Patriots? I think not!

Even if most don’t care to admit it, the tides have been turned against us ALL, as gun owners. The media played the fiddle and the masses came to listen. These kids were just the song to tug at the heartstrings enough to get the ball rolling. It truly sickens me how many FUDDS were so quick to give up all they don’t personally like. Oh well, we are watching freedom being handed over and the public are thanking the government for taking it. All of the celebrities and sports figures do sway some of their fans..

Kind of reminds me of Negan: “I just slid my **** down your throat and you thanked me for it”.
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The “March For Our Lives” rally aims to raise awareness about gun violence in U.S. schools. The event is scheduled for March 24. A petition calling on Congress to enact stricter gun control measures has received more than 275,000 signatures.

275,000...think about that, folks.

Look at the big picture. The population of the United States is around 326 million. Those 18 and over account for around 250 million. .001% of the US population signed the petition.

That ain't alot, so the next time you hear a politician or a 'journalist' claim that 65-70% of Americans want stricter gun control, you can comfortably call 'bullsh*t' on it, because it just ain't so.

Additionally, as of this morning, almost 294,000 have signed the MFOL petition. I feel pretty confident that most everyone marching today signed the petition. When you hear the news reports this evening about the hundreds of thousands, perhaps even close to a million, folks across the US that participated in the march, it is a damned lie.
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Even if most don’t care to admit it, the tides have been turned against us ALL, as gun owners. The media played the fiddle and the masses came to listen. These kids were just the song to tug at the heartstrings enough to get the ball rolling. It truly sickens me how many FUDDS were so quick to give up all they don’t personally like. Oh well, we are watching freedom being handed over and the public are thanking the government for taking it. All of the celebrities and sports figures do sway some of their fans..

Kind of reminds me of Negan: “I just slid my **** down your throat and you thanked me for it”.

There are no 'masses' of folks wanting more gun control...only a very small percentage of the population.

I'll say it again...DO NOT BELIEVE THE MEDIA. They are lying. They are pushing the narrative that an overwhelming majority of America is on board with tighter restrictions.

That is NOT the case and I'd wager there are significantly more of us than there are of them...we are NOT in the minority.
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Estimated 25% of US citizens own a gun.
75% do not own a gun.
3% of citizens own 50% of all guns.
Majority only own a shotgun or a rifle.
Hunters don’t give one turd about an AR15 or semi-auto pistols.

Think we are outnumbered?
Social media outlets are playing a big part in the smoke and mirrors campaign. They are all controlled by socialists.

Besides this site the only social media outlet I use is tumblr. Mainly for the porn lol.

But it is filled with 2a supporting member blogs and funny meme blogs etc. I would guess that it’s at least 50/50 if not much higher on the 2a side.

Your feed consists of blogs you follow, sponsor sites and then the crap that the people running the site want to push.

This morning my feed has been inundated with anti gun blogs. All of the people I follow are bitching about it and pointing out the lies but again, there are people on Tumblr that are being brain washed.

And I’m sure the same is true for everything else from reddit to Facebook.
They'll do good to get 150,000 at the DC March.

Aug 28, 1963, at the civil rights march in DC, the crowd estimate was 250,000...

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I totally agree on the numbers game. BUT the 8 year olds today will be voting in 10 years. That's 10 more years of hardline indoctrination from the schools, ads, everything digital that these kids LIVE on. It's the same old story...say it loud enough, L O N G enough, it becomes THE truth. I have no reason to believe that I will be alive in 10 years, but this absolutely breaks my heart to see this paradise going to Hell because of kids the last generation raised. Is there a decade that we can agree to that is responsible for this breakdown? Too much, too early. I just got all the range targets reset and painted, came in to check with ya'll, then this. I'm going back outside and shoot something. Geezer, you started this!!!! No pie for you tomorrow!!!
Well, those 8 year olds will vote for exactly what they deserve. I have no problem with that-

I sure as hell won't be shamed or threatened in 2018, however.
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Estimated 25% of US citizens own a gun.
75% do not own a gun.
3% of citizens own 50% of all guns.
Majority only own a shotgun or a rifle.
Hunters don’t give one turd about an AR15 or semi-auto pistols.

Think we are outnumbered?

Another important statistic -Number of colonists that fought the revolutionary war - 3%.
No we are not outnumbered by any means. If there was 5,000,000 marching that's only .015 of our population. Multiply that x 10 it's only .15 percent of our population. We need to start up a enormous propaganda battle and educate the masses the way the FAKE MSM is doing.
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