Saying the quiet part out loud


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Dec 16, 2016
Onboard the mothership
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We regularly have conversations here about how things will go down when the tyrants decide to try to enact their gun ban and confiscation. The authoritarian types like to claim that people will at worst hide them and then be rounded up at traffic stops. Rarely does the other side of the argument, which is ugly and doesn’t bode well for the govt. or it’s enforcers, get stated. The blog piece above spells it out.

On a side note, over the last several weeks I’ve come to like reading his blog.
The only way that will happen is if people start going hungry. Then you have to know there are govt factions ready for it to happen and have a plan for it.
That's the $64,000 question more isn't it. How well will govco stand up against a guerilla resistance?

History says not so well. Yes they have expensive toys, but they will only have this monopoly at the start. They're very reliant on technology too and also require large personnel resources to maintain any sort of readiness.
People who imagine a long protracted civil war, imo, completely overestimate the fortitude of the left/commie/gun grabbers. The minute there is actual pushback, they will of course scream and wail and throw dust in the air and call for totalitarian repression and savagery. What they DON'T get is that once the masks come off, there is no longer anything protecting these guys from savage reprisals in reverse. Swalwell and Biden's snooty questions about what will the bubbas do against nukes, drones and F15s COMPLETELY neglect that we know where at Seymour Johnson, Las Vegas, or McLean VA the button pushers live. They live in a completely hermetically sealed world where violent reprisals against violence is NEVER a consequence....., but what about when the ones protecting the Janet Yellens --RENO, my bad-- (who ordered the murder at Waco) or the feds who protect the judge presiding over J6 trials are doxxed and targeted? It is ALREADY the case that fed agents invading patriot style events, when identified and photographed, cover their faces. What will happen when they fear for their own or their family's safety?

The greatest fear of totalitarians is a realization of those over whom they rule come to realize that their power DEPENDS on the acquiescence of those ruled.

People talk about the horrors of a balkanization of society and the brutality of civil wars and all, but they neglect that the Balkans have GENERATIONS of hatreds and societal feuds and brutalities in the memories of people. We have no such history. We have some contempt and disgust and disregard for the commie leftists in the press and universities and entertainment/political realms, but no murderous rage that has piled up. I just don't see a group of people storming the offices of the News and Observer and hanging the editorial staff on lamp posts. Most people would be content to simply spit on them as they flee for their lives and laugh at them while they hysterically pound in 911 on their cell phones.

As the original cite by @noway2 points out, there are just too many guns out here for a balls to the wall attempt at suppression, confiscation and brutalization to work..... at least at present. No telling what will happen in a decade or so, but my money is on a rebound of freedom.

My opinion, anyway.
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People who imagine a long protracted civil war, imo, completely overestimate the fortitude of the left/commie/gun grabbers. The minute there is actual pushback, they will of course scream and wail and throw dust in the air and call for totalitarian repression and savagery. What they DON'T get is that once the masks come off, there is no longer anything protecting these guys from savage reprisals in reverse. Swalwell and Biden's snooty questions about what will the bubbas do against nukes, drones and F15s COMPLETELY neglect that we know where at Seymour Johnson, Las Vegas, or McLean VA the button pushers live. They live in a completely hermetically sealed world where violent reprisals against violence is NEVER a consequence....., but what about when the ones protecting the Janet Yellens (who ordered the murder at Waco) or the feds who protect the judge presiding over J6 trials are doxxed and targeted? It is ALREADY the case that fed agents invading patriot style events, when identified and photographed, cover their faces. What will happen when they fear for their own or their family's safety?

The greatest fear of totalitarians is a realization of those over whom they rule come to realize that their power DEPENDS on the acquiescence of those ruled.

People talk about the horrors of a balkanization of society and the brutality of civil wars and all, but they neglect that the Balkans have GENERATIONS of hatreds and societal feuds and brutalities in the memories of people. We have no such history. We have some contempt and disgust and disregard for the commie leftists in the press and universities and entertainment/political realms, but no murderous rage that has piled up. I just don't see a group of people storming the offices of the News and Observer and hanging the editorial staff on lamp posts. Most people would be content to simply spit on them as they flee for their lives and laugh at them while they hysterically pound in 911 on their cell phones.

As the original cite by @noway2 points out, there are just too many guns out here for a balls to the wall attempt at suppression, confiscation and brutalization to work..... at least at present. No telling what will happen in a decade or so, but my money is on a rebound of freedom.

My opinion, anyway.
I 100% agree with you, and the only way this kind of police state works is when the family member who is the state enforcement officer doe's work in the area they do not live in. IE the other state.

