Shaq gun buy back šŸ˜”šŸ˜”

I'm going to attempt a devil's advocate position on this. Maybe he's not talking to us. We're not the guys who watch or play that sport he's known for. Maybe the guys he's talking to are busy killing each other over stupid things like street cred, disrespect, and getting shorted a nugget at McD. The "buyback" doesn't prevent them from buying another gun in the future, but it might help keep them alive longer to see that future.
I'm going to attempt a devil's advocate position on this. Maybe he's not talking to us. We're not the guys who watch or play that sport he's known for. Maybe the guys he's talking to are busy killing each other over stupid things like street cred, disrespect, and getting shorted a nugget at McD. The "buyback" doesn't prevent them from buying another gun in the future, but it might help keep them alive longer to see that future.
If they are willing to shoot someone over a nasty McChicken Nugget they didnā€™t get, they will end up in general mulched population at the city dump, anyway.
Shaq should stick to his double pepperoni šŸ•.
Less drama, more fillinšŸ¦›šŸ¦›šŸ¦›
If they are willing to shoot someone over a nasty McChicken Nugget they didnā€™t get, they will end up in general mulched population at the city dump, anyway.
Shaq should stick to his double pepperoni šŸ•.
Less drama, more fillinšŸ¦›šŸ¦›šŸ¦›
Yes, and rightfuly so, but what about the guy who actually went to work only to get shot because he made a mistake? Anyway, it was a devil's advocate position trying to see this from a different point of view. I don't think Shaq's an inherently bad dude and he's publicly a decent role model for kids. There's too few of those these days.
I'm going to attempt a devil's advocate position on this. Maybe he's not talking to us. We're not the guys who watch or play that sport he's known for. Maybe the guys he's talking to are busy killing each other over stupid things like street cred, disrespect, and getting shorted a nugget at McD. The "buyback" doesn't prevent them from buying another gun in the future, but it might help keep them alive longer to see that future.
^ that
I have no problem with people WILLINGLY turning THEIR property over to whomever they choose.

Grandma has an old revolver her dead husband left behindā€¦doesnā€™t want kiddos to get itā€¦by all means go dispose of it however you like.

Arenā€™t most of y'all advocates for property rights?

The problem would be if we get Australia style mandatory ā€œbuy backsā€. Now we have an issue. A
I'm going to attempt a devil's advocate position on this. Maybe he's not talking to us. We're not the guys who watch or play that sport he's known for. Maybe the guys he's talking to are busy killing each other over stupid things like street cred, disrespect, and getting shorted a nugget at McD. The "buyback" doesn't prevent them from buying another gun in the future, but it might help keep them alive longer to see that future.
Having been to a lot of buybacks, your scenario is incredibly rare. Most of the people are normal people who just don't know what to do with a gun they don't want/need and want it to go somewhere safe and legal.
Laugh if you want, but "bill of sale" and show of ID is great in this situation, because (once you explain the laws and convince them that you're just a collector and not a criminal) these people feel much better with a slip of paper they can give that to the cops if you go and do something dumb with a gun that can be traced back to them. Michigan's pistol registry forms were required for all transfers and included buyer, seller, and gun information.

The potential criminals usually have broken guns, or guns that are all sorts of illegal and they're afraid of them too. e.g. a guy asked "you want to buy my rifle?" and i said "I don't see a rifle, so if it's sawed off and down your pants... no thanks." I was right, and he moved on to the police table to get his $50.
I have no problem with people WILLINGLY turning THEIR property over to whomever they choose.

Grandma has an old revolver her dead husband left behindā€¦doesnā€™t want kiddos to get itā€¦by all means go dispose of it however you like.

Arenā€™t most of y'all advocates for property rights?

The problem would be if we get Australia style mandatory ā€œbuy backsā€. Now we have an issue. A
I agree with this. I am not a fan of buy backs, but I also dont care what people do with their own property. If it were mandatory, then yeah, aint happenin. There are a lot of people who own guns that really dont care/want them. And thats fine. But you cant just toss a pistol into the trash can really. So for them buy backs are a way to get rid of property they dont need.

Where I really get irritated is when they are advertised to do more than just give people a dumping ground for unwanted property. The "it will save lives" garbage just isnt so. So, in short, it aint the buybacks that irritate me, its the false advertising.
I have no problem with people WILLINGLY turning THEIR property over to whomever they choose.

