Post Your Furry Friends...

Them bulldogs definitely like there toys. My bullboxer Lucie bought ready to call it a night with tennis ball and her squeaky hippo that has been sewn back together way to many times. View attachment 733176
Sewing...yep know about that rather well, ours we call " shred-o- matic" find ball gutz, fuzzy toy gutz in piles, take the stuffing put it back in sew it shut.

We just said goodbye to Boomer on December 4th, and tonight, sometime between 7:30 and 10:30, our sweet Bo crossed the bridge. No noises, no warning…. Nothing. He hasn’t been the same since Boomer died. May be a broken heart that got him. I literally pulled him from Harnett County Animal Control 20 minutes before his date with the needle. That was 7-1/2 years ago. He was heartworm positive, and PO surrendered him because he “got aggressive” with her. 🐂 💩.
This guy was the sweetest, most laid back fella ever.
Rest easy, Bo….
We loved you so….

Sasha patiently waiting to see if she’ll get a chicken nugget or not, we strictly limit her intake of “people food” but as we all know, a treat every now and again isn’t a bad thing, she’s more of a quality over quantity kind of gal, so she’ll always hold out for the good stuff.

We just said goodbye to Boomer on December 4th, and tonight, sometime between 7:30 and 10:30, our sweet Bo crossed the bridge. No noises, no warning…. Nothing. He hasn’t been the same since Boomer died. May be a broken heart that got him. I literally pulled him from Harnett County Animal Control 20 minutes before his date with the needle. That was 7-1/2 years ago. He was heartworm positive, and PO surrendered him because he “got aggressive” with her. 🐂 💩.
This guy was the sweetest, most laid back fella ever.
Rest easy, Bo….
We loved you so….

View attachment 733799

I so sorry to hear about Bo, rest assured that he lived his best life with you and the family and he knew how lucky he was.
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