Kelly's Heroes

Woof woof. Great flick with some kinda tank made up very well to look like a Tiger.

It's a T34, movie was filmed in Yugoslavia, if you look close, you can see a mix of Allied and German equipment.
Hell, Oddballs Sherman is a post war rebuild, Sherman's with that turret didn't get high velocity 76mm guns until the early 50s, and they were nearly all given away as military aid.

And yes......I could go on, and on, and
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A movie with lots of memories!

That, and Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factor always seemed to be playing every year whenever the family gathered for Father's Day at an Aunt & Uncle's house on the Wabash River when I was a kid.

Run around outside all day, up and down the hill, in the fields, in the river, then after dinner in the evening watch those shows on TV!
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