 'hold on a moment' version with a lever that lets you grab the first cup as it pours out in 20 seconds, and of course, that's the good stuff ;-)

basically the Bunn GR series has the same guts as the Bunn commercial units that restaurants use, but made for the consumer market
Hand grind beans and a French Press.

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This makes me glad that my wife has coffee ready for me if I sleep in.

Bunn is quiet because it keeps the coffee hot all of the time, right? Maybe that is just their commercial models.
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