Scary trend I'm seeing


I'm your Dingleberry
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Nov 3, 2019
40/42 and northeast Raleigh
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I'm not sure what the cause of this is. In the last 6 months, three guys I know have all taken their own lives. One late in 2023, one early in 2024, now one yesterday. All 29-35 yrs old. All within Garner/fuquay area. Two cases involved custody of children, one involved his significant other commiting suicide the day before. Life is hard, but there's something really wrong going on.

Please pray for people to find peace. Suicide isnt the answer. We've lost some really good young men. If you ever need someone to talk to, reach out please.
People used to have grit, but it seems rare these days.
To be fair we are heaping more and more trouble on people daily, some folks have spent decades trying to crawl back to where they started before globalist meddling destroyed their jobs, savings and pedohomo conditioning destroyed their relationships and children.

The world is less and less tolerable, bleaker and more horrifying by the day and the illusion that it's fixable has been stripped from us utterly.

I get why these folks do it. What I don't understand is going alone. There's a buffet of deserving candidates to choose from. Cleanse the world a little on your way out.
And children aren’t being brought up in church as much. Not saying that is the be-all-end-all solution,(a young man, very active in our church… a budding preacher in fact, committed suicide about 3 years ago) but homes with a strong God presence tend to see less tragedy….

And @yellolab is correct…. Not enough hardass in today’s society.
I get why these folks do it. What I don't understand is going alone. There's a buffet of deserving candidates to choose from. Cleanse the world a little on your way out.
you won't understand it until it's too late
I had a buddy who said all the same stuff, and he always said if his life wasn't worth living he'd take out some pedos and rapists on his way out
then his ex came back into his life and messed his head up. he went missing for a few days and only reappeared to mess his own head up with a .45
For a lot of folks their prospects for life are doing the same mind-numbing, thankless crap for people that will reap the rewards of their livelihood, health, and hardwork far more than they ever will, so it seems like a pretty valid option most days.

Health care is essentially unattainable for working folks, and should you need it, you’ll bankrupt anything set aside for your family.

Wealth is a distant dream, more distant everyday.

The work place? You know how everybody loves to gripe about how nobody wants to work anymore? Well, those that didn’t leave are now doing all of those people’s jobs. Burnt out to the max with zero chance for relief.

By the time people take care of the ancillary day-to-day stuff (that always cost more time, more money, more pieces of yourself), they don’t have much left to give to those they do love and cherish, and those people might be handling the same set of issues, so it’s all reciprocal.

So yeah, I can see how any one extra issue piled on top of the miasma that is daily hell could push a person that is struggling to simply maintain up against the edge of their frayed coping skills, especially when the prospect is simply more years of the same pattern until their health finally fails.
its sad times. I think some of it is people have these mini computers attached to them 24/7 looking at social media and trying to compare lives with others and compete with a false sense of reality. Life is not all roses like many have on social media and many times you have to put in actual hard work to get where you want to be and reach out for help but many that live day to day threw just texting or email don't know how to communicate in person or on the phone or even show emotion. I think churches are great in many ways but I do think it helps you generate a network to help you threw these tougher times.
Look at how many drugs big pharma is pushing with side effects of suicidal thoughts.

Over 15 years ago, my sister in law was put on lyrica (IIRC) for fibromyalgia. A few months later, she shot herself twice with a revolver while a deputy watched. My brother was a fire-medic on duty at the time and heard it all on the scanner.

That was the last day he worked for several years
Look at how many drugs big pharma is pushing with side effects of suicidal thoughts.
This right here.
I was on an anti-depressant and had some scary thoughts.
I will forever hate the neurologist that prescribed me those pills. I know she thinks she was doing me a good deed by prescribing me that med but it may have hurt me more than helped.

Thankfully I told her I had to get off those not too long after starting, but it had been about three months or so.

Yall remember when I got a five day ban? Yeah, I was just about to come off those things at that point. I had a lot of people reaching out either on here or in person and asking if I was ok because I was DIFFERENT.
I hate what I had become.
This right here.
I was on an anti-depressant and had some scary thoughts.
I will forever hate the neurologist that prescribed me those pills. I know she thinks she was doing me a good deed by prescribing me that med but it may have hurt me more than helped.

Thankfully I told her I had to get off those not too long after starting, but it had been about three months or so.

Yall remember when I got a five day ban? Yeah, I was just about to come off those things at that point. I had a lot of people reaching out either on here or in person and asking if I was ok because I was DIFFERENT.
I hate what I had become.
A similar theme:

Thursday we are up in Virginia for the series opener of VT v. PITT Baseball and decide to go to dinner at my favorite bar/restaurant that I helped christen the opening many years ago.

It was my Wife, Father and Daughter, who is a student, and we were at a table that was next to a group of guys that was getting a start on Thirsty Thursdays. I looked over at them and then looked at my daughter and said, "Damn girl, you ARE right; there is not even slim pickings here... there is no one!" she replied by saying, "Dad, I told you... there are NO Men here. 32,000 students and not one of them stacks up"

I told her that her generation was the first where all the boys were medicated in school to make them more "teachable" and less disruptive. They literally medicated the boy out of the man. The man needs that boy; as part of becoming a man is controlling the impulses of that boy inside.

