Did good today

We use them on limb lines as weights. I would love to hammer a blade out of one tho...
The plan is to use them to practice forging blades before ruining good steel. I may try to just hammer a few into bars first.
they work a lot different than good steel, it is practice though. the spikes are lower in carbon than knife steel but remember that they were t designed with bend before break in mind. you can make novelty knives and if superquenched right they are ok for light use. also remember this is a lot different than real steel it doesn't have a critical forge temp as say 5160, forge 5160 too cold and it cracks and splits,too hot and you will burn most of the carbon out of it. heat the spikes red and its easy to move the metal. good luck and here is the golden rule of knifemaking, if you want to make a million doing knives start with 3 mil and after you spent 2mil on what you needed to set up save the last mil
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