Now, gun ownership, or the availability of firearms within the boarders of the land does nothing. Every 2nd and 3rd world is peppered with firearms and ammunition. Its the peoples will that reflect the outcome.

What I see is the 90 day timeline, we got a deep look at it during COVID in 2020. The only reason the country did not fall during COVID I think is because people where concerned for there own safety for getting COVID themselves.

If you remove that element of self isolation from a pandemic, we where at the edge of a pit that we could not see the bottom of.
The part you forget is what is happening today is scripted. Yes, people will push back and the gov't will ease a little. People will accept the new norm and then it starts all over again. It's happening all over the world, not just here. 15 years ago if you told me there was going to be a homo black man as president with a transgender wife, I would have laughed at you. Now we have transgender everything...

Meh, I think his list stops after #1. The ever popular "oh no, a boating accident!" trope is believable but after that... nothing. There will be no cells, no attacks against .govco people in quantity, none of that. Those 3rd world "cave living dirt farming goat herders" who successfully defeated the US invasion of their country (and got a nice loot drop after they defeated the final boss) have had generations of experience at that sort of thing. Their kids grow up with it, they've lived in 24/7/365 forever. Our kids have 24/7/365 door dash and riding around in mommy and daddy's SUV to applebees placated by iphones and tik tok. They know nothing of fighting or resisting or even who their enemy would be. Social media will tell them who to turn in should things look out of place.

Most of us are old, we'll be dead before it matters and the next generation will happily turn it all over to the .gov in trade for whatever the hell they think they'll get in return. Inclusion and equity or something.

The damn cartels moving in from Mexico have a better chance of fighting back against our leaders than any of us on this forum would. I would put money on that, if vegas was taking numbers.
Meh, I think his list stops after #1. The ever popular "oh no, a boating accident!" trope is believable but after that... nothing. There will be no cells, no attacks against .govco people in quantity, none of that. Those 3rd world "cave living dirt farming goat herders" who successfully defeated the US invasion of their country (and got a nice loot drop after they defeated the final boss) have had generations of experience at that sort of thing. Their kids grow up with it, they've lived in 24/7/365 forever. Our kids have 24/7/365 door dash and riding around in mommy and daddy's SUV to applebees placated by iphones and tik tok. They know nothing of fighting or resisting or even who their enemy would be. Social media will tell them who to turn in should things look out of place.

Most of us are old, we'll be dead before it matters and the next generation will happily turn it all over to the .gov in trade for whatever the hell they think they'll get in return. Inclusion and equity or something.

The damn cartels moving in from Mexico have a better chance of fighting back against our leaders than any of us on this forum would. I would put money on that, if vegas was taking numbers.

Spoken like a man that doesn‘t know any feisty young folks. There are things you miss if you don’t have young ones. And don‘t get me started on language and slang. 😄
Spoken like a man that doesn‘t know any feisty young folks. There are things you miss if you don’t have young ones. And don‘t get me started on language and slang. 😄

You are correct, I do not know of any. I've seen younger folk that are super tech smart and even some that are business savvy and are way ahead of where I was at their age, but none that have any doubt that an all powerful central authority telling everyone how to lead their lives is not the 'way of the future'.
You are correct, I do not know of any. I've seen younger folk that are super tech smart and even some that are business savvy and are way ahead of where I was at their age, but none that have any doubt that an all powerful central authority telling everyone how to lead their lives is not the 'way of the future'.

Well be happy to know there are others out there. Some even on this forum. There is hope.
The only way that will happen is if people start going hungry. Then you have to know there are govt factions ready for it to happen and have a plan for it.
There is another scenario that I envision which is the creation of a safe and effective non-lethal weapon. Think phasers set on stun. Government will use such a weapon in practically every situation and the only way to combat it will be with lower tech lethal weaponry.
There will only be a percentage that will resist and fight, just like before. Most will want to continue their mostly comfortable lives of complacency and even resent and fight those who "rock the boat" and threaten to disrupt it. The real question is if the percentage that resist will be enough to effect a change. But, that's the story line isn't it? In every dystopian Sci-Fi movie we've every seen, the few who fight against "evil" powers that be. The few that have eyes open and can see. But, the rest, the sheep don't care, because they are being fed and watered.
There is another scenario that I envision which is the creation of a safe and effective non-lethal weapon. Think phasers set on stun. Government will use such a weapon in practically every situation and the only way to combat it will be with lower tech lethal weaponry.
You envision correctly:

As you can see, even their keepers cannot stop American Pravda / 消息 from reporting the facts from time to time.

