Inventory Woes And Epiphanies


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Dec 17, 2016
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Got home this evening and decided to take a bit of "quiet" time and sit in my small man cave and finally do a complete and total inventory of all of the ammunition that I have collected.

After an hour I had counted (to within a small margin of error) every round I own. Organized by caliber, gauge, manufacturer, and type. I then entered it all into a spreadsheet and added in an estimated cost per round for each bullet, and was able to come up with a very accurate inventory of my collection.

I then took a break to play some games with the kids and bask in the awesomeness of my stash...when it dawned on me...many people here probably read my line "after an hour" and thought "Wow, those are rookie numbers...let's bump that up..."

And why I love you all. Only people like you could imagine sitting in a room counting rounds as being "relaxing". Only you all could see a can of 3,000 22LR and think "That's all??"
In my defense, I really don't shoot .22 at all any more. I have the guns for it, but with limited range time and the ability to reload, I spend most of my time on .223, 9mm, and .45.

But yes. Rookie numbers, but if my wife had seen it all she would have questioned why someone who hasn't been bird hunting in years has over 1.4k birdshot shells.
B00ger;n33845 said:
After an hour I had counted ...

And I was expecting to read the number of cans and boxes you had counted in that hour ...

Oh well, there is always an explanation for ammo, but don't let your wife find out how many magazines you have.
gc70;n33992 said:
And I was expecting to read the number of cans and boxes you had counted in that hour ...

Oh well, there is always an explanation for ammo, but don't let your wife find out how many magazines you have.

Hah! I counted some of those too. Rookie numbers as well.
I had 4 boxes of 38spl show up on my doorstep today. WooHoo!
Yeah. Only you deplorables can relate.
Doing electrical work, ammo is like cutting in a breaker panel. One wire at a time, and before too long, you have power.
The Green Heron;n33858 said:
3k? OMG, that might be the saddest post I've ever read.

Damn I've got more that 3K 22's and I don't currently have a 22....don't ask. I haven't found the one I'm looking for. I sold off the herd to thin it and haven't found a replacement. The search continues....
Where did you find a little 3k can of .22? What happened to the days when .22 was 50, 500 or 5000?

I bought the firearms, then the magazines. I guess I should start collecting ammo for both of them.
B00ger;n33845 said:
...and added in an estimated cost per round for each bullet...

I see this as your only mistake.
Geezer;n34109 said:
I see this as your only mistake.

Oh, don't get me wrong, it wasn't to see how much I spent, it was to get a net worth. You know...for insurance purposes...yeah...
I need to do this. My stash is probably not impressive by CFF standards, but I try.

This reminds me of a conversation I had with my wife and daughter a while back. Here in Apex a guy shot his girlfriend, kid and himself in a house within sight of my daughter's school. They found somewhere around 42 guns in the house. My wife and daughter were very impressed by that number. When I said that wasn't really a huge amount of guns both of their heads snapped around and their eyes bugged out at me. I am sure they are both wondering exactly what is hidden in my man cave. :cool:
I'd count guns and ammo, but I was told there would be no math on the new forum.

Besides...I don't really want to know how much cash I have tied up in the bottom of the lake.
It would take me more time to find all my mags and ammo than it would to actually count it.
Not knowing how much I have leaves the door open to think, "I better get some more xxxx". Heck, I have even bought ammo in a caliber for which I didn't have a gun. Figured I may buy one in that caliber one day.
Have gun-will travel said:
I have always said that if you know how many guns you have ,you don't have enough! Same principal applies to ammo. I don't know how many rounds I have but I do know that I have the components to load 70 to 80,000 rounds.
Go for 100,000! You can do it.
TheWallrus;n34547 said:
Not knowing how much I have leaves the door open to think, "I better get some more xxxx". Heck, I have even bought ammo in a caliber for which I didn't have a gun. Figured I may buy one in that caliber one day.

Buy it and they will come.
Several years ago, a neighbor gave me a bunch of .380
Thought about trading it away, not a huge 380 fan, but I kept it.
A year after that, Dad surprised me with an LCP.

Now I like 380's. :)
Yeah, don't get me wrong all, I wasn't satisfied with where my collection is, but I wanted a base line.
That's ok, I was going through open boxes of brass and bullets and counting/weighing them to get hard numbers on components for reloading, then weighing bottles of powder... I'm with you buddy... Ya gotta know how many you have AND how many more you can make...
all my ammo boxes are mixed caliber, so if I have to grab one and go.......I will have something for each gun....but if I took a full inventory I might think I needed another gun
Every time Dad or I adds to any of the ammo cans in the building, we recount, erase the last pencil mark, and make another. We had so may cans full we had to know one day, so we got them out and spent a rainy Saturday counting ammo. Don't ask the count, I'll not post it lol
B00ger, hat is funny. I did the same thing this weekend. I may be right there with you on the rookie score. That's ok, it gives us something to work towards.
I'm not going to say how many rounds of ammo I have. But, I do have more .22lr than @Booger. That is, if he told the truth?

I'm trying to live down something that I was accused of, many years ago. An ex-friend called me "a rim fire dud, in a center fire world". Maybe he meant a rim fire stud?
I actually have a bit more .22 than that. But over all, it the "audit" was good to show me where I need to concentrate my ammo dollar this upcoming year.

Also, at my current rate of consumption, I will run out of lead birdshot sometime in 2145.
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