Check in if you're not getting the COVID "vaccine."

For good or bad, COVID-19 has changed the way we navigate the world and the way in which “we the people” exercise our rights. Those hoping to navigate this interconnected and highly technological world of contact tracing, vaccine passports and digital passes will find themselves grappling with issues that touch on deep-seated moral, political, religious and personal questions for which there may be no clear-cut answers.

While the courts may increasingly defer to the government’s brand of Nanny State authoritarianism, we still have rights. The government may try to abridge those rights, it may refuse to recognize them, it may even attempt to nullify them, but it cannot litigate, legislate or forcefully eradicate them out of existence. Among these, we have the right to bodily integrity, a right long been recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court. More relevant to the issue of forced vaccines is the recognition by courts that there is a constitutional right to bodily integrity that gives persons the right to refuse medical treatment.

Those in positions of power and authority have already sought to leverage that power to coerce members of the public to receive COVID-19 vaccinations. Daily, growing numbers of public and private employers are requiring employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and using the threat of termination to force acceptance of the vaccine.

Unfortunately, legal protections in this area are limited. While the Americans with Disabilities Act protects those who can prove they have medical conditions that make receiving a vaccination dangerous, employees must be able to prove they have a sensitivity to vaccines. The requirement established by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that employers provide religious accommodations may be invoked by employees who have sincere religious beliefs against receiving vaccinations. But an employer’s duty of accommodation is not absolute, and if it can show that accommodating the worker’s objections to vaccinations will interfere with its operations or workplace safety, the employee may face the choice between keeping her job or violating her religious beliefs.

The following "Know Your Rights" fact sheet will provide some background and guidance to those seeking to request a religious accommodation for COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the workplace.

Directory of Doctors Prescribing

Outpatient COVID-19 Therapy

Updated: 21 August 2021

Scroll down for Directory below




All cities, including govt strongholds, require constant food resupply from the country. Any blockage of roads, bridges, major water mains, fuel pipelines, elect transmission towers will trap them like fish in a barrel.
Truck drivers aren't the only ones who can lockdown the plantations.
All cities, including govt strongholds, require constant food resupply from the country. Any blockage of roads, bridges, major water mains, fuel pipelines, elect transmission towers will trap them like fish in a barrel.
Truck drivers aren't the only ones who can lockdown the plantations.

A true signal there is an agenda afoot. We have more deaths from gunfire in Chicago than they have from a virus in a year. But they are killing themselves over it. Is it mass hysteria or does China just want Australia that bad?
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Fully Vaccinated Actress Blames Unmasked Children For Her ‘Breakthrough’ Covid Diagnosis in Deranged Rant (VIDEO)​

Actress Melissa Joan Hart, 45, blamed unmasked children for her Covid ‘breakthrough’ diagnosis in a deranged rant this week.
The “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” actress is fully vaccinated and told her 1.6 million Instagram followers that she likely got Covid because her kids don’t have to wear masks at school in Nashville.

Fully Vaccinated Actress Blames Unmasked Children For Her ‘Breakthrough’ Covid Diagnosis in Deranged Rant (VIDEO)​

Actress Melissa Joan Hart, 45, blamed unmasked children for her Covid ‘breakthrough’ diagnosis in a deranged rant this week.
The “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” actress is fully vaccinated and told her 1.6 million Instagram followers that she likely got Covid because her kids don’t have to wear masks at school in Nashville.
She went to Disney world unmasked and she blames her getting the crap on her kids? Priceless and clueless...

Several impounded dogs due to be rescued by a shelter have instead been shot dead by a rural council in NSW under its interpretation of COVID-19 restrictions, alarming animal activists and prompting a government probe.

Bourke Shire Council, in the state’s north-west, killed the dogs to prevent volunteers at a Cobar-based animal shelter from travelling to pick up the animals last week, according to council’s watchdog, the Office of Local Government.
In a 3rd world country of 6.5 million people, and only a 35% vaccination rate, El Salvador is averaging 7 deaths per day. This is about 70% lower than the U.S. on a per million basis. Since the beginning, they rank 103 in deaths per million at 435. The U.S. ranks 21st at 1,935 per million.

By the way, Sweden, which used to rank in the low 20s is now 39th at 1,439 – with no lockdowns, no mandatory masking, schools open, and a low vaccination rate. I don’t see anyone in the MSM applauding their success.

If you want to see all the 3rd world countries that have achieved far better results than Big Pharma USA, see for yourself:


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(8+10+69+402) = 489 / 742 = 65.9% of the deaths were vaxxed. Some 1 time less than 3 weeks, some 1 time more than 3 weeks, & the VAST majority were vaxxed twice.
253 / 742 = 34.1% of the deaths WERE NOT vaxxed.
You don't have to be an Einstein to see what's causing most of the deaths. This is the real science behind the vaxxes, not the political science baloney.


