
  • Thread starter trcubed
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Some of you may remember that my Dad (77yo) had a severe heart attack back in '13. He's had another scare this morning. Woke up early, couldn't breathe so Mom called an ambulance to take him to the hospital. The issue isn't his heart, but congestion in his lungs.

I found out today that he's been soft-pedaling his long-term therapy, and laying around the house all day, according to Mom. She said he takes 2 or 3 two-hour naps each day, then goes to bed at dark. Says he's retired and doesn't want to do anything. He's gotten in a vicious circle...he tired because he's inactive, and inactive because he feels tired all the time.

This inactivity is allowing fluid to build in his lungs and has him bordering on pneumonia. His doc admitted him this morning and started him on diuretics to help him get rid of the excess body fluid. All in all, he will be okay, but needs to seriously change his lifestyle to prevent this and more serious issues from continually arising.

I covet your prayers for Dad. He's a good man, great father, but I believe he is still what happened to him 4 years ago. I understand this is completely normal for heart patients. Please pray for him to find relief from this fear.

While you're there, put up one for Mom, too. She is still very active, and he's driving her nuts.

Thanks, y'all.
Thoughts and prayers sent!
Prayers sent -
Prayers sent and thanks for seeing the good qualities in your father as he goes through this stage in life. It very well may be the event today that motivates him to make those lifestyle changes.
I've been through the same thing with my Old Man! He had a heart attack seven years ago and another one about four years ago. He's 79 and very active, he works 40 hours a week and goes to the cabin, cleans the house, and mows the yard. I'm not worried about inactivity, but the opposite! Lost mom a year ago, I sure don't want to lose him! Him and my brother, sister and I are pretty close knit, we all had dinner together tonight and it's going to be devastating when something does happen. His mom was 97 and still driving and living by herself when she died so I'm really looking for having him a long time yet! Will send up prayers for your family as well tonight and hope everything goes well! Take care Brother!
Good news is he's coming home today. Bad news is I think Mom has caught him smoking. He had (supposedly) quit back around '08. That would explain a lot of his continuing lung issues.
It can be hard to accept that you can't do what you've always done & sometimes keeping on doing it is just showing you are still in control ( when you know you aren't).
Getting old and having to face your own mortality when you aren't ready sucks.

Hope he begins to understand the limitations imposed on hm are coming from a place of love and starts doing what he knows he needs to.
It can be hard to accept that you can't do what you've always done & sometimes keeping on doing it is just showing you are still in control ( when you know you aren't).
Getting old and having to face your own mortality when you aren't ready sucks.

Hope he begins to understand the limitations imposed on hm are coming from a place of love and starts doing what he knows he needs to.

Definitely true, especially so in his case.

The best piece of leverage our family has to get him to do what he should is my wife. He essentially ignores what anyone else tells/asks him, but when Tina gets after him, he listens.
We will be praying , Terry. Will also pray that Tina can put on her game face and get after him.
Your Dad and Mom are in our thoughts and prayers Terry.
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