"Stolen gun at Walmart causes panic"

Stereotypically my thick Southern accent and stars and bars headwear indicate I have a gun somewhere! Should I care if its seen or not...Nahhhhh. Most yankees arent quite sure what to think nor does my NY wife on some days but I am what I am...long white beard and all! Politeness and a smile wash a lot of that stereotype away even armed!

And my question and this is a question not an argument because o.c. is something I'm torn about.
For all the good the open carry meets do for education of the masses,don't you think ,one irresponsible person open carrying does ten times the damage to the 2a cause. And yes there's a republican in the white House now, but to believe that the Dems aren't going to get another crack at it is unrealistic, and the gun grabbers will be right back at it. And perception , rather than merits of an argument, form alot of the anti 2a voting stance, so negative perception equals negative votes, putting butts in seats in the house and Senate that make our 2a freedoms harder to keep, and ultimately expand. The guy with the gunfighter carry, coke bottle glasses looked like he took a bath once month whether he needed it or not, but this was just my perception of him, perhaps he had a medical condition that prevented regular carry, allergic to water, I don't know, may have been the greatest guy in the world, but my 5minute interaction left me with a definite negative perception.
Ultimately, the Second protects our Right not only to keep arms, but bear them as well.

There’s no caveat for open or concealed. In fact, when it was written, pretty much everyone open carried -visible arms were simply a normal part of life.

Open carry helps normalize the idea of guns as everyday tools that everyday men and women carry.

It allows people a fuller exercise of their Right to bear arms without paying the Crown for the privilege.

We can argue the tactical merits of open vs concealed,the likelihood of being a target or not.

But to argue against open carry is nothing more than a “I support the Second Amendment, but” statement.
The problem, in my opinion, isn’t that open carry is wrong, just that it seems to invite a certain type of person to do it.

That, and the hipster in me really just wishes they would up their holster game. I mean...uncle mikes is the black socks/sandles/shorts of the holster world.

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No less damage to the cause than the irresponsible CC guy that leaves his weapon in a public restroom.

For all the good the open carry meets do for education of the masses,don't you think ,one irresponsible person open carrying does ten times the damage to the 2a cause. .
For all the good the open carry meets do for education of the masses,don't you think ,one irresponsible person open carrying does ten times the damage to the 2a cause.

This is basically the crux of the thing, right... If you have a positive interaction with a person or thing, you tell a few people, If you have a negative interaction, you tell EVERYBODY.

So the best number I can find is there are probably somewhere in excess of 500,000 concealed carry permits in North Carolina, there's 2000ish active members of the Forum, so that's 0.4% of concealed carry permit holders, the people on this forum are probably more aware and knowledgeable than the vast majority of permit holders, however represent less than 1% of the overall group.

There's over 10 million people in NC, so less than 5% have their permit.
Even less of those numbers have actually sought out training.

While it is your right to carry a firearm, It's your responsibility to do so in a safe manner and seek out the training and skills you need to do so.

Possession does not equal competency, Every person on this Earth has a brain, very few actually use it.
No less damage to the cause than the irresponsible CC guy that leaves his weapon in a public restroom.
But most likely that image fades quicker than the guy who open carrys irresponsibley who interacts with people regularly. To carry concealed you have to take a class, to get a hunting licence, complete a hunters safety course, to open carry simply strap.it on,of course to.require a gun safety course of brings us back to the paying money to the crown , I see it as a problem with no easy solution
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Hell, I ain't skeert I'll say it, OC does not reflect on the gun community in a favorable way. There, it's out in the open.
I have over heard comments made by people when they see someone OC'ing and their not good. One woman in Wal Mart was on her way to find a manager and there was a guy that called the OC'er a "stupid, careless idiot"....
Get a CC if possible, if not leave it at home..... Flame on!!!
We make our own beds to lie in. The reason people react like that is because seeing a normal citizen with a gun is so rare. I think CC should be the typical order of the day, but I also think giving the masses a look at normal people behaving responsibly with a gun on their hip does good things. Hearts and minds.
I don't purposely OC but don't go deep hidden-carry either. Typically for me it is OWB at 3 O-clock covered by the bottom of my t-shirt or a long sleeved shirt in the colder months. Does my handgun show if I reach into my back pocket for my wallet or stretch to get something off a high store shelf? Probably, but I don't really care.