According to the CDC, 60.8% of all adults are fully vaccinated, and over 80% of seniors have taken the jab.[1] Hospitals are telling their employees that over 70% of staff have been vaccinated and at least one airline reports that almost all pilots have been vaccinated. The state-controlled media reports daily that the vaccine rate is very high – just not high enough, which is why continued pressure is needed to convince more people to get in line and get the jab. These reports have led many unvaccinated people to conclude that they are in the minority.

But something is not quite right. If the vaccine rate is really so high, why is there so much hysteria about getting more people vaccinated? The reason government officials are applying so much pressure is that they are panicked. The vaccine uptake is significantly lower than they have reported, and it seems that almost no matter what they do, it won’t budge

Some Real Numbers

The Kaiser Family Foundation gathered data from 2,415 counties and reported that as of May 11, an average of 28.5% of people living in counties that Trump carried were fully vaccinated, while 35% of people living in counties carries by Biden were fully vaccinated.[8] It looks like the administration added these two numbers together in order to report good news about vaccine uptake rather than taking the average of the two which is under 32%. These data were collected less than a month before DeWine started scrambling to get the numbers up in Ohio.

By July reports of expiring vaccine stockpiles started appearing even in mainstream news, and state health departments started asking the federal government to send their vaccines to foreign countries so that they would not go to waste.​

Robert Ator, a retired colonel in the Arkansas Air National Guard is in charge of his state’s Covid-19 vaccine distribution drive, and reported, “We’re drowning in this stuff. It’s starting to get a bit silly…”[9] The problem is widespread, with CDC data showing that states have administered 52.36 million fewer doses than were distributed to them.[10]

Marcus Plescia is chief medical officer at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. He says, “We’re seeing demand falling off across all the states. It’s not like, if Connecticut doesn’t need theirs, it can go to Alabama. There just isn’t the demand.”[11]

North Carolina was set to discard 119,756 doses from all three vaccines by the end of July; reported that an additional 854,548 would be expected to expire in August; and that hundreds of thousands more doses would likely expire in the fall. Arkansas was expected to toss 380,000 doses, and Colorado was sitting on 352,533 doses expected to expire by September.[12]

The federal government has purchased a total of 1.41 billion doses, of which a little over 405 million doses had been distributed to states by August 6 2021.[13] The feds have committed to purchase another 562 million doses from Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson and Johnson by the end of 2021.[14] Another 500 million doses were purchased to send to low-income nations.[15] This is an incredible gift to the vaccine makers, but hard to justify in view of so little demand.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that it had considered redistributing vaccines stockpiled by the states, but that it was “…legally and logistically complex.”[16] In plain English I think this means there is no place where interest is high enough to send the excess inventory to.

No Wonder “They” Are Frantic

The plan has not worked. Alcohol, marijuana, donuts, cheeseburgers, ice cream, convenience, and even significant amounts of money have not motivated most people to get the jab. Now they must be forced, which is why the sudden push for mandates and COVID vaccine passports. More about this next week.

Read full article here…

One has to wonder: given the information now available, how many of those who were vaccinated early have regrets? Not that it matters. The mRNA from the injection is in them and can never be removed. It's doing whatever it does, for good or ill. Hopefully, it's for the good, with no serious long-term side effects. But nobody can give an assurance of that. Anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant or lying.

A rhetorical question: How many of the vaccinated would have taken the jab if they knew then what they know today? Don't expect many to admit having "buyer's remorse." They're in a "no retreat" position. The decision they made to get vaccinated is irreversible. Many will likely have a strong psychological need to defend the COVID vaccines regardless of emerging evidence to the contrary. Still, if they now feel that getting vaccinated was perhaps dicey, they can at least think long and hard about getting the booster shots, which are being pushed by Big Pharma and the CDC. That at least would be an informed decision, whichever way they decide.
The mRNA from the injection is in them and can never be removed.

I'm aware of TWO trials(?) in that One was mentioned by a third party and another , but different, trial was announced by a First party to get Rid of this "mRNA" and I believe Vector Virus as well.
(8+10+69+402) = 489 / 742 = 65.9% of the deaths were vaxxed. Some 1 time less than 3 weeks, some 1 time more than 3 weeks, & the VAST majority were vaxxed twice.
253 / 742 = 34.1% of the deaths WERE NOT vaxxed.
You don't have to be an Einstein to see what's causing most of the deaths. This is the real science behind the vaxxes, not the political science baloney.

The information in that table, by itself, is useless for determining vaccine efficacy. You can tell the vaccine isn't 100% effective, or there wouldn't be any vaccinated deaths, but other than that you can't tell how effective it is, or even whether it's helping or hurting. For that, you need to know the size of the vaccinated and unvaccinated population in each age group, which isn't listed there.

Suppose the vaccine is a placebo with no impact on mortality either way. What would be the ratio of vaccinated deaths to unvaccinated deaths? Would it be 1:1? No, it would match the ratio of vaccinated people to unvaccinated people. If the population is, say, 75% vaccinated and the vaccine does nothing, you would expect 75% of deaths to be among vaccinated people.

