Hands down one of THE funnest guns we own.
(Took two 14yo country girls shooting 15-22’s Monday (one pink muddy girl camo and the other Robin egg blue camo) and toward the end of the 2-hour trigger-fest, I pulled that little braced 15-22 pistol w dot out of my truck, my granddaughter ran a mag through it on a dueling tree and in a voice-shift that reminded me of that little girl in The Exorcist she exclaimed, “
MY … NEW … TOY!”
I started to post one here at NWArmory(dot)com for $520 but, at the last second I saw, even though I used the correct “with brace” SKU (copied right off the S&W website), the ad clearly states “no brace.” …. “boo!” on that!
The more I think about it, if I were after one, I’d call NWArmory first thing Monday morning (Pacific time) and inquire because, if they are using that SKU Im pretty sure it’s gonna come w a brace, they just failed to update their website from months ago ….(it’s also possible they ship the brace separately, like DAVK Outdoors did with a braced charger 22 pistol I just snapped up on an incredible sale they were having…
One things for sure, the versions shipping from S&W braced are selling out faster than S&W can ship them and, out of all the vendors on gun.deals(dot)com that “say” they have them, THE ON!Y one I’d believe is NWArmory … caveat emptor