What are your "social media" favorites?


Chair Wrangler
2A Bourbon Hound 2024
2A Bourbon Hound OG
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Multi-Factor Enabled
Mar 4, 2018
Wilson NC
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I have tried Facebook, Twitter, MeWe, Voat, Gab, Instagram, and Reddit. I still have a 'presence' on FB (low volume mostly fam and old friends), Gab (less and less), and Reddit (rarely).

I'm curious what if any you like and use. Honestly, I spend far more time on CFF than all of the above collectively, and that works just fine for me.

What's in your bookmarks?
None, I have no need to tell people about every minute of my life. I talk to my friends and family on the old fashioned phone. Other then a few gun forums that I consider a hobby that's it.
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Um.... CFF.....

It’s the only one I frequent daily. I’m also on ARF, AccurateShooter, SavageShooters and Tacoma world. Basically like minded people from the get go. I have no patience for all the rest.
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I deleted my FB account a while ago and I don't miss it. Deleted, not closed. You can drill way down in the settings and they'll scrub your data.

I do not Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc etc

I use CFF, I'm trying to catch up on the American Warrior podcast and I follow @ScottAdamsSays on Periscope.

ETA: This might be better as a poll
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Gave up on FB years ago. Now, it's strictly CFF and Sigtalk, and occasionally Silencertalk.
Who says I'm anti-social?
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Im on Twitter, Instagram, and FaceBook.
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Instagram and facebook
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CFF, I've been very happy and do not receive spam and my data has not been sold.
I like Insta
Have a facebook, dont really use it outside of messenger
online forums like this one (this is the main one I go to)
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I keep a presence on Facebook, mainly because of family.
Other than that it's here, Castboolits, Falfiles and NC4X4. I'm signed up at other sites but rarely frequent them anymore.

Sent from notthedroidyourelookingfor
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Trolling libtards on Twatter is fun. It is sp easy to get them riled up.
GAB for more open, uncensored, expression. The real a-holes can be hysterical there. A lot of loony lefties pretending to what they think is a "white supremacist." After all the left keeps attacking GAB because it doesn't censor speech. So they must plant the fake evidence.

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Just had an another libtard twatter call me a racist for posting facts he doesn't like.
Y'all have seen some of my family photos.
If I ever ran for office they'd call my family a prop. Ha!

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Farcebook and CFF. I'm offa farcebook now cuz I gave that crap up for Lent. I do every year. every year, I stay off of it longer. Last year, I made it til the end of May before I got sucked back into that cesspool. I need to give it up because 99.9% of the crap I seen there doesn't interest me anyways.
CFF. AR15. M4C. NFATalk.

I do have instagram and twitter accounts simply so I could save my name...but have never tweeted or posted a pic. Refuse to sign up for FaceBook.
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Farcebook and CFF. I'm offa farcebook now cuz I gave that crap up for Lent. I do every year. every year, I stay off of it longer. Last year, I made it til the end of May before I got sucked back into that cesspool. I need to give it up because 99.9% of the crap I seen there doesn't interest me anyways.
Deleted my FB before the mass exodus pushed FB to make it harder to delete one's FB page.

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I keep a presence on Facebook, mainly because of family.
Other than that it's here, Castboolits, Falfiles and NC4X4. I'm signed up at other sites but rarely frequent them anymore.

Sent from notthedroidyourelookingfor
I was on NC4X4 when I owned a Wrangler.
Haven't been on for some time now. Too much of a tease. Ha!

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Never used those sites, just CFF, eham.net and watch a few YouTube people like IV8888, Hickock45 and Gunblast no subscriptions.
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