sig p365

  1. wyattratt

    Looking for Sig P365 Pinky Extension

    I just recently bought a Sig P365 and got a mag with a pinky extension and one with a flat base plate. The flat base plate is a useless pile of garbage so I have been looking for a replacement. Sig mags are so expensive so I dont want to spend the money on a new mag when I could just find the...
  2. Stevo27295

    SigP365 at Sportmans Warehouse GSO

    I saw about a dozen in stock today at Sportmans Warehouse before lunch. If anyone is looking. No ammo worth mentioning, but thought I would share with the group. Most handguns in stock that I have seen for a while also. I frequently go here looking for ammo and to see what's available.
  3. ThinkTankFullOfSharks

    What is this? Really? And also...

    The misses dad and I went to Delk's Army-Navy Surplus in Asheboro today, I've never been and yikes the place is vast. We came upon this item and my curiosity sprung. For $90, it must be something. Looked a little smaller than a baseball. While we were in the area, we hit a bunch of stores. At...
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