Tisas US Property Marked Replica of the M1911 A1

I just picked one up, same as several people above. I wanted a shooter. I have a faux WWII - Korea collection kind of going? I have one of the expert M1 Garands and now that Tisas. I think its great, and I have heard that its a great rabbit hole to learn about hand-fitting parts. With the gun being around $400 I think its the perfect gun to learn on, as opposed to crying over ruining a Colt Gold Cup Match or a real, vintage 1911.

If I were to get a collectible, I think the CMP would be the route just because it would have some cool provenance (potentially, I have heard rumblings that several guns have a LOT of commercial parts as part of their refit).

I will still carry modern handguns for duty use. I can't afford a 'reliable' 1911 like a Wilson that I would trust my life to. But for a range toy, appreciating history and maybe even learning some basics of hand fitting I think its neat.
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