Two shootings! Watch the repubs crumble and give in!

It won't be just the Dems this time. Just watched that famous conservative, republican bulldog, Trey Gowdy, tell Fox (paraphrasing here) " The 2A means nothing if you're dead. I'm willing to give up any of my rights not to be dead." He was always touted as a real conservative republican. Many here thought he should be appointed to SCOTUS. If you think the RINO party is going to save us from the full court press the Donks are going to push, in an election year, enjoy your Kool-Aid while you can.

Someone should ask what the parents and school systems have been doing for all these years to raise such fine young men. Those are the 2 institutions that are failing miserably. Maybe we should look there. These shooters seem to have no well rounded knowledge, no plan for adulthood and no hope. That’s on Mom, Dad and the public schools that have held kids hostage for their entire young lives. Sure there is a bunch of side factors like environment, video games, economics, social media etc. But none of those by themselves create mass murderers.
It won't be just the Dems this time. Just watched that famous conservative, republican bulldog, Trey Gowdy, tell Fox (paraphrasing here) " The 2A means nothing if you're dead. I'm willing to give up any of my rights not to be dead." He was always touted as a real conservative republican. Many here thought he should be appointed to SCOTUS. If you think the RINO party is going to save us from the full court press the Donks are going to push, in an election year, enjoy your Kool-Aid while you can.


Benjamin Franklin: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

ETA: What has Trey Gowdy EVER done in congress other than make a lot of noise. In the past, he has squawked a lot but never done anything about the things he's complained about.
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Trey Gowdy, tell Fox (paraphrasing here) " The 2A means nothing if you're dead. I'm willing to give up any of my rights not to be dead."Terry

Prick shows his real colors. According to that logic we may as well send a boat for the mullahs from Iran.

I'm sure he voted to send troops into harms way to defend his rights. Someone needs to take him behind the woodshed for some "counseling".
More will die this weekend in Chicago, nobody cares about them.
More die from drivers who DWI are DUI.
Laws and bans are like door locks, only work for honest people.

Rep. Scalise who was almost killed at the baseball game practice in VA says banning guns is not the answer.
Last edited: systems have been doing for all these years to raise such fine young men.

Maybe that's part of the problem - parents arent raising kids and folks are expecting teachers to do so.
Not my job to raise your kid

edit/add - I taught a kid who a year later planned a school shooting, apparently. He kept bragging about it on the bus and got nabbed. Says it wasnt his plan to shoot up the school, just that he figured out how he'd do it and elaborated upon that.
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Maybe that's part of the problem - parents arent raising kids and folks are expecting teachers to do so.
Not my job to raise your kid

edit/add - I taught a kid who a year later planned a school shooting, apparently. He kept bragging about it on the bus and got nabbed. Says it wasnt his plan to shoot up the school, just that he figured out how he'd do it and elaborated upon that.

Agreed it is mostly on the parents. But when you have a monopoly government run school system that has become less effective and more politically correct or marxist over the years it deserves a little blame too. We all want our pet peeve to be the culprit or our pet project to be blameless, but there are likely many contributing factors when these young men loose their minds.
I wonder if there should just be a "master" shooting thread regarding theories and political fallout? There are at least 4 now in the past 24 hours here. I want to participate in the discussion but not [four] discussions.
Agreed it is mostly on the parents. But when you have a monopoly government run school system that has become less effective and more politically correct or marxist over the years it deserves a little blame too. We all want our pet peeve to be the culprit or our pet project to be blameless, but there are likely many contributing factors when these young men loose their minds.

Again, no. It's not on me to raise your kids.

At what point can you blame the 'marxist' policy in a public school for shooting up people because of race mixing and border crossing?

How have I failed kids and could/should be blamed for them doing bad?
Is it my fault when a kid drinks and drives? I dont even drink myself.
Was it my fault Duncan planned to shoot up the school cause I taught him psych for 2 months?
Am I going to be blamed for T buying drugs?
Is it my fault Allen beat that kid up at the Walmart?
Loren robbed folks at a local bad guys, I should have raised her better.
Or the other girl (I cant recall her name right now) who caught a larceny charge at a local hotel?

All that stuff happened, by the way.
Watch out someone's gonna call you silly in 3, 2, 1...
Again, no. It's not on me to raise your kids.

At what point can you blame the 'marxist' policy in a public school for shooting up people because of race mixing and border crossing?

How have I failed kids and could/should be blamed for them doing bad?
Is it my fault when a kid drinks and drives? I dont even drink myself.
Was it my fault Duncan planned to shoot up the school cause I taught him psych for 2 months?
Am I going to be blamed for T buying drugs?
Is it my fault Allen beat that kid up at the Walmart?
Loren robbed folks at a local bad guys, I should have raised her better.
Or the other girl (I cant recall her name right now) who caught a larceny charge at a local hotel?

All that stuff happened, by the way.

First of all nobody mentioned YOU. Unless you are personally taking on the burden and responsibility of every teacher.

The public schools have been experimenting with and dumbing down educational techniques since I’ve been alive. The entire process has been politicized. Just sit through a few school board meeting if you doubt this. The institutional left dominated our educational system and has been pushing Jane has 2 Mommies secularism for a few decades now. You can’t seriously see what goes on in a public high school these days and not see the left wing wackiness the Dems are pushing. And less real education. That by itself won’t make a kid a killer or bad human, but it has an impact.

