H.R.7468 - Stop Home Manufacture of Ghost Guns Act of 2020

I was never interested in buying a home desktop CNC or 3-D printer to make guns. But now that they’re trying to make it that I can’t, now I sure do you want to buy one for myself.
Once they outlaw regular folks from owning unregistered CNC mills and lathes, the drug cartels will open up their own machine shops to equip there gangs with Ghost Guns.
Once they outlaw regular folks from owning unregistered CNC mills and lathes, the drug cartels will open up their own machine shops to equip there gangs with Ghost Guns.

Why would they do that, when the government of the United States can supply them and has supplied them with fully functional, complete weapons.
Once they outlaw regular folks from owning unregistered CNC mills and lathes, the drug cartels will open up their own machine shops to equip there gangs with Ghost Guns.

how would registering a CNC preclude me from making a Model T assembly line of gun parts?

I’ll buy one, register it and then start the underground ghost gun railroad.
Haha 3D printer go brrrrrr

We know that can't be stopped, it doesn't have to. The bill will make poly80 and their ilk go out of business, and when the supply of non-AR lowers drops to basically nothing (CNC owners not withstanding) then the supply of slides/barrels will vanish as well since there will be no reason to make them in quantity. You can't stop the signal, but you can put the radio makers out of business.
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