The Best Advice You’ve Ever Received

Remembered another one.

"Folks only like winter because they get to come inside"

This is why I moved from MI to NC. Winter is only fun if you can afford winter toys, and some of those are only designed to make winter less miserable rather than fun.
My great grandmother lived to be 103 and we asked as she neared 100 what did she do to live so long. She said 3 things: take vitamin E, sit loose in your chair and be regular!

Translation...take vitamin E :), don’t let things bother you :D and take a poop every day :eek:!
from dad- Shut up and listen. (roughly translates to listen before you speak)
from grandpa- If you don't wanna wear a seat-belt, its nobody's business but your own.
from old boss- If you f up something the first time, that was the cost of the education...The second time, its coming out of your check.
from wife- When i want something, dont ask why, just start planning on how to get it for me.
me- Its only life.
Cant remember who- Never make a permanent action based off of a temporary emotion.
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