**Spoilers** star wars tlj **spoilers**


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Dec 16, 2016
saloon number 10
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Seriously, who wrote this pile of crap?

Emo luke

Snoke gets built up only to get unceremoniously cut in half

Luke dead at the end because....yea

Oh, here's your jedi training. Jedi suck, the end.

Let's not forget the ice princess flying through space, wtf?
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lot's of unanswered questions from The Force Awakens - I'm not buying Kylo's story about Rey's parents. Palpatine is better than Snoke, Kylo Ren can't compare to Darth Vader, and the Empire makes the First Order look like amateurs. All we get is Yoda for a force ghost and he didn't seem all that serious.
For the record, Luke has always been an emo pansy in many ways. It carried over from his ol’Pappy Anakin (whining about sand for example). So I was relieved that that aspect of his character was retained.

And as far as Empire > First Order...Empire never got the resistance down to the man power of a pick up bowling league roster.

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Yep, Darth Emo was all over the place. Terrible tactician. Somebody needs to meet that threat... ten minutes ago.

The story had to mirror todays world by tearing down the heroes. There was a time a hero was idolized for their good deeds now we have to exploit their flaws to make ourselves feel better about being crappy.
It doesn't matter now that Disney bought the franchise but in the books Luke is the most powerful force user ever. He had the ability to become completely one with the force( the ultimate force power) but still be alive aka not having to die like Yoda. But this is in the books and they made all that mean nothing once they bought the rights. I was hoping for a awesome fight at the end. But instead he just died....

And how they built up snoke to be stupid powerful and ultimately he gets cut in two.... Just sad. Palpatine was a true dark lord. He destroyed a entire fleet with just the force ( a force storm).

But I'm just star wars nerd..... ;)
Saw this posted on zuckbook, and the amount of butthurt was monumental

For all the complaints about the prequels, at least the story was there. You never had to guess wth was going on. Yes parts were slow, but it was purposefully setting the stage for how anakin became vader (which was further developed in the clone wars animated series).

However, these new ones...if their point is to tear down and crap all over the rest of the movies, providing them (Disney) with a start fresh, they are doing a fine job.
Over half of the plot was not needed. If she would have just said the plan then the movie would have been 15 minutes long. It was full of social justice warrior crap. Anyone else notice that every man in the movie was either brash, stupid or both, while all of the women were leaders that knew better than everyone else? They also had a nice greed speech. Action and effects were nice, but it was the most pointless movie of the franchise.
Just goes to show that different people can watch the exact same movie and get different things out of it. One has to ask “What was I expecting?”

In my opinion, I agree there were a lot of things that could have been left out, but the whole goal was to close out the “old” stories and get it poised for a new set of stories.

I feel the “story” was fine, I just don’t like all the Disney moments they out in like the porg/chewy scene and other “fluff just for laffs” that make the 8 year olds interested but add nothing to the story.

Oh, and there is no gravity in space, so as much as I loved the action behind the bomber scene, it was scientifically moronic.

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Oh, and there is no gravity in space, so as much as I loved the action behind the bomber scene, it was scientifically moronic.
Had that same discussion at church this morning...

Why do all the ships "go down" when they're hit? (And that's not limited to SW movies)
Had that same discussion at church this morning...

Why do all the ships "go down" when they're hit? (And that's not limited to SW movies)

Near a planet I assume that due to their size they are drawn in...still a gravitational pull from the planet. That’s why satellites orbits can decay over time, so I assume massive ships would just decay very quick due to mass. But a “dropping bombs” run...nah...they could “drop” they from anywhere and momentum will do the rest.

