Old lady pulls a gun on me & then gripes to my employer about me...

In response to all the threats here, I want to say how disappointed I am that so many of you seem to think I am some murderous monster, thirsting for a chance to harm a dog. :rolleyes:

I use my personal money to buy dog treats, good ones because I love animals. I have left notes at some houses telling folks how their dog was the highlight of my day.

I am a caring, considerate person who uses 10 weekends a year to volunteer without pay to help defend our 2A rights. I have given countless overtime shifts because nobody else wants to take on the burden of even 2 weekends a year...

All that aside, I will not allow myself to be mauled to death because someone’s dog freaked out. If I see the dog is there and looks dangerous, I skip house & schedule appointment.:)

If I go to the yard and there is no sign, no fence, no dog dish or dog toys, etc, and I’m doing my work when all of a sudden some Cujo wants to eat me, I will defend myself. I don’t want to hurt anyone or anything. But I’m not going to die because some dog owners are irresponsible

I had a Rottweiler try to charge me & I had to hold him at bay with my helmet as a shield & screwdriver in the other hand, when I wasn’t even in his yard, it was the neighbors yard. :mad:

I’m a kind, righteous person who goes out of his way to help others. I really think an apology is in order for all these threats I get, but I’m not optimistic I’ll get one.:(

I've met you several times. You always seem like a good decent person to me. You present yourself well. I have no gripe against you. If my words came across as threatening, I absolutely apologize. That was not my intent.
I realize that you work for a corporation. That's your job, I respect that. Again, no problem with you doing your job.
I do have a problem with corporations that think they get to dictate the terms of every business relationship. Just because I want electricity, doesn't mean I'm willing to give up privacy.
I am perfectly willing to pay for the meter to be outside my fenced area. Their equipment can stop there, no need for any representative to ever venture further.
I'll be responsible for everything on my side of the meter. You can service your equipment whenever the mood strikes you.
I've seen apartment buildings with the individual meter 100 feet from the apartment. Don't tell me it's impossible.

However, I have a reasonable expectation of privacy in my backyard. Anyone who drives 500 feet off the state road, up a private driveway, to a gate with warnings about intruders and guard dogs had better have a good reason to be there.
Of course, if I saw a car or pickup/service truck with the Power Company logo on the door, at my gate, I'd hustle down there to welcome them.
If the vehicle has some obscure "XYZ Technologies" on the door, I still don't know them from Adam.
Any legitimate visitor will attempt to contact me before crossing that fence. If they don't respect my property enough to contact me, they are not legitimate.
Any unidentified intruder entering my private enclosure in secret definitely raises suspicion.

I welcome any legitimate visitor to my home. But, I protect my home and privacy viciously.
Those pics are just awful. If I would have done those installs like that, I know a certain Journeyman that woulda beat my @$$ and run me off the jobsite. Forever.

And those are just a few of them... I could keep this thread going for months...

I just got thru a neighborhood in Winston Salem that had over 20 loose wires... one or two I could see as something that happened over time, but 20 is a sign that the contractor firm building these houses was shoddy with their work.

And these were houses that were nice looking, easily $300k....
I hate people sometimes.... I go door to door installing updated electric meters, not calling ahead because that would be intelligent & corporate doesn’t work that way. :rolleyes:

I knock on this door and nobody answers, so I leave the brochure detailing the features, etc. then go to the side of the house to do the install. I get half way thru then hear this old battle axe call out “anyone on the side of the house better come out real slow, right now”.:eek:

I do so because I didn’t see the pistol in her hand. I explain how I knocked but nobody answers, I’m quiet and polite, I don’t get loud often... I’m more soft spoken.

She says she has bad knees and it takes her a while to reach the door. I politely suggest she might be interested in one of those doorbells that have a camera & you can talk to the person at the door without even leaving your couch.;)

She says nothing nasty to me at the time, but towards the end of the day, I get a call from my boss asking what I said to her, she calls Duke to raise a fuss about me not having my badge, how I didn’t have any business telling her to invest in a security, how I have no idea what security she has... :rolleyes:

I simply state I don’t know what security she does have, but I DO know she did NOT have that doorbell camera because I’d have used it if she had..:mad: And I had my badge & everything else, she just made crap up.

I wish my boss had the courage to tell his bosses to go to hell more easily...now I work too hard to tolerate anyone trying to get me fired because I try to help them. We need more emoticons to capture my aggravation more fittingly.

I’m not fired or anything yet but it doesn’t endear me to my employer when we have to have stories like this.

I see this more and more and the internet grows. Employers would rather bash their employees then tell the customer that the employee did everything correctly and if there is still an issue we will come out to address it. Basically, it's save face at all costs and it does nothing but hurt the company. Sometimes you need to tell a customer to go somewhere else.

Not sure this picture needs explaining what is wrong.... again, nice neighborhood in rich area...
In cool news, I got to see one of those “Smokey & the Bandit” Trans Ams yesterday, gold eagle on the hood & everything ... :eek:

I tried telling my boss he should get me one “I can’t say how many meters I could fit in the back, but I could sure get to the houses quicker... or I could just run blocker for the other techs so they could be faster.”. :D

No dice.
OBVIOUSLY, your problem is you have no people skills!

