Best songs to listen to when you’re sad and want to stay that way.

I worked at the Pentagon for a while. My carpool pickup was across the highway from Arlington Cemetery; almost every day I heard Taps and rifle volleys. Almost every day I had to wipe my eyes when I got in the car.

Not playing that video for a few more days. It has its place.
Ben Folds: Still Fighting It

I saw this guy, live, in Greensboro, with a full orchestra, about a month ago. When he sang this song, the whole audience sang along to "Everybody knows it sucks to grow up..." It brought a tear to my eye because I know it's true.

"The Rose" hits me so hard I refuse to post a video here.

It's been four decades since I first heard my first girlfriend sing that song and 31 years past since I later divorced her as my first wife.

Events leading up to, and after, the divorce were so bad I wouldn't wish my ex on my worst enemy.

It evokes a memory of my first real love and subsequent shredding of my very soul by that CGSBDLDFSSSBFH. It took me a long time to grow past that but the scars are still there, twisting parts of my soul in ways that shouldn't be.

Just thinking of the song twists my guts. Hearing it? It's torture.

My current wife of 27 years will occasionally sing it. She has no idea how that song affects me. I have no desire to curb her love of song and music because her joy shouldn't be tainted by my feelings, so when she does I just take a walk somewhere for a while and come back later.

This song doesn't make be want to stay sad when I'm sad. It wants to crush me in a pit of despair and depression no matter how I start off feeling.

(For those who may, I don't pine for my ex in any way. As a friend once pointed out to me decades ago, It's OK to acknowledge a love that once existed even if it later turns out "not to be". Bad events in no way obviate your own true feelings at the time.)
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