Flush with Lid Up or Down...does not matter to the germs

Take a leak outside in your yard. It's good enough for your dog and it's more hygienic.
Plus for those of you who live in developments, it's a great way to meet the neighbors!
Based on that you really should pee sitting down, but who has time for that and really who wants to give up a key perk of being male?
when it takes fer ever and ya get drips on your pants and a residual drip putting 'it' up, more convenient to sit and 'relax' especially on 'the man's' time
This study was done with viruses, and admits that previous studies with bacteria showed a difference.

Whatever. I'm still closing my lids at home, especially if flushing a deuce.
I just use the clorox tablets and roll on. Lid stays down. I don't sit to pee and I occasionally piss in the yard. I am doing my part.
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