Gas Station Security

Problem solved with just the possible threat of violence being used against violence.
Imagine a world where people fight back with extreme prejudice and criminals fear for their own lives. The horror of being a criminal contemplating getting a job because crime is too hazardous.
Violence does solve problems.
The Guru Jeff Cooper was once asked by a reporter...Colonel can't you at least admit that violence begets violence?

Cooper answered.......It does when it's begeted to me.

Hahaha..............good one and worth quoting/repeating. Made my day and I certainly plan to use this one when I'm in the right liberal circles so I can actually see their reactions.
Problem solved with just the possible threat of violence being used against violence.
Imagine a world where people fight back with extreme prejudice and criminals fear for their own lives. The horror of being a criminal contemplating getting a job because crime is too hazardous.
Violence does solve problems.

"Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms."

- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers
I wish Chapel Hill was littered with signs like that instead of the commonly-found 'No Guns' signage. I might actually bother going there, again, if it did...
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I wish Chapel Hill was littered with signs like that instead of the commonly-found 'No Guns' signage. I might actually bother going there, again, if it did...
UNC just had another robbery / mugging this weekend, central part of campus. The damned criminals know it’s legislated as a protection zone. How stupI’d.

We really need to start telling these communists NO because Eff You, that’s why.
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UNC just had another robbery / mugging this weekend, central part of campus. The damned criminals know it’s legislated as a protection zone. How stupI’d.

We really need to start telling these communists NO because Eff You, that’s why.
I was honestly kind surprised UNC even included the perps races in the email.
UNC just had another robbery / mugging this weekend, central part of campus. The damned criminals know it’s legislated as a protection zone. How stupI’d.

We really need to start telling these communists NO because Eff You, that’s why.

I already tell them 'no' by electing not to do business with private establishments that post 'no guns' signage. That's about the best I can individually do... and it's why I don't bother with Chapel Hill restaurants anymore ... since most of them have such signage. (The few that don't ... had my patronage ruined for them by the multidude of places that display such signage.)
The Guru Jeff Cooper was once asked by a reporter...Colonel can't you at least admit that violence begets violence?

Cooper answered.......It does when it's begeted to me.
That’s what I think, don’t try to kill me, and I wont kill you.
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