Chicago Female Concealed Carry Holder.....

Look...I don't know why yall keep posting these fake stories. I have been told over, and over, and over again how good guys with guns is a fantasy and we should all line up and hand in all of our death dealing implements of doom because they aren't needed in our modern society.
But he was a good boy, dindunuffin, just axin for a handout to give his poor little brother for school lunch money. Probably planning on getting his GED next week and going to college, just starting to turn his life around. Just waiting for the pics of him as a 7yo in a first grade graduation outfit.
Look...I don't know why yall keep posting these fake stories. I have been told over, and over, and over again how good guys with guns is a fantasy and we should all line up and hand in all of our death dealing implements of doom because they aren't needed in our modern society.

They also told folks work would make them free. How did that work out?
Of course, the mayor of Chicago would rather the innocent woman be in the morgue rather than the criminal. Then he'd be calling for more gun bans and trying disarm more of the people of Chicago.


Well, there's that ...

Police continue to investigate.

Hope springs eternal.

Death is freedom from your misery so technically Arbeit Macht Frei is a true statement :oops:

Sounds like the Baron Harkonnen. "Your wife is free, my good Doctor, completely free ... free of her mortal coil, free of her physical cage."
Sounds like the Baron Harkonnen. "Your wife is free, my good Doctor, completely free ... free of her mortal coil, free of her physical cage."
I liked Sting in his role, Patrick Stewart too, in the movie.