(Video below)

But seriously, some people are just anti-social PITAs, and there's really no getting around that. You could be the nicest guy in the world and bend over backwards for these types of people and still they'd show you that "buddy" is only half a word.

SO...the best you can do is simply the best you can do...and let the chips fall where they may.

Maybe I'm lucky, but I've made it clear on more than one occasion how I feel about certain people under certain conditions. My honesty and integrity is inviolate and I do NOT cotton to people who would defame or challenge them. At. All.

And I am also not afraid to tell people "like it is" on things. How, exactly, I do this depends on how, exactly, the people I'm dealing with are behaving themselves.

As I told my boss a few years ago, when I was telling him about a problem I was having with someone:

"You're my boss and I know who I work for. If you EVER get a call about 'one of your engineers' telling someone they could 'Suck the heat out of his *ss" or "Lick the salt of the back of his b*lls", that will be me. And I'll do my best to call you first and let you know it's coming."

He laughed. Not just because he thought it was funny, but because I was dead serious about it and he not only knew it, but knew I had the professional and personal reputation to back it up.

(That said...I'm enough of a professional to also realize that doing something in the heat of the moment may place my boss in a bad position and make my code look bad. I do temper a lot of what I say based on that.)

All upper management types are not created equal...nor are all business routines likewise created equal. Some are just better (or worse) than others. Do your best to affect a positive change in the way your business prepares and handles customers, but realize that the lack of any change is not on your shoulders.

Follow good business and common sense when making your service calls. It's not worth getting shot, beat up, or having a leg chewed off by some stupid owner or their dog.

And for the frustrating ones? Do like I did way back when I was going through my separation/divorce from my first wife and worked a second job delivering pizzas to make ends meet: Turn them into stories to tell others about "that one time..." and get a laugh while you blow off steam.

Ain't nothin' but a thing.

I wouldn't have admitted that. Anyone who makes unsolicited calls to people just trying to live their lives deserves all the abuse that he gets.
Your assumption is wrong, sir. They call in to us. It's a customer service call center.
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So, I work in a call center. Some people think that they can just speak to you however they want because they are on the other end of the phone and I can't get tto you to break your jaw. Also, our calls are recorded and monitored so I gotta watch what I say. But, I also have a lot of these a$$h0L3s address's.

Ugh. One time I called BCBS and started with "you sound like a super nice person, but right now I really hate your company for wasting my time. Can you transfer me to somebody that makes enough money to deserve being cussed at for a little while?"
Reminds me of one time my wife was waiting for a package arriving from overseas via DHL. She took the day off because even though it was an inexpensive item it REQUIRED a signature. 5pm rolls around, no shipment,. She calls the automated tracking system and it says rescheduled for tomorrow. She lets out a loud, “F me” and the system says, “transferring to operator”. They had a courier deliver it at 9pm.
Reminds me of one time my wife was waiting for a package arriving from overseas via DHL. She took the day off because even though it was an inexpensive item it REQUIRED a signature. 5pm rolls around, no shipment,. She calls the automated tracking system and it says rescheduled for tomorrow. She lets out a loud, “F me” and the system says, “transferring to operator”. They had a courier deliver it at 9pm.

My wife is a HOOT when she gets p*ssed at customer service!

I watched her over the cable TV stuff a few years. (She handles anything having to do with TV service, because I don't care what we have...she's the one who has to be happy, so she gets what she wants and I'M happy.)

She was sooooooooooo ticked off she just told the person "Stop my service. Just stop my service and come out and pick up your box."

Oh, they were ALL ABOUT bending over backwards to keep her as a customer, then!

"No, you guys have been jerking me around for days now and you STILL haven't fixed the problem. On top of that, your service technicians have been feeding me bullsh*t excuses on what the problem is and what it takes to fix it. You've had your chance, now come get your sh*t."

(BACKGROUND: I came home one day and my wife asked me "Does having the TV cable wrapped around the base of the chimney in the crawl space have anything to do with the problems we're having?" I said "No...it's coaxial cable and it doesn't care one bit about that. And if there is a problem with that part of the cable, it's the cable company's problem because it's there cable." Benefits of having a husband with a EET degree as a nuclear engineer.)
She was sooooooooooo ticked off she just told the person "Stop my service. Just stop my service and come out and pick up your box."

Oh, they were ALL ABOUT bending over backwards to keep her as a customer, then!
My parents are in the process of moving here from a small city in NE OH. They went to shut their land line service off at a future date and got so much run around they demanded it get terminated immediately. The customer no service agent insisted they could transfer their service from there to the agricultural area of Chatham county. o_O No, the only provider is Century Stink and they’re so bad I wouldn’t even try it and went with Hughes Net instead (as bad as that is, it’s better).

My big complaint with HN, which in a way I give them credit, it that they’re really pushing IPV6. The problem, which isn’t their fault, is that most hosting providers support and issue an IPV6 addresss that resolves to the site. However, if the site operator doesn’t tell the web server to listen and bind to the IPV6 address in addition to the V4 one, pages won’t load.
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