What just happened?


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2021
Timberlake NC
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We went to an HOA meeting this morning — I am now the president and I’m screwed.
These people are crazy..

I was volunteered and got no suport in saying no from my wife.

There are about 70 homes and there are a few minor issues that seem to be caused by a couple people that want attention.
There is a decent amount of money in the bank account so some want to suspend HOA fees for a couple years or lower the rate.
A few people want to hire an outside group to enforce the rules.

We have been residents of the subdivision for about 6 months so this is going to be a fun trip.
I figure it will take 2-3 weeks to piss everyone off - even if I do nothing.

BTW - anyone have experience with outside HOA management companies?
Lol. Poor fella.

The little sub-development in which we lived had a HOA, as did the larger housing development. The big "development" had all of these little sub-developments. For a couple years I was the secretary / treasurer of our sub-development HOA, and I only did it to be a voice of reason. Actually, that one was not bad at all. But the bigger HOA for the bigger development, holy hell, they were awful.

Good luck.
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Use the money to build a range, encourage everyone to learn proper firearms safety and ownership. Form a sense of community where folks know each other and are willing to help out.

I know this would never happen, but if it did, so many issues would resolve themselves.

Good luck op. I don't envy your position.
Sometimes it’s good to be the man in charge. If you’ve got money in the bank, let it ride, fix the issues, make people happy within reason, but keep it all in house, I would not turn over authority over your living space to an outside entity, who has no skin in the game.

My buddies HOA voted to do this a few years ago. They essentially got a gestapo run by people who are not a part of the neighborhood. They were dealing with weekly visits by inspectors, literally measuring grass with rulers, walking in peoples backyards taking pictures all the time, issuing fees for ridiculous things, like leaving a water hose exposed, etc.

He said it was a damn nightmare. This group would not approve any landscaping, or house upgrades. All they did was cause problems and bank administrative fees. They even raised the monthly fee to pay for the inspections.

The neighborhood ousted the group last year and returned to self governing HOA.
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There are about 70 homes and there are a few minor issues that seem to be caused by a couple people that want attention.
I'm on the HOA Board in my development. I've never heard so many petty complaints and questions.

- A tree fell in my back yard. Who is responsible?
- I find dog poop.
- What can be done about cars running the stop signs?
- Why are kids screaming?
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My neighborhood is exactly the same size and five years old. We have an HOA board, but also a third party association management outfit. I would definitely go that route.
Do not outsource a darn thing. Oue neighborhood did and someone there stole money big money like 100s. Our neighborhood lost 50 grand. Our dues went up to replace. The new management uses cars with cameras that use AI to flag violaters and then try to steal money in form of fines. Im a corner house and get nailed all the time. My neigbors do not.

Agree with others keep it in house or disband it. Value of no HOA land or HOA Free is going up.
Do not outsource a darn thing. Oue neighborhood did and someone there stole money big money like 100s. Our neighborhood lost 50 grand. Our dues went up to replace. The new management uses cars with cameras that use AI to flag violaters and then try to steal money in form of fines. Im a corner house and get nailed all the time. My neigbors do not.

Agree with others keep it in house or disband it. Value of no HOA land or HOA Free is going up.
Your board can fire the management company.
Use the HOA funds to purchase Trump 2024 signs, flags and T-shirts for all the homes while contributing to his election account
Tell them it is to "spruce up" the neighborhood LOL
im split on an HOA
My opinion doesn’t count since I’m not in one

I believe the front and side yards that can be seen from the road must be kept nice tidy and painted ETC, all houses shall have a privacy fence, and what you do out back is your business
Pass a bunch of by-laws that you want, pour money into things you want to see, and then resign.
Didn't want one, but finally found a house and it had an HOA. My small HOA is extremely quiet. I'm the recording secretary by default (jokingly, no one was allowed to leave the annual meeting without someone taking the position). I did almost zero for a year. It's an extremely chill; one neighbor complained to the board in an email about someone's grass getting too long and the president responded, "Do you want to make a formal complaint for all to see?" The Karen went dark after that. Mostly everyone has things outside the by-laws/covenants, so if you cast a stone, one might be coming your way also.....it's a live-and-let-live HOA. We even let an Air B-n-B operate against the by-laws, until they annoy enough people....

I'm happy we do have an HOA though, everyone has an acre or more so no one wants campers or trailers, etc. popping up in the next yard.
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We use an outside entity, and I swear all they do is take their cut. They can’t do rule enforcement of anything that predates them taking over (which is everything).

They manage the pool contract, and the mowing for the common areas. I think what they manage is easy, but we don’t have a retired guy who is willing to do it.
How in God's name did a bunch of liberal northerners end up in Timberlake? They're the only nut cases that like someone telling them what colors they can paint their houses or how high the grass is allowed. Your not even in a city! I feel for you. The reason I moved to Bahama was to get away from people like that.
That's the first step to become a useless politician.🤣
"BTW - anyone have experience with outside HOA management companies?"

Are there enough funds to build a fortified wall with machine gun posts around the neighborhood?
That was one of my first thoughts… then I figured we could set up a shooting range..

