Very misleading headline; appears to be justified shooting

I haven't watched it in slow motion but I don't see her making any stabbing or lunging motion toward him. One hand was close to him but not in a position to offer any leverage for a lethal stab. Didn't look good to me.
Agreed. From the news story it seems the guy may have very well been an innocent victim. There are many cases where the “victim “ of domestic violence is actually the perpetrator. He seemed to be calm, she certainly wasn’t.

Guys are victims of domestic violence all the time.

All. The. Time.

Society and the legal system at large is heavily biased against this, however.

A shipmate on one of my subs showed up quite frequently with bruises and minor cuts. Everybody knew it was his wife, but he had every excuse in the book except what was really happening.

Our Corpsman, however, would take him aside every time he saw something new and document it in the guy's medical record.

I remember being on watch one evening back in the engineroom and hearing a double microphone click on the 1MC speakers. (That's a "quiet" way of topside getting the attention of the Belowdecks Watch, who will then pick up a JA phone somewhere.) A few seconds later there was another double click, close enough to indicate some urgency. A few seconds after that was a 1MC announcement "Duty Officer, lay topside."

I grabbed a JA phone to listen in. This guy's wife had shown up drunk, booze poured into a soda can for "discretion", and was beating him around the head and shoulders with the soda can. (The booze part was evident from the mess she was making.)

Base security was called. Everything documented in the ship's logs. Command informed. And yes, the Corpsman did another exam and documented it in the guy's medical record.

Wasn't long after that the woman filed for divorce and tried the old "abuse" claim against the guy. If it weren't for the witnesses and the documentation, it would have went badly for the guy.

Domestic abuse is seldom clear cut. And even when it IS clear cut, it's NOT REALLY clear cut because often the abused person will defend his/her abuser. And quite often it's a mutually abusive relationship, too.

Men ARE abused all the time...verbally, emotionally, and physically.

If I came upon a domestic abuse situation, I'm far more likely to be a witness, calling 911, and maybe videoing than getting actively involved. Shame to say, but this may also include a deadly encounter not involving me or mine. I'm not carrying a firearm for self-defense in order to act as a LEO...I carry for SELF defense of myself and my immediate circle of family. Defense of anybody outside this circle is entirely at my discretion, to be evaluated as I see fit with my own interests as the priority. I d*mn sure do not envy LEO's who have to deal with this emotionally charged type of violence because it can turn deadly on a dime, and even if not it's often so emotionally charged that literally NOBODY will STFU and sit down, with all kinds of monkey strutting going on.

My advice to anybody who gets caught up in domestic violence is LEAVE. Remain calm and LEAVE. Video stuff if you have the presence to do so, but LEAVE. I don't care if it's your house, your car, and just the clothes on your back...LEAVE. Don't open your mouth. Don't raise your voice. Don't have ANY physical contact (not even to push the person out of the way if at all possible). Absolutely NOTHING good comes of sticking around once things get this heated. You can come back later under calmer, and more controlled, circumstances and deal with whatever needs to be dealt with.
My advice to anybody who gets caught up in domestic violence is LEAVE.
I had a friend who went through a bad situation. He took his son, left, and filed for divorce. At the hearing, he explained his actions as not wanting his son to be subject to abuse or the deteriorating situation. He won full custody.
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