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So if by going into hyperspace right at another ship rips it in half, maybe there's a reason why they don't just remote pilot some empty junk ships through the battle cruisers at lightspeed instead of wasting fighters on them?
So if by going into hyperspace right at another ship rips it in half, maybe there's a reason why they don't just remote pilot some empty junk ships through the battle cruisers at lightspeed instead of wasting fighters on them?
Cool, hyper missiles. Or maybe she didn't go through but came out of hyperspace in the same space as the dreadnaught.
There were a ton of things I hated about the movie. Top of the list is Admiral Purple Hair, who could have avoided the most useless subplot of all time by simply telling Poe what the plan was. But noooooooo, not even when faced with mutiny does she reveal the real plan. So Finn and Rose go running around, spouting off class envy nonsense, for no good reason.

Leia flying through space is the worst scene I have ever seen in a Star Wars movie, full stop. It is awful. If she has that much power in the force, why are they looking for Luke? Why can't she teach Rey?

Why the devil do you introduce someone as mysterious and powerful as Snoke and then kill him off with no explanation of who he was or where he came from?

Why kill one of the most interesting storylines with Rey's parents? I actually think this one might have been a lie from Kylo, but I still didn't like that resolution.

Why is Kylo Ren so feared when he keeps getting beaten by Rey?


I had some other issues with it but this covers most of them. Overall the film was enjoyable, but it wasn't a good Star Wars film.
There were a ton of things I hated about the movie. Top of the list is Admiral Purple Hair, who could have avoided the most useless subplot of all time by simply telling Poe what the plan was. But noooooooo, not even when faced with mutiny does she reveal the real plan. So Finn and Rose go running around, spouting off class envy nonsense, for no good reason.

Leia flying through space is the worst scene I have ever seen in a Star Wars movie, full stop. It is awful. If she has that much power in the force, why are they looking for Luke? Why can't she teach Rey?

Why the devil do you introduce someone as mysterious and powerful as Snoke and then kill him off with no explanation of who he was or where he came from?

Why kill one of the most interesting storylines with Rey's parents? I actually think this one might have been a lie from Kylo, but I still didn't like that resolution.

Why is Kylo Ren so feared when he keeps getting beaten by Rey?


I had some other issues with it but this covers most of them. Overall the film was enjoyable, but it wasn't a good Star Wars film.

Rey gets the falcon after Han dies (to his emo son, what a disappointment) and they go finding Luke with C3P0, Chewy and R2D2. This is the ending of Force Awakes.
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They said that in the movie: She used Snoke's escape pod while KR was unconscious. My question is 'WHY the hell did she leave him behind and in one piece?' What a coup that could have been, to kill Snoke and capture his apprentice. But then they would have had 30 minutes less screen time and no sequel. As it is they have Darth Pectorals, a broken lightsaber (which she managed to find both pieces of?!) a set of ancient Jedi scriptures, Jedi Rey, and the Millennial Falcon to use for the next movie

I enjoyed watching it and I was pleased by the addition of a little humor to the brand,
I have to agree the writing on this movie was terrible and Vice Admiral Pencil Troll has usurped Jar-Jar as the most annoying character in the franchise.

Best moments:
- we wait a whole year to see what Luke does as Rey offers him his lightsaber... and he tosses it off a cliff. I LOLed
- Ramming the dreadnought (not a euphemism)
- Yoda blows up the tree
- Luke effs with Rey while training her.
- New force power: projection
- Snoke is a BAMF master of reality

Worst Moments:
- Rey confronts the dark side in a cave (as Jedi are prone to do) and gets nothing from it. What a let down.
- 'Hey, lets jump on these old rusty unarmed speeders and charge an enemy armored brigade!!!' again.
- 'I'm trespassing on the Supreme Leader's ship, but I sold you out so the FO is going to let me leave with this pallet of credits' Yeah right.
- BAMF Snoke, the master manipulator and plotter, the one who sees all, focusing ALL of his attention on his apprentice's every move and thought as he's being set up for the kill, doesn't recognize it as a betrayal until it's too late. Nope, I'm not buying it.
- KR monologueing about tear down the old and build something new. That was a direct message to the audience. He might as well have said "Disney bought this thing, and this ain't your granpappy's Star Wars"
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I do remember that now. I saw it with my brother and neither one of us picked up on it. That at least resolves one of my issues with the film.