Now, in the 4th paragraph here:

the exhortation for us is on the power source vulnerability, as cited in a posting prior to this one by someone who also knows.

Suitable materials exist to protect one's self:

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The youth aren’t completely lost. Many of you aren’t involved in the shooting sports where the youth participate.

Sure, there are several lazy, entitled kids out there that are largely useless for every good kid out there.

But there are some enclaves out there where they show up. It is something to see.

Over the course of one week I interacted with hundreds of kids and was addressed as “Sir” about 85-90 percent of the time. I didn’t think kids were being raised anymore to be respectful. But some of them are.

I’ve also got some Gen Z acquaintances that have surprised me. They are in their 20’s and are actively seeking out knowledge from the older generations. They want to learn to be capable when it comes to basic homesteading, etc.

So they are out there. Remember that it hasn’t been that many years since Trump was elected. Those people didn’t simply disappear. Those long convoys of his supporters? I saw one over 100 cars long going down I-40. Saw big boat parades for Trump too. Those are people with at least some means.

Don’t give up hope just because the news media saturates the air waves with the vacuous and corrupt. Americans are still out there. You have to make connections locally and rediscover them.

What we need to do is start connecting with each other. Many of us of the libertarian variety prefer to be loners. We can’t do that anymore. Local affiliations and friendships are the way we save our country. Don’t look to Washington. Don’t look to Raleigh.

Go old school. Go low tech. Have a cookout and start talking to your neighbors. Figure out which ones are good people. Invite them to the next cookout and don’t invite the ones that aren’t of the same mindset.

The left aren’t the only ones that can recruit. Maybe we can’t undo thousands of hours of TikTok programming. But we can get some of them to form alliances with.

Spread the word about keeping food on hand. Teach them how to can stuff, store it, maybe take the cream of the crop to the range. Send them resources to check online that might move them to our side of the fence. Instead of watching some BS show on Netflix start having more face time with the people around you.

Don’t try to schedule things on the weekends. That will slow things down because you’ll be competing with other interests. Do these things during the week. Start a supper club. You cook one day and they cook another.

Glenn Beck was on to some thing when he started advocating for Kitchen Table Meetings. Make an inner circle for yourself if you don’t have one already. But seek to add second and third layers to that circle and pretty soon you’ll have a network of people that support and care about one another.

If we all go out and do that, they will have one hell of a difficult time making us kowtow.
I thought I was done but I guess I have a bit more to say.

When the chips are down, many people will wring their hands and wonder how the government is going to fix things. Instead, have a core group of people that will immediately come together when things get bad.

Give them something else to have faith in other than Uncle Sugar.

I know we have some edgy atheists here that will bristle at the notion that some local church congregations might be the key to providing a port in the storm. But there’s a reason things have gone downhill since religion has become less important. Church groups have been the glue holding more small American towns together than any other single factor. They are the underpinning for Key Clubs and Ruritans all over the country.

What unites many people is the idea that there’s something up above. Something greater than the individual. The government wants to fill that void in the minds of too many Americans.

As someone that has been a person of faith, then become educated and agnostic…I find myself coming to the inevitable conclusion that skepticism is no precursor for wisdom. So many of the things we believe, such as right from wrong, freedom, honor, courage, are often intangibles. We cannot measure them and assign a numerical value to them. They don’t convert to money. But they are the ideas that hold us together. They give our lives meaning, structure, and without them there is chaos.

I’m coming back to the church. Though it may be no brick building. No clapboard structure. I don’t know where to go. I don’t know which preachers I trust. Maybe there is nowhere to go. Thankfully the church isn’t a place. It’s is and has always been the people. So I just have to find them. I’ve already found some of them.

We are fighting the ancient evil of old and despite my resistance and machinations of denial, I can’t ignore it anymore. No other explanation makes sense.

This forum isn’t a church nor should it be. But it could be the beginning of a congregation.
I thought I was done but I guess I have a bit more to say.

When the chips are down, many people will wring their hands and wonder how the government is going to fix things. Instead, have a core group of people that will immediately come together when things get bad.

Give them something else to have faith in other than Uncle Sugar.

I know we have some edgy atheists here that will bristle at the notion that some local church congregations might be the key to providing a port in the storm. But there’s a reason things have gone downhill since religion has become less important. Church groups have been the glue holding more small American towns together than any other single factor. They are the underpinning for Key Clubs and Ruritans all over the country.

What unites many people is the idea that there’s something up above. Something greater than the individual. The government wants to fill that void in the minds of too many Americans.

