Primers in stock - all gone now

Too rich for my blood for an unknown quality primer. YMMV

Hazmat Fee:$19.50
Sales Tax:$16.98
Order Total:$259.56
Depends on how bad you need them. I passed on them. I might regret it down the road but that is always the case in a shortage. Their price is not as bad as some I have seen lately. I would not fault anybody who purchased them. With more bribe money coming there is nothing better than buying firearms and related products with it. IMHO
For those that haven't been keeping an eye on the primer fun lately, prices are going up, period. And they stay in stock for literally a minute or less before they sell out. Average prices from the most common sellers like PowderValley, Midway, Midsouth, and Natchez, are 50-60 a brick for the standard stuff. More for match, 90's for BR. Then you add shipping, hazmat, and tax...
Well I jumped on them because I have shot Rio primers and they are decent primers and I need to load some shotgun lol. I saw them at 5am and ordered some. Couldn't believe they remained in stock so long.
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