What Would Happen If The Internet Went Down

We’d all be happier!😂 That would be interesting though. All the people who can’t look up recipes, all the kids who can’t watch a show or play a video game, all the at home gunsmiths trying to figure out how to replace that pesky spring😳! Scratch what I said, it would be hell for a couple of days😂😂
Taking the long view, if the internet went down, permanently, then everything depending on it would also go: security cameras, internet based reporting, cloud servers and other data facilities...

Once it went down, Purge time.
Ehhh, internet was designed to survive a nuclear attack. I'm much more worried about the power grid.
For being designed to survive a nuke strike, it sure is vulnerable to simple disruption. Why do you think even govt. relies on HF radio for backup?
Ehhh, internet was designed to survive a nuclear attack. I'm much more worried about the power grid.
THE internet was, yes.
however, people who depend on instant access... they were not designed to survive much.
Most POS systems now are tied into cloud based stuff, so forget buying things. People can't even count money anymore, much less make change. Inventories everywhere would be screwed up, and people don't know how to calculate tax, so they wouldn't even bother to ring you up.
All our stuff at work is done on thinclients tied into company VPN on servers that, at the best of times, are prone to falling apart. When we lose internet, we screech to a halt.
Just think, grocers depend on the internet for distribution logistics, supply chains as well.

All internet based phone systems would go down as well.

Land line systems would quickly be overwhelmed and we'd get thrown into chaos, hence.....Purge time.
If we lose the grid but are otherwise lucky it could be the horse and steam age, which I have come to think I would actually prefer despite the difficulties.

We could start wearing tweeds and calling each other "chaps" again.
I look forward to bringing back monoculars and walking canes that become swords.
The what?

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Millennial’s head would explode because they could not post every minute of their lives …

But people would actually have to talk and interact physically with each other again … social skills would resurface and people might actually learn to that other types of people actually aren’t bad.
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Millennial’s head would explode because they could not post every minute of their lives …

But people would actually have to talk and interact physically with each other again … social skills would resurface and people might actually learn to that other types of people actually aren’t bad.
Another hard lesson would be learning that there are serious consequences and repercussions to running your mouth live and in person .
The keyboard commandos will face a harsh reality...
Bullying in person face to face will definitely be an eye opener....or closer😳
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if the internet went down, electric power would soon follow.
depending upon how far away i would be from home when
it happens, i would try to find a bicycle, because the roads
would be gridlock within 2~3 hours.
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