Jeff Knox Supports Adam Kraut for 2018 NRA Board...You Should Too!

Got my NRA BOD ballot the other day. The fact that the NRA leadership didn't want him on the ballot is a good enough reason for me to vote for him.


Ya daggone right!

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I didn't know that they actually had gun people at the NRA. All I've ever been contacted by seems to be hardcore salesmen or people hired from the collections industry.

Don't forget about "Bullet voting". There are definitely some people on this list that shouldn't be voted for!

NRA Attendance Term+Expires+in+2018.jpg
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This fella is a good guy from everyone Ive talked to locally here in Pa. He works for Prince Law Office In Pa and I suggest everyone sign up for there email list. These guys are true "white hats" in the fight to preserve our constitutional rights and rule of law...Adam Kraut is one!
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