Extremist group planned to kidnap MI Governor

i figure this is in advance of more acts to ensure our "security" like the patriot act if they seize control of the senate and white house - to squash any uprisings or pushback from us.
The libtards are already screaming that they need “laws to prevent” :rolleyes: people from having guns at the capitol. If people show up at the Capitol with the intention of forcibly removing any part of the bodily politic, there isn’t a law in the world that is going to stop it.
Interesting too that this group was rooted out before doing anything, yet LE can't seem to get a track down on Antifa/BLM riot organizers who have actually acted repeatedly. The answer is probably already up above there --- judicial activism.
I always remembered the recognition codes: call ... “The birds flying south ...” and met with the response “... before the first snow”.
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If they succeeded, they would have put her back in her vacation house after one day in captivity.
Interesting too that this group was rooted out before doing anything, yet LE can't seem to get a track down on Antifa/BLM riot organizers who have actually acted repeatedly. The answer is probably already up above there --- judicial activism.

Yeah... isn't that something? A few Anarchists make plans to do stupid idiot stuff on the internet and they get caught with months of surveillance; YET, Riots fueled by support staff providing bricks, shields, clubs, explosives, and who knows what else... goes forward without any arrests.....

Few things:
1. Anarchist Flag? Nice try at the narrative by the media to make these nuts out to be Red-Blooded Patriots. Nope, nope and nope. Glad that bastards were caught and they are no Patriot.
2. @GreatGazoo nailed it. Just like there is standing directives by the Govs(D) and Mil(D) to look the other way.... It happens by the #Resistance folks in our Agencies. They are purposefully looking the other way on the Lefties when there is enough "Pinged" Dots to connect to a live agent....
So if the ones you want to defund save your tail do you still support defunding them?
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According the affidavit, the lefty anarchist group couldn't get an IED to work. They reached out to a Michigan Militia group that had been infiltrated by the FBI.
You'll never guess who, in the Michigan Militia, helped them score the explosives. The FBI asset.
I'm surprised they didn't score guns for them too. Oh, wait, wrong agency. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry, but this guy...
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I was just reading a couple articles on this. While they seem incredibly stupid, I can understand their desperation.

The state Supreme Court ruled the governor’s actions unconstitutional but are allowing the orders to remain in effect for another few weeks, and there is no punishment for the governor. There is almost zero risk for politicians violating the constitution.

What is this "constitution" of which you speak? Don't you know we live in a democracy?


That is just Extremely Hideous!
Maybe she should be donning Klingon attire.
Bout enough to trade for "Chinese Cooties."

Family guy puke_a.gif .................................................................................................Family guy puke_a.gif

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Im not saying she's gorgeous, but definitely not 'hideous'
she should tighten up that tummy before wearing a dress like that though, same reason I don't wear tight shirts - nobody wants to see my gut jiggling around.
Gretchen Esther Whitmer and Dolores Jane Umbridge

Screenshot 2020-10-11 093107.jpg Screenshot 2020-10-11 092612.jpg
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News reports one of the men in custody was pardoned for previous crimes dating to 1994.

Catch and release, works everytime.

In April 2019, one week after Delaware revenue officials filed a state tax lien against Croft for more than $36,700, Democratic Gov. John Carney granted him a pardon for the 1997 gun charge and several other convictions from 1994 to 1996. The crimes involved included assault, burglary, theft and receiving stolen property.
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