Use the HOA funds to purchase Trump 2024 signs, flags and T-shirts for all the homes while contributing to his election account
Tell them it is to "spruce up" the neighborhood LOL

Great plan… they are going to freek out when I put up an illegal Trump sign… :)
I deal with an HOA management company as a third party consultant. Using a third party to manage the operations is a good idea. Example: If your development is less than about 15 years old it might have regulated storm water controls that require annual inspections and maintenance. But Third party enforcement of bylaws against residents is beyond bonkers ultra-far-left fascist lunacy.
I lived in one where the existing board hired an outside group. I led the charge to recruit volunteers to stage a protest and force a meeting and election (something the board wasn't doing either of.)
I ended up getting elected to the new board and was nearly named president, but I was able to duck that title. First thing we did was fire the outside company. Then we got a lawyer who was willing to buy the debt owed by the few guys that weren't paying assessments. He then harassed them with collection notices until they paid up.
The primary thing is to remind everybody we're all neighbors. Don't cast a stone or expect one to come back. All formal complaints are published and handled in person at the next meeting. There's no making the board do your bidding, you'll have to do it yourself in person at the meeting, and be named as the complaining party in any mailed letters. That keeps things quiet and civil.
How in God's name did a bunch of liberal northerners end up in Timberlake? They're the only nut cases that like someone telling them what colors they can paint their houses or how high the grass is allowed. Your not even in a city! I feel for you. The reason I moved to Bahama was to get away from people like that.

Liberal Northerners? You hurt me deeply…
I’m a f’in damn Yankee that thinks like the real patriots of old.

If you want something - work for it,
if you want to come to the US - do it right,
if your having a problem - I’ll help but don’t expect me to help you forever.
If you do the crime- expect to do the time.
If you dishonor our vets - expect to be dis-honored
If you mistreat a kid or a woman- expect to eat dirt.
If you think you can screw with my rights - think again.
If you want to change your sex - don’t expect me to agree with you.
If a guy thinks he should compete with women in physical sports -
he should have his balls removed at the neck close to the Adams apple
If — you get it…..

I was volunteered to the position. Did not volunteer myself. In fact I tried to back out but they needed help.

When we introduced ourselves, I stated that we were from the “live free or die” state and we were interested in protecting our property (followed by “with guns” under my breath) but didn't like people telling us how to live.
Next thing I knew I was elected president of the HOA

my wife made a couple comments and one guy said that she should be president of the US..
Most of the people seemed to agree..
Trump signs may not be all that bad, but I’m upgrading the security cameras and putting in trip wires..
I lived in one where the existing board hired an outside group. I led the charge to recruit volunteers to stage a protest and force a meeting and election (something the board wasn't doing either of.)
I ended up getting elected to the new board and was nearly named president, but I was able to duck that title. First thing we did was fire the outside company. Then we got a lawyer who was willing to buy the debt owed by the few guys that weren't paying assessments. He then harassed them with collection notices until they paid up.
The primary thing is to remind everybody we're all neighbors. Don't cast a stone or expect one to come back. All formal complaints are published and handled in person at the next meeting. There's no making the board do your bidding, you'll have to do it yourself in person at the meeting, and be named as the complaining party in any mailed letters. That keeps things quiet and civil.
All very good ideas.
Your board can fire the management company
We did. Got a new one thats just as shady...... and the chances of suing the first company who had an employee steal were treated as nil due to cost and the company stating oh we took care of that. They fired the girl and no one i repeat NO ONE filed charges. Also no one could find our how much she actually got.
Hint: Keep your yard neat and you won't get any letters.
I do. Its the buffer lot between me and the road. Only about 30 ft wide that they flag me for. The fools didnt know my corner lot is actually theirs that I have maintained for the last 15 years. Just a few years more and adverse possession might turn it into mine. They have been notified multiple times and still do nothing.

Overall HOA is bad. Doesnt matter if you obey the rules or not. They can and will change with the times and not to save you money.
One guy in our neighborhood wanted to get on the HOA board, he was with his Boy Scout son fundraising, oh do you want to sign the HOA proxy card? What he did was use all the signed proxies to vote himself on the board. They disqualified him for his sneaky tactict.

Another homeowner installed a pool, got all the permits but did not have HOA approval, they fined him, put lien on the house, this ended up in court because he was denied his due process. Ended up settling out of court for $300K, HOA insurance only covered 100K, HOA dues jacked up to cover the difference. Board members removed for their actions. Homeowner sold the house shortly after the settlement.
Use the money to fund a campaign to end the HOA
This! If I were ever in control of an HOA id be doing the same thing every government official should be doing but never will. I would limit the powers of the HOA returning full ownership to the community. The HOA should be more of a social entity than a legal one capable of foreclosing on homes.

Eliminate nearly all silly fines (parking, trash cans, landscaping, etc)
Put a cap on fines, late fees, and interest charges (a $30 fine should never grow to $200+)
Modify bylaws preventing HOA from having the ability to foreclose; they get their money when the home is sold
Cut unnecessary amenities
Cut the fees down to the min needed to maintain the amenities offered.
At this point, a management company isn’t necessary, and they cost a lot $$$!
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Ran our HOA for years when our development was growing. It’s only as big a pain as you make it. I wouldn’t outsource anything.
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