We all say it. Hard times create Strong Men, Strong Men create good Times, Good Times create Weak Men. Weak Men create Hard Times.

A few months back, my wife told me that the daughter was worrying about a conclusion she came to; that a blue-collar man is the only man that is marriable for her. She was worried about what I would say to that. My wife laughed and said, "Honey, you father and I may work "White Collar" jobs; but we were raised in the blue-collar ways. Your Daddy came to the same conclusion of yours when you were 14."

EDIT Adder Point: I believe that those that take their life, which is accelerating; is due to the internal pressures they feel from today's society. Especially men. We are the most hated group in America right now and as women continue under appreciating Men; this is the key. Those of us with the true male mindset need to feel needed, appreciated and, most importantly, USEFUL. If you do not feel useful, what good are you to society?

The societal behavior of women right now is so hostile to men, I do not see this changing for a long time.
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Lots of things going on that have led to this...

A lack of basic coping skills is a large part of the problem as is removing PE from the school system.
Learning to maintain your physical health [vs rely on drugs] helps maintain your mental health; if you don't burn that energy off it turns into anxiety etc. and can eat you alive. Add in that the drugs they will give you, can turn you on your head - it is a recipe for disaster.

I agree that men have been bearing the brunt of the changes our society has made; for the worst.
It is like y'all can't do anything right - not because of the action but because of the perception.

I am not even going to pretend to understand why women are so hostile past some brainwashing junk.

I have lost several family members to suicide.
It was the worst experience in my life and I don't wish that upon my worst enemy.
Western women are the most coddled and spoiled human beings on the planet. That goes 10X for the good looking ones.

But they’ve been taught they have been subjugated and exploited and payed less and made to do all the real work by horrible men.

So a lot are quite confused, IMO.
For a while I just chalked it up to the younger generation being weaker and more coddled. A downstream effect of helicopter parents and participation trophies.

To some extent that is true for Millenials. Gen Z and younger though? Different story. Most especially when it comes to young white men.

They have it much harder than I did as far as economics are concerned. They are coming along in a world where the dream of owning a home is a distant hope. Building wealth is going to be extremely difficult. They'll likely have to do so without a decent partner. Young women are, as I heard it put recently, "fundamentally unwifeable". Their expectations are through the roof when it comes to men. The man has to be six foot or taller and make six figures or they won't even give them a shot at a serious relationship. Meanwhile they are banging others that are pure trash. Finding a young traditional women is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Young white men have economic headwinds exacerbated by DEI. They aren't going to get the same chances at jobs and even if they get a job they run a high risk of never being promoted because HR has to follow some diversity goals. They end up with a boss that is less experienced and less qualified. They are being told that they are to blame for all the world's ills. Every TV show and commercial either ignores they exist or makes them out to be fools. It goes on and on and never stops. I usually never watch commercials but I have been because of the NCAA tournament. It's the only sport I care anything about on TV. Watching the commercials, you'd think that the white male population has all but been erased.

That kind of nonstop negativity is hard on people. Even I'm getting a bit tired of it and I'm old enough to not have all the worries a young man has. What most people seem to forget is that a man gets his strength from his family. People can say whatever they want about being a double income no kids household and how great it is. Quite frankly, that is nonsense. A family is what gives a man purpose. Without it, even a successful man might question what all the effort is for.

So, I understand why some people are just giving up. I don't think they should, but the old canard about pulling yourself up be your bootstraps isn't as applicable anymore. Opportunity for the American Dream is much less than it was even 20 years ago.

As a result, a lot of young men have decided to simply drop out of life. They sit around, smoke weed and play video games. Or they settle and find whatever female companionship they can even though the girl is just about insufferable to be around because she's completely programmed to be a social justice warrior.

People can blame young men all they want to. But the cold truth is, statistically speaking, the young women are the problem. The young people are not even remotely on the same page. When they can't agree on a path forward together, there is no path. And the way the liberals operate today, there is simply no tolerance for opposing views.

On the medication thing above - people are so quick to medicate.
My SIL, apparently, wants to put her 7 year old on anti-anxiety meds because she sometimes freaks out over new things.
We like what we know, the known. It IS uncomfortable at times.
Key is experiencing it, unmedicated, and learning to deal with it.

All these kids in school talking about their anxiety...that's normal, we all have anxiety at some level.
Quit pushing pills on kids with nothing really wrong with them
I'm not sure what the cause of this is.

Jesus. This is the cause. People do not know Jesus. I could right ten pages plus on why but it still all points to Jesus. Marriage issues would go away, then there wouldn’t be any custody issues. Identity issues would go away. Drug issues would be gone.

2 Chronicles‬ ‭7‬:‭14‬
”Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.“

Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭37‬-‭39‬
”Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’“
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