CBS and Sweden should be ashamed.

Sounds like typical, Democrat, Progressive, Marxist behavior. What's the problem? They have been doing and saying this for over 100 years. Just remind your Marxist associates (not friends) that when the science gets really good people will be able to abort gays, and trannies too! And makes sure you use the word trannies since they hate that.

I love that they argue for science and that gays, trannies and freaks of every persuasion were born that way. I always ask if they have a picture of their genetic code. Surely the scientists that can figure out genetics for borth defects and other issues will have the wacky sexual deciant gene mapped too. :p
"We don't look at abortion as a murder. We look at it as a thing that we ended. We ended a possible life that may have had a huge complication... preventing suffering for the child and for the family. And I think that is more right than seeing it as a murder -- that's so black and white. Life isn't black and white. Life is grey."

Life/death... pretty much a black and white/binary thing to me
So the article says babies are still born with DS, mainly because of INACCURATE test results...... Wonder how many inaccurate positives test results resulted in well.... you know. That's a life God created. We have no right to terminate it. Shame shame shame.
There's no turning back the clock on technology, whether it's guns or prenatal screening. Down's syndrome will eventually be history, including in the US.

The reality is that most low skill labor is going to be automated. Life for people with Down's and even normal, but low IQ, people is going to be very tough without a family to support them from cradle to grave.
I cannot tell you how much I disagree with this practice and the practice of any abortion but I am honestly not surprised. How many healthy babies are aborted daily simply because people don't want them? This is only going to get worse and eventually it will find it's way to the elderly, and then the general population. People will be viewed by their perceived value to society and if they do not have value they will be discarded.
I believe it will begin with the elderly because a lot of them already get ignored and it will be easier to justify to people that allowing an older person to die isn't as bad as a 25 year old.

It is truly sad the direction humanity is heading.
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