As someone that has been a person of faith, then become educated and agnostic…I find myself coming to the inevitable conclusion that skepticism is no precursor for wisdom. So many of the things we believe, such as right from wrong, freedom, honor, courage, are often intangibles. We cannot measure them and assign a numerical value to them. They don’t convert to money. But they are the ideas that hold us together. They give our lives meaning, structure, and without them there is chaos.

I’m coming back to the church. Though it may be no brick building. No clapboard structure. I don’t know where to go. I don’t know which preachers I trust. Maybe there is nowhere to go. Thankfully the church isn’t a place. It’s is and has always been the people. So I just have to find them. I’ve already found some of them.

We are fighting the ancient evil of old and despite my resistance and machinations of denial, I can’t ignore it anymore. No other explanation makes sense.

This forum isn’t a church nor should it be. But it could be the beginning of a congregation.
It is the churches or religion that has helped establish a common set of values or mores that other agree on and live by. Without a common set of values we have chaos, as evidenced by the current condition. Somewhere along the line, people started trading in government for religion as the common set of values to live by, via laws and regulations, but as we know, this is highly flawed.

I had an interesting experience with a church in SC that hosted a PrepperCon. The had stockpiles of provisons and I asked them about it. They said, this is our ministry. We know a bad time is coming and many will not be prepared. So, we are preparing for them.
I know we have some edgy atheists here that will bristle at the notion that some local church congregations might be the key to providing a port in the storm.

I must be one of those bristly atheists. The whole concept of the church is no different than the .gov. Obey and you will be rewarded, disobey and you will be punished. There is always some 'higher power' that you must blindly believe in and then follow the instructions of others in the structure who you'll allow to have power over you, either through threat of violence or threat of eternal damnation. Hypocrisy and corruption run rampant and there isn't much that can be done about it, neither organization is self healing because ultimately they're run by people and people who seek and get power aren't exactly the types that will self correct.

Finding actual like minded people is hard, very hard, if you don't subscribe to the structure. I've been actively trying to find others, and what I find is extremists on both ends with blind faith and devotion to obviously imperfect ideals. I've yet to find anyone in any group that is willing to call out the bunk and work with reality.

Could just be me though, the wife does say I'm weird.

Local affiliations and friendships are the way we save our country

You are on to something here though. It's the people around us that can make or break our lives mentally/spiritually/however you want to call it. The far away .gov can destroy the structure, but it's hard for them to crush the spirit. We've got to do that on our own. :)
There is another scenario that I envision which is the creation of a safe and effective non-lethal weapon. Think phasers set on stun. Government will use such a weapon in practically every situation and the only way to combat it will be with lower tech lethal weaponry.
Notice all the self healing switch gear being installed by Duke Power and other utilities for power restoration, or rolling blackouts.
So use a can launcher to send a spool of copper that is grounded to the tower over the transmission lines... got it.
Notice all the self healing switch gear being installed by Duke Power and other utilities for power restoration, or rolling blackouts.
From this morning's Forward Observer report:
GRID INSIDER: YOU CAN'T PROTECT IT ALL: Grid operators and policymakers are still working on grid security efforts after a series of physical and cyberattacks in the last year and are conducting emergency training exercises and simulated attacks to determine how an attack could affect different systems protecting the grid.
  • National Association of State Energy Officials president David Terry said the U.S. grid with more than 55,000 substations is "so vast... you can't protect every piece."
  • Why It Matters: The power grid remains a vulnerability for the U.S. and a likely target by foreign adversaries and domestic actors, and the U.S. government may not have the capacity to secure it. – R.C
Duke can't even keep the power on reliably during a storm. The part that I find ironic is that technology today, especially inverter technology is affordable enough that this doesn't have to be the annoyance that it is. The extension of this is in the drive towards the concept of 'micro grid' and smaller, redundant generation with less reliance on large transmission systems.

edit - don't know why this shows up as "stack path", its a link to the International District Energy Association.

One of the top articles, Why DOE’s Plan Won’t Create a Resilient Grid. But What Might…
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I thought I was done but I guess I have a bit more to say.

When the chips are down, many people will wring their hands and wonder how the government is going to fix things. Instead, have a core group of people that will immediately come together when things get bad.

Give them something else to have faith in other than Uncle Sugar.

I know we have some edgy atheists here that will bristle at the notion that some local church congregations might be the key to providing a port in the storm. But there’s a reason things have gone downhill since religion has become less important. Church groups have been the glue holding more small American towns together than any other single factor. They are the underpinning for Key Clubs and Ruritans all over the country.

What unites many people is the idea that there’s something up above. Something greater than the individual. The government wants to fill that void in the minds of too many Americans.