Grandma has an old revolver her dead husband left behindā€¦doesnā€™t want kiddos to get itā€¦by all means go dispose of it however you like.
go to a buyback and preach this nonsense at the cops when they come make threats for doing legal stuff. they love to hear it.

That detroit event where Rick Ector brings folks to give a couple thousand women a safety class in a weekend - that all started when the cops banned us from the public sidewalk of property where a buyback was being hosted. We set up our own little event at the burger king next door, after we talked to the manager and he gave us his blessing as long as we bought some food and didn't start any trouble. Shortly after we got settled, the cops went in and "talked" to the manager too, then came out and told us he said we all had to leave and they wouldn't let us go back in to talk to him again. Rick said to me "I'm thinking of trying something new to get more people into guns. You interested in helping?' of course I was .

That's probably the only public good to have ever come out of a buyback event.
I think buybacks are ok. Those people who are hard up for money and use their pistol to rob the convenience store are the people going to cash in on $150. Legit 2A supporters are not going to these events. Less guns for idiots and we have the advantage over evil lazy bums who will not work.
go to a buyback and preach this nonsense at the cops when they come make threats for doing legal stuff. they love to hear it.

That detroit event where Rick Ector brings folks to give a couple thousand women a safety class in a weekend - that all started when the cops banned us from the public sidewalk of property where a buyback was being hosted. We set up our own little event at the burger king next door, after we talked to the manager and he gave us his blessing as long as we bought some food and didn't start any trouble. Shortly after we got settled, the cops went in and "talked" to the manager too, then came out and told us he said we all had to leave and they wouldn't let us go back in to talk to him again. Rick said to me "I'm thinking of trying something new to get more people into guns. You interested in helping?' of course I was .

That's probably the only public good to have ever come out of a buyback event.
Illinois has a lobby group, Guns Save Life, that brought a pile of rusty garbage guns to a buyback. Took the cash and lots of it and reinvested it into new .22 rifles for the youth marksmanship program in their downstate town. That was the beginning of the 2-3 per person limit. And the requirement you be from the neighborhood...which was code for black because nobody of any other description lived in that steaming pile of a neighborhood.
That wasn't the end of it though. We've got a black lobby group (Run by Rhonda Ezell)who did it again a few years later. Rhonda has been suing and winning against Chicago's gun range bans for 20 years now. She's a sweetheart if you ever meet her, but like a dog with a bone when it comes to her rights.
He should invest in male role models for them, would have a better outcome
why the fuq would you want to disarm the subsection that needs self protection the most? good god
Hmmmm, this presents something interesting to think about....

A celebrity sponsored gun buyback......

It has generally been the trend that when there is any sort of renumeration for turning in a "gun", averaged out, is likely a lowball value? Maybe? Not counting the 3D printing, blackpipe/2x4 turning in miscreants. Obviously lots and lots of junk, but the occasional super collectable showing up at these things has always made me think that there would be a real good chance of coming out ahead of the game money/resale value wise.

What we need to do is figure out some collaboration with a celebrity to sponsor our own "gun-buyback". This is different from the standard "We Buy Guns" place of business due to the one-off nature of it, the excitement that Do-Gooding Moral Superiority creates, lowering the transient IQ of all involved temporarily and the fact that these sorts of things cater to the firearm-ignorant who often would turn in whatever it is even without the monetary reward.

This will require some thinking as we will be forced to hoodwink 2 separate entities, the public who participates and the celebrity who needs to be anti-gun so as to appeal to the right kind of fish, er customer we are looking for.

Plus if they aren't anti-gun they are likely to want a cut for themselves, which obviously means less for us.

Who's in?
I have no problem with people WILLINGLY turning THEIR property over to whomever they choose.

Grandma has an old revolver her dead husband left behindā€¦doesnā€™t want kiddos to get itā€¦by all means go dispose of it however you like.

Arenā€™t most of y'all advocates for property rights?

The problem would be if we get Australia style mandatory ā€œbuy backsā€. Now we have an issue. A

Problem is these are (typically) funded with taxpayer money (theft)

Gramma wants it out of the house and surrenders it (stupidly) to the cops, fine, don't reaward her stpidity with our tax dollars
Local FFL's should advertise that they will sell your unwanted firearms vs a gift card for $50 from a buyback.
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