One grinch-like thought I frequently have is to walk into a bank or someplace marked as no CC and simply hike my t-shirt up and stuff it behind the grip. Voila - instant OC! Of course, I'd likely cause two of three blue-haired ladies in the bank to stroke out at the sight.....
But most likely that image fades quicker than the guy who open carrys irresponsibley who interacts with people regularly. To carry concealed you have to take a class, to get a hunting licence, complete a hunters safety course, to open carry simply strap.it on,of course to.require a gun safety course of brings us back to the paying money to the crown , I see it as a problem with no easy solution

You take any classes before you post?

Take any classes before you can go to church, participate in a protest, not be a witness against yourself?

Pay your fee for a license to vote? Take a class to have a fair trial, be free of unreasonable searches and seizures?

If gun owners see the Second Amendment as protecting a second class right, why do folks get all up in arms when the SCOTUS treats it the same?

I swear, we’re our own worst enemy sometimes.

The only responsibility that comes with any of our Rights is to not infringe upon or violate the Rights of others.
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You take any classes before you post?

Take any classes before you can go to church, participate in a protest, not be a witness against yourself?

Pay your fee for a license to vote? Take a class to have a fair trial, be free of unreasonable searches and seizures?

If gun owners see the Second Amendment as protecting a second class right, why do folks get all up in arms when the SCOTUS treats it the same?

I swear, we’re our own worst enemy sometimes.

The only responsibility that comes with any of our Rights is to not infringe upon or violate the Rights of others.
my post can't kill, impact the public negatively to do damage to the cause , only piss off the most fevered loyalist it seems , as for the pay a fee to post you'll see charter member under my screen name it's how I show my support for the sight and cause, and some times we are our own worst enemy, that sword is double edged and cuts both ways, repeatedly typing shall not be infringed upon doesn't mean you're right, it just means you can spell shall not be infringed upon
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I prefer to OC, I find it 100x more comfortable. But, I do not do it unless it's my shield, and it's winter so I have my hoodie on covering the owb holster lol.
Like most have stated, usually the guys you see OC are usually tards, I've seen guys in Walmart OC a Walther p22 in a uncle Mike's..

I don't want to be associated with that class of people, so I conceal. I'd rather open carry though.
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my post can't kill, impact the public negatively to do damage to the cause , only piss off the most fevered loyalist it seems , as for the pay a fee to post you'll see charter member under my screen name it's how I show my support for the sight and cause, and some times we are our own worst enemy, that sword is double edged and cuts both ways, repeatedly typing shall not be infringed upon doesn't mean you're right, it just means you can spell shall not be infringed upon

Then pen is mightier than the sword...the written word is responsible for more death and destruction than any single weapon.

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That in essence is true but generally the pen is not the preferred weapon , if more argument s where settled with a nasty note there'd be a lot less trouble in the world
I oc about 10% of the time. When I do, I know I'm going to. Same rig every time-
G23 in a Safariland ALS. Both black. I'll usually wear a black shirt. I'm always presentable, even in workday clothes as I go to some pretty shwanky places. Look professional/be professional.

What other people do with oc, I really don't care.

The real problem I see, is that most people don't know how to choose their battles.
I see people that can barely form a sentence, open carrying, simple question, how do we stop it, simple answer you can't. Moving on
That in essence is true but generally the pen is not the preferred weapon , if more argument s where settled with a nasty note there'd be a lot less trouble in the world

Yeah...those nasty declarations of war...Mein Kampf...Comminist Manifesto...

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Yeah...those nasty declarations of war...Mein Kampf...Comminist Manifesto...

