International Medical Guide for Ships

Good stuff. I used to let people know about the SOF Medical Handbook. It was a free download and even better you could order a pre-punched, printed copy on tear proof paper from the Government Printing Office for about $40. I have one. Now, I can't seem to find it except as a Google Play download for 9.99.
Beware, if you search, there are multiple versions. The latest one I have and am aware of is Nov. 2008. There is an earlier, outdated 2008 version. Others are from 2001. I've also seen versions going for hundreds. Don't


Publisher Description​

A comprehensive reference designed for Special Operations Forces (SOF) medics. Developed as a primary medical information resource and field guide for the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) medics, the Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook defines the standard of health care delivery under adverse and general field conditions. It is organized according to symptoms, organ systems, specialty areas, operational environments and procedures. It emphasizes acute care in all its forms (gynecology, general medicine, dentistry, poisonings, infestations, parasitic infections, acute infections, hyper and hypothermia, high altitude, aerospace, and dive medicine, and much, much more) as well as veterinary medicine and sanitation practice under primitive conditions. It is the work of over 130 contributors and 57 reviewers from both the military and civilian practice. Topics are covered in a consistent subjective/objective/assessment/plan (SOAP) format. It is heavily illustrated with color for quick identification of dermatologic conditions, insect bites and stings and exposure problems. The second edition contains updated and expanded material from the 2001 release, including Pediatrics, Nursing, and ENT Problems.

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however there are numerous printing or other mistakes.
here is an early and simple example:

BREATHING – IF STOPPED, RESTART IT ■ Nook, listen, and feel for signs of regular breathing: ● nook for chest movements;

yes, it is probably meant to be LOOK,
and it raises questions about what other
advice has been altered from adequate.
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