

Welcome to the CFF family!

Good Morning, Matt !

Welcome to the CFF ! You are really going like this place. Serious amount of information and
Knowledgable folks.

Please tell us a bit about yourself and your hobby/passion. Enjoy Bourbons, coffee, good jokes?

Cheers! - Mark
Thank you all for the warm welcome!

Let’s see, I do like a good whiskey but wouldn’t say that I know much about it. Pretty dark sense of humor haha.

I love shooting zombie shooters association pistol and rifle matches at flatwoods range, usually go once a month and it’s a total blast. I play a lot of chess, I play drums at my church in Jacksonville, and I like exploring Croatan National Forest on my dual sport bike.

Also love gear/preparedness/outdoors stuff, love researching and trying new types of weapons tools and hardware.
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Welcome and thanks for joining up with us here. We're hoping you'll find this site to be the very best internet hangout ever. Please reach out to others you know to join up with us here also.

And thanks for posting inside this section so we can extend a CFF welcome and get to know you!

We're SO MUCH MORE than a firearms forum!
Welcome, we're happy to have you with us.
Good Day!

Welcome to the CFF ! You are really going like this place. Serious amount of information and
Knowledgable folks.

Please tell us a bit about yourself and your hobby/passion.

Cheers! - Mark
I was in Jacksonhell from 96-04 how it’s changed there, Welcome from the Charlotte area, lots of good info and people on here.
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