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With out the soldiers with guns to enforce the ideas are they not just words on a page , which is more deadly the idea or the violence that enforces it
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With out the soldiers with guns to enforce the ideas are they not just words on a page , which is more deadly the idea or the violence that enforces it

Sure. The idea that ignited the violence. It’s been spelled out before too many times. If you don’t understand the cause and effect of vitriolic speech and texts on the hearts of man then I’m not sure what will. Like Gunny in Full Metal Jacket said, it’s a cold heart that kills, the weapon is inconsequential. And nothing drives a cold heart like an idea that has been stoked into an inferno by rhetoric.

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Sure. The idea that ignited the violence. It’s been spelled out before too many times. If you don’t understand the cause and effect of vitriolic speech and texts on the hearts of man then I’m not sure what will. Like Gunny in Full Metal Jacket said, it’s a cold heart that kills, the weapon is inconsequential. And nothing drives a cold heart like an idea that has been stoked into an inferno by rhetoric.

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So you're saying any idea or written word that has incited violence is bad,
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Not exactly sure where you got that from. And I can tell this argument is falling on deaf ears. Merry Christmas.

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Actually not on deaf ears, of all the discussion we been a part of, I was particularly enjoying this one Merry Christmas to you also
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Coming from the man who makes really sweet owb holsters. LOL LOL

Everyone knows my holsters exude so much awesome that any would be snatchers are dazzled by it and turn their life around.

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To try to explain my point a bit more:

On the micro-level the sword is mightier than the pen. No one has ever taken a pen to a gun fight. This is a truth.

But on the macro level the pen is far mightier. It was a swoop of a pen that sends countries to war, a pen signed our Declaration of Independence, a pen stroke legalized abortion, a pen stroke sent the US into Vietnam. A pen stroke wrote the communist manifestos that spread like wildfire leading to the Cold War. A pen stroke signed the “Final solution” in Germany.

So yes, on the “in your face” level, the sword will always win. But looking at the forest from above it is apparent that it was the pen that caused the violence.

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But most likely that image fades quicker than the guy who open carrys irresponsibley who interacts with people regularly. To carry concealed you have to take a class, to get a hunting licence, complete a hunters safety course, to open carry simply strap.it on,of course to.require a gun safety course of brings us back to the paying money to the crown , I see it as a problem with no easy solution

I'm a big proponent of the safety education idea. Why, pay the crown? Why not set up an NRA or other public courses?
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Everyone knows my holsters exude so much awesome that any would be snatchers are dazzled by it and turn their life around.

I'm going to be forced to play my BS card on that statement!!! Jason's holsters are so awesome that a snatcher would grab it right off your ass, pull the gun out, throw the gun on the floor and haul butt with just the holster!!! THAT"S how awesome @chiefjason's holsters are!!!!!!!

Back to your regularly scheduled thread...... We have zippers on our pants for a reason, we have concealed carry for a similar reason...
To try to explain my point a bit more:

On the micro-level the sword is mightier than the pen. No one has ever taken a pen to a gun fight. This is a truth.

But on the macro level the pen is far mightier. It was a swoop of a pen that sends countries to war, a pen signed our Declaration of Independence, a pen stroke legalized abortion, a pen stroke sent the US into Vietnam. A pen stroke wrote the communist manifestos that spread like wildfire leading to the Cold War. A pen stroke signed the “Final solution” in Germany.

So yes, on the “in your face” level, the sword will always win. But looking at the forest from above it is apparent that it was the pen that caused the violence.

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I understand your point. And philosophically speaking this is correct, but in reality the pen caused no war it is a tool used by it's master, a man held that pen in each of the examples, as in the same way we say guns don't kill people, people kill people, without the pen, the use of the sword would still exist, man has killed for greed, food, land,or for the pure enjoyment of killing, since the beginning, we need no manifesto or declaration of war, if you follow that line of thinking, that an instrument, not the hand that guides is responsible, then that would mean that the gun not the hand that guides it is responsible, again Merry Christmas,
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