And like it or not you are raising kids. It is your responsibility the minute you took the job. You can’t spend that much time with kids and not have some impact on their behavior, morals etc. Delude yourself if you want, but teachers have an influence on kids’ behaviors. For better or worse.

Simple math illustrates this pretty well. Let’s call school a 6 hour day give or take. We’ll not count homeroom, lunch and downtime. So we have 30 hours a week with kids in front of teachers. For 13 years. Let’s say school is about 9 months per years. So roughly 36 weeks. 36*30=1,080 hours per year. 1,080*13=14,040 hours in a kids life are spent with teachers. Give or take. Yep, you are pretty much raising them as an organization. School is a huge influence.
Anybody else have a few burbons this morning and order $1523.62 worth of ammo, mags ans accories?

Nope. I am only skilled enough to shoot one gun at a time. And with my limited skills pretty sure I’d never shoot through my ammo supply in some conflict or police state round up. They’ll get me long before I run out of ammo and guns. I am not James Bond. Or Rambo.
Damn, I knew the demorats' debates went badly, but I didn't think they went so badly that they had to do multiple mass shootings to recover! /tinfoil
The El Paso shooter sure sounds like he is complete agreement with Trumps rants about Hispanics.

Nineteen minutes before the first 911 call alerted the authorities to a mass shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Tex., a hate-filled, anti-immigrant manifesto appeared online.

It spoke of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It detailed a plan to separate America into territories by race. It warned that white people were being replaced by foreigners.

The manifesto that may be linked to Mr. Crusius described an imminent attack and railed against immigrants, saying, “if we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can be more sustainable.”
The only factor that those victims had in common, as far as I can tell, was they were all unarmed!

And no, it's not the teachers job to raise your kids. Neither is it the cops, social workers or the church.

I don't know how many times the police have been called because little Johnny won't act right.
The only factor that those victims had in common, as far as I can tell, was they were all unarmed!

And no, it's not the teachers job to raise your kids. Neither is it the cops, social workers or the church.

I don't know how many times the police have been called because little Johnny won't act right.
And then little johnny or jerome or juan is let right back out on the streets. As long as they can pay court costs of course.....
Anybody else have a few burbons this morning and order $1523.62 worth of ammo, mags ans accories?

Been buying for the long run a long time before this.

The only factor that those victims had in common, as far as I can tell, was they were all unarmed!

And no, it's not the teachers job to raise your kids. Neither is it the cops, social workers or the church.

I don't know how many times the police have been called because little Johnny won't act right.

Sorry for the following language. Little Johnny should have had his ass busted when he was but a wee little fellow. If you wait until he's out of diapers you're late. What may look cute at 18 months old, if not corrected, will be uncontrollable when he's big enough to say FU and mean it. I'm 57. My ass was busted early and often. I grew up with guns, had access to them and never did I ever think of shooting up a place.

Sent from my SM-J320V using Tapatalk
Watch this not be an AR, but a .223 AK. I think they are laying off the AR, pop opinion loosing traction. But the image of the evil AK is a go to for these assclowns.
Been buying for the long run a long time before this.

Sorry for the following language. Little Johnny should have had his ass busted when he was but a wee little fellow. If you wait until he's out of diapers you're late. What may look cute at 18 months old, if not corrected, will be uncontrollable when he's big enough to say FU and mean it. I'm 57. My ass was busted early and often. I grew up with guns, had access to them and never did I ever think of shooting up a place.

Sent from my SM-J320V using Tapatalk
Reminds me of a war story of mine.

In Statesville there was a man named Woody Woodard, he was the head of the Statesville Housing Authority and the head of the local chapter of the NAACP. Once a young woman came to him and said, Mr Woody, my boy is nine years old and won't listen to a thing I say. What should I do? He responded without missing a beat "Kill him." She said what!? He responded "he's 9 years old, you're still bigger than him. If you don't put him in line right now you might as well get ready to start making trips to Raleigh because he's going to end up in Central Prison".
It won't be just the Dems this time. Just watched that famous conservative, republican bulldog, Trey Gowdy, tell Fox (paraphrasing here) " The 2A means nothing if you're dead. I'm willing to give up any of my rights not to be dead." He was always touted as a real conservative republican. Many here thought he should be appointed to SCOTUS. If you think the RINO party is going to save us from the full court press the Donks are going to push, in an election year, enjoy your Kool-Aid while you can.


Could you please point out the interview source about Gowdy? I've not been able to find it.
Could you please point out the interview source about Gowdy? I've not been able to find it.
The source is me. I watched him say it at about 10AM this morning. Just put FOX news on. They've been replaying it all day. He also stated that "All our rights have restrictions."

The source is me. I watched him say it at about 10AM this morning. Just put FOX news on. They've been replaying it all day. He also stated that "All our rights have restrictions."


Thanks, I've not been around a TV all day, couldn't find it on the net. I'll try to catch it tonight.
Even Dan Crenshaw has turned his coat.

Best be deciding what kind of man you are, gentlemen. And steeling yourself with resolve to stand by that decision.
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