The last witness to Lincoln's assassination appeared on television.

I wonder how hard it would be to gather 4 celebrities today who could even harbor a guess at significant event in American history…
Someday there will be a person talking just like this man about the "trauma" of seeing Hillary lose the election.
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Amazing the things that pop up as "suggestions" in your Youtube searches. ;)

I had that pop up in the last year, & watched it too.
My Grand Father went from walking or riding a horse or buggy to seeing men walk on the Moon in his lifetime. Today grown people get excited when a New Phone comes out or Kill each other over a pair of sneakers.

Heard an interview with a lady similar. Said the biggest invention that effected her lifetime was the telephone. Said she cried the first time she talked to her sister who she had not seen in 3 years. Crazy what we take for granted.

Crazier that I'm old enough to tell my kids stories that just make them shake their heads. lol
Look up George Johnson. He was a former slave of Jefferson Davis. Fascinating audio interview A bit disturbing of a peak in time. It is pure Stockholm syndrome.
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