I could have sworn that the kid at the end used the force to bring the broom to him. Did anybody else see that? My brother said the kid just picked it up.
There were a ton of things I hated about the movie. Top of the list is Admiral Purple Hair, who could have avoided the most useless subplot of all time by simply telling Poe what the plan was. But noooooooo, not even when faced with mutiny does she reveal the real plan. So Finn and Rose go running around, spouting off class envy nonsense, for no good reason.

Leia flying through space is the worst scene I have ever seen in a Star Wars movie, full stop. It is awful. If she has that much power in the force, why are they looking for Luke? Why can't she teach Rey?

Why the devil do you introduce someone as mysterious and powerful as Snoke and then kill him off with no explanation of who he was or where he came from?

Why kill one of the most interesting storylines with Rey's parents? I actually think this one might have been a lie from Kylo, but I still didn't like that resolution.

Why is Kylo Ren so feared when he keeps getting beaten by Rey?


I had some other issues with it but this covers most of them. Overall the film was enjoyable, but it wasn't a good Star Wars film.

I have thought about the "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THE PLAN!"

Well, a few things...at this time "Admiral purple hair" had just met Poe...who had just been demoted because he had disobeyed direct orders and got their entire bomber fleet destroys, half their fighters, and who knows how many pilots (something they are in lack of). So, why should an admiral tell her plans to a captain or a fighter squadron? A recently disciplined one as well? That's not how the chain of command works. You have to remember, he is a hero, but he is still just a cog in the rebel wheel.

Ill admit, the Leia thing was silly...they had hinted at her being force sensitive before, but to that extreme was stupid.

Snoke was introduced in the previous movie, so he wasn't brand new...but I'll admit they didn't flesh him out.

Reys parents? Yeah, its probably a lie as she does remember them being flown off planet. And if it isn't a lie, then it is feeding into the "There is no need for the Jedi because we ALL have the force" kinda thing.

Ren is feared for a few reasons: No one around really watches him get beaten, and when he does get beaten, the rest of them are getting beaten even worse...I mean...losing a whole fleet/starkiller base kinda trumps losing a lightsaber fight. On top of that...he kinda forcechokes people. So yeah, he may be a wuss, but he is that wuss that can whip everyone but this one chick.

Ill admit, it wasn't my favorite movie of the franchise, and I did have a lot of "whut?" moments through it. But I described it to a friend like this...If UNC had won the National title 4 years in a row back when I was in school, then every team after that would be compared to that one team that pulled off the incredible. No matter how good a >current< team is, if they don't win 4 in a row, then they suck compared to my old team. And since I grew up with Star Wars, that's my original team. Everything sucks compared to those first three originals.

My main issues with the movie were:
Dropping bombs in space...there is no gravity in space...
The SJW/War Profiteering planet stuff was entirely pointless. Even Benicio Del Toro, who I normally love, just seemed thrown in. They could have chopped that entire plot line out and I don't think the movie would have suffered at all.
Disney keeps adding stuff to make kids laugh, but add nothing overall to the story. It makes it "silly", and that irritates me. Like the Chewy/Porg eating scene...yeah, it was cute...Star Wars never needed "cute" before. Or Rey slicing the boulder in half >STOP THE SCENE RIGHT THERE!<...no...they add the boulder breaking the little aliens cart...again...cute, and unnecessary.
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I do remember that now. I saw it with my brother and neither one of us picked up on it. That at least resolves one of my issues with the film.

I could have sworn that the kid at the end used the force to bring the broom to him. Did anybody else see that? My brother said the kid just picked it up.
I saw it too, he used the force to get the broom.
As someone who has read every book, every comic, and played every game since the very first Star Wars was released decades ago... I can say without hesitation this movie was complete garbage.

AND THAT'S OKAY!!! I like plenty of garbage movies... but i'll also be the first person to say so and it's annoying to me when people call an obviously bad movie good or pretend like it's some kind of amazing / philosophical milestone in film history.