As someone that has been a person of faith, then become educated and agnostic…I find myself coming to the inevitable conclusion that skepticism is no precursor for wisdom. So many of the things we believe, such as right from wrong, freedom, honor, courage, are often intangibles. We cannot measure them and assign a numerical value to them. They don’t convert to money. But they are the ideas that hold us together. They give our lives meaning, structure, and without them there is chaos.

I’m coming back to the church. Though it may be no brick building. No clapboard structure. I don’t know where to go. I don’t know which preachers I trust. Maybe there is nowhere to go. Thankfully the church isn’t a place. It’s is and has always been the people. So I just have to find them. I’ve already found some of them.

We are fighting the ancient evil of old and despite my resistance and machinations of denial, I can’t ignore it anymore. No other explanation makes sense.

This forum isn’t a church nor should it be. But it could be the beginning of a congregation.

There's the church (the building), and there's The Church (the people). No one should allow others to define their walk with God based on the name of a sign in front of a building.
It's easy to armchair quarterback, but honestly it's all academic until it happens. No one know how one is going to react until it actually happens. I just hope none of us are forced to make those decisions.
No one hates war worse than the warriors as they are the ones who are going to fight and die. That said , with the situation America is in today I think we are past the point of redemption or no return. I may not see it but my kids will. They are ready .
The same people that crucified Jesus are the same people that will let you down. The church is not people or buildings, it is Christ Jesus.
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I must be one of those bristly atheists. The whole concept of the church is no different than the .gov. Obey and you will be rewarded, disobey and you will be punished. There is always some 'higher power' that you must blindly believe in and then follow the instructions of others in the structure who you'll allow to have power over you, either through threat of violence or threat of eternal damnation. Hypocrisy and corruption run rampant and there isn't much that can be done about it, neither organization is self healing because ultimately they're run by people and people who seek and get power aren't exactly the types that will self correct.

The thing I like about this group is they don't just parrot cliches, poorly thought out caricatures, and ignorant prejudices. It is the great thing about honest debate on things, ya know.
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I must be one of those bristly atheists. The whole concept of the church is no different than the .gov. Obey and you will be rewarded, disobey and you will be punished. There is always some 'higher power' that you must blindly believe in and then follow the instructions of others in the structure who you'll allow to have power over you, either through threat of violence or threat of eternal damnation. Hypocrisy and corruption run rampant and there isn't much that can be done about it, neither organization is self healing because ultimately they're run by people and people who seek and get power aren't exactly the types that will self correct.
To me, this is a false dichotomy, though I do see this as the basic premise of Christianity, which I have also come to understand originated with a sect of Judaism and can be categorized as Judaism for the Gentiles. Coming from (largely) Northern European ancestry the idea of worshiping a different people's middle eastern god seems, foreign and I don't understand the appeal.

Your comment also reminds me of the comment by @tanstaafl72555 where he says
It is the most "natural" thing in the world to take umbrage and be indignant that there is a being who has the RIGHT to demand submission.
My relationship with god is not like this, it is not one of submission or supplication and the idea of it being that way, to me, is sad. Here is a quote from BC Neanderthal Mindset that is much more in line with my view
The Approach

One thing you notice as you reach out to the old gods is their approachability.

For someone who is not accustomed to extending a hand in friendship to a deity, this might seem as a daunting, or quite possibly a jubilant opportunity.
Then again there are those who could care less, and that is ok too.

One does not have to sacrifice cattle at an altar dedicated to (insert god name) to gain their attention and petition for blessing.
It is not necessary to perform an obscure rite on the first full moon of the new solstice to say hello.

Gods are also not bottled genies, who submit to every beck and call for blessings and favors. They have their own wants, desires and dislikes that they are privy to, just like we are.
So, if you feel that petitions to your patron deity have gone unanswered, or your devoted dedications of ceremony are going unheard, do not be dismayed.
I find, rather than simultaneously being some grandiose cosmic force that I can neither understand that at the same time manipulates every move of my destiny that its much more like the comment above, extending a hand in friendship.
There's the church (the building), and there's The Church (the people). No one should allow others to define their walk with God based on the name of a sign in front of a building.
One thing that the church has done is help build the community. It is this sense of community that is really lacking in society today, and I think it has largely been replaced by government. I know non Christian people who attend church only for the purpose of helping to build and be a part of the community. I think this is very important, especially in smaller communities, as we approach what are I suspect will be the end times for Empire USA as we know it.

I also think that the concepts of morality derive from first the concept of family and then the extended community. I do not believe they originate with the word of a vengeful deity.
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