Je suis un hipster au couteau.

I can't imagine walking around with pockets full of DoukDouk honestly
I plan on getting one of them also, but I'm more of a Euroaboo than a Weeaboo.
I'd love to go full Wehraboo and rock one of those Fallschirmjager gravity knives, but price and legality don't allow it.
I suppose we'd best get used to: 中国制造

At first I was like:

But then I...


If you don't trust your troops with live ammo, your entire manufacturing sector is in danger from a shoddy dam collapse, and can't force project outside your don't become an empire. Remember, they couldn't even take Vietnam after France and America basically waged a two decades long war despite bordering them.

/end geopolitics


"The Duk-Duk (or Douk-Douk), sometimes called the god of chaos and doom, is an important figure in the Melanesian culture. The costume is made of a conical hat, a cylindrical mask made of bark, and palm tree leaves down to the knees. He goes screaming in the village, scaring people off, until he reaches the hut of the person suspected of a crime to deliver the punishment. Nobody dares going against him, as death would struck anyone who would raise his hand against the Duk-Duk."
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