This is the Batman Forever of Star Wars... its cheesy, it sells toys, and it has nipples.
I haven't seen the movie yet. But I was already peeved from the last one, where Rey hands Kylo Ren his own *ss. Kylo, supposedly at least somewhat well trained in the Force, gets his keister handed to him by a girl with no training in the Force and no weapons training with the light saber.

Kylo, whining, sniveling snowflake who worships his grandpa (get a clue, you idiot, your hero returned to the light side remember?) and loses his temper, throwing adolescent temper tantrums. Darth Vader was a consummate bad*ss, in control of himself in his bad*ssery. Kylo is nothing more than a snowflake. And from what I hear, he hasn't changed one bit in this movie.

Luke was always somewhat of a whiner, so it doesn't surprise me that this attitude has carried over into this movie.

The Porgs? Give me a frickin' break! First question I asked my wife turned out to be spot on: "Are they at least tasty?" Apparently Chewy thinks so, according to my wife.

Luke dies? Of course. It would be kinda nice if they weren't so predictable in this regard, but hey...

BUT...tell me Ren hasn't lost a hand in this one? This was an ongoing discussion between my wife, my son, and I as to whether this would carry over from Vader and Luke to Ren. I was of the opinion that it wouldn't, and shouldn't.

Anyway...I'm looking forward to seeing it soon, maybe this weekend. Finally. Too much other stuff on the table for me to see it before then.


ANOTHER thing...Vader wore his mask because he HAD to wear it in order to survive. The whole being-able-to-breathe thing. Kylo wears a mask because he thinks it makes him look cool or sinister or something. And he fails to pull that off after his first appearance in the last movie.
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I haven't seen the movie yet. But I was already peeved from the last one, where Rey hands Kylo Ren his own *ss. Kylo, supposedly at least somewhat well trained in the Force, gets his keister handed to him by a girl with no training in the Force and no weapons training with the light saber.

Kylo, whining, sniveling snowflake who worships his grandpa (get a clue, you idiot, your hero returned to the light side remember?) and loses his temper, throwing adolescent temper tantrums. Darth Vader was a consummate bad*ss, in control of himself in his bad*ssery. Kylo is nothing more than a snowflake. And from what I hear, he hasn't changed one bit in this movie.

Luke was always somewhat of a whiner, so it doesn't surprise me that this attitude has carried over into this movie.

The Porgs? Give me a frickin' break! First question I asked my wife turned out to be spot on: "Are they at least tasty?" Apparently Chewy thinks so, according to my wife.

Luke dies? Of course. It would be kinda nice if they weren't so predictable in this regard, but hey...

BUT...tell me Ren hasn't lost a hand in this one? This was an ongoing discussion between my wife, my son, and I as to whether this would carry over from Vader and Luke to Ren. I was of the opinion that it wouldn't, and shouldn't.

Anyway...I'm looking forward to seeing it soon, maybe this weekend. Finally. Too much other stuff on the table for me to see it before then.


ANOTHER thing...Vader wore his mask because he HAD to wear it in order to survive. The whole being-able-to-breathe thing. Kylo wears a mask because he thinks it makes him look cool or sinister or something. And he fails to pull that off after his first appearance in the last movie.

Well you'll be happy to hear he ditches it after snoke called him a b!t (h
I liked it.

Snoke died because he was arrogant. That’s pretty normal actually if you guys have been paying attention. And I believe Luke even made that point.

Hamill could not have nailed old Luke any better. He was always a bit annoying and compulsive. And Yodas snarky reference to that was awesome. The double sun throw back to the first movie was a nice touch too. It may not fit the books but it fit the movie story line well I thought.

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Snoke should have seen it coming. Thats what happens when your snowflake stops getting his daily trophy for breathing.

I don't fully disagree...but it was kinda clever for Kylo to be doing the exact same thing with the saber in his hand as the one beside him. A great way to hide his move.
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