Update to Grand Power Bad Experience

Scenario 1:
-I press check the gun with a round in the chamber
-The gun goes click
-Trigger is dead

Possible result:
-Either the round went off
-Or I have a dead trigger and I'm dead


Update: Got thr K100 Xtrim back from warranty. Also broken right out of the box like my Q1. So this will be the 5th warranty claim in 1 month. I'm asking for a refund from Global Ordnance at this point

Yeah. I'd be tempted to drag their name through the mud on every social media I could. Give it another shot, see if they offer you some swag, and dump them as soon as you function test them. It is a shame because I was really interested in them.
This is on their homepage. Somebody should make it into a meme...

I'm still frustrated with the old SP9A3 debacle from a couple years ago.

View attachment 673255
Apparently that big space between the testing shot numbers are individual and not just missing a comma.
This is on their homepage. Somebody should make it into a meme...

I'm still frustrated with the old SP9A3 debacle from a couple years ago.

View attachment 673255
100k rounds. 30k were jams. Malfunctions don't count as parts failure I guess. The gun requires 2011 level of maintenance
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