In England, it looks like the 50+ age group was overwhelmingly vaccinated by the end of April. If 95% of over-50s are vaccinated, which is what that article says, and 70% of deaths in over-50s are vaccinated people, which is what the table you quoted shows, then that means the vaccine is at least a little effective, right?

To gauge how effective, normalize the populations. In the 50+ data, you had 465 vaccinated deaths and 205 unvaccinated deaths. But in that age group, the vaccinated population is 19 times larger (95/5) than the unvaccinated population. So to compare them apples-to-apples, divide the vaccinated numbers by 19. Now you have 24.5 vaccinated deaths vs 205 unvaccinated deaths. Or, do it the other way, and multiply the small unvaxxed population by 19 to equal the vaxxed population. They would have 3,895 deaths vs 465 deaths. That seems pretty substantial, although still maybe not enough to make getting the vaccine compelling for your personal risk situation, which only you can judge.

Now, to be fair, the data in the tables is for a long time period (Feb-Aug). The vaccination rate in 50+ individuals certainly was NOT 95% in February. It seems to have shot up (no pun intended) in late March, early April per the "How vaccination rates compare by age" chart in that article. If a lot of those deaths were from the time period with lower vaccination rates, it would look worse for the vaccine. So again, the information in the table is not really enough to be able to calculate vaccine efficacy.

Also, none of this is valid if you simply don't trust the numbers (vaccination rate, deaths, etc) coming from the UK government. But in that case, there's no point in citing them in support of your case, either. You may as well just ignore all the data and say, "I don't like the vaccine, and that's that", which is fine.

But don't get tricked by a statistical argument that is basically the equivalent of: Most homes that burn down have a smoke detector, therefore, smoke detectors cause fires.
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In England, it looks like the 50+ age group was overwhelmingly vaccinated by the end of April. If 95% of over-50s are vaccinated, which is what that article says, and 70% of deaths in over-50s are vaccinated people, which is what the table you quoted shows, then that means the vaccine is at least a little effective, right?
**ETA: My statistical argument is incorrect as explained in posts below.**

Wrong, you made the assumption that the vaccine prevented the deaths. That is not substantiated. They could have survived without the vaccine for all we know.

Also, you are accounting for vaccinated vs unvaccinated numbers regardless of infection, but they don't matter, both work if you aren't exposed to Covid. The only real comparison is in people who catch the Covid, (neither vax nor unvax prevent infection), which that chart shows.

More importantly, regardless of the "statistics", of the people with the virus, more vaccinated died than unvaccinated. Therefore, the delta variant is not "mostly" killing the unvaccinated which the headline implied.
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Wrong, you made the assumption that the vaccine prevented the deaths. That is not substantiated. They could have survived without the vaccine for all we know.

Also, you are accounting for vaccinated vs unvaccinated numbers regardless of infection, but they don't matter, both work if you aren't exposed to Covid. The only real comparison is in people who catch the Covid, (neither vax nor unvax prevent infection), which that chart shows.

More importantly, regardless of the "statistics", of the people with the virus, more vaccinated died than unvaccinated. Therefore, the delta variant is not "mostly" killing the unvaccinated which the headline implied.
1. Good point. It could be simply that the people who chose to get the vaccine were more fearful of the virus and self-isolated, or something like that. That could make even a placebo vaccine appear "effective". On the other hand it could be that the people who got vaccinated were the people at the highest risk, which would have the opposite effect (making even a placebo look "harmful").

As far as I know, the only way to avoid confounding variables like that and really figure out whether the difference is the vaccine vs the type of person who gets the vaccine, is to do a double-blind study where all the participants want the vaccine but a random half of them get the placebo. That's the kind of study they did to get the vaccines approved in the first place, and the numbers from that look good, but I will grant you that A. all of those studies are out of date with the new variants of the disease going around, and B. the total size of the studies was still pretty small, considering how rare severe COVID is (or was at the time of the study). Pfizer's study was something like 20K people with the placebo and 20K with the vaccine, and they were comparing small numbers like ~30ish severe cases in the placebo group to none or a couple in the vaccine group. I don't recall the exact numbers but that is ballpark, my point is, it's hard to draw extremely firm conclusions when you have a base rate that low.

It's kind of like trying to compare 22LR ammo. I've shot probably around 10K rounds of CCI Standard Velocity and I can remember only a couple rounds that simply would not go off no matter how many times they were struck. I've shot 5,000 GECO Semi-Auto and had no such failures. Was the GECO "better" than the CCI? Hard to say with how rare the failures are in the first place.

2. The table we're talking about just lists deaths, not deaths as a portion of infections. Can you elaborate on what you mean by "The only real comparison is in people who catch the Covid"?

3. Yes, a headline saying "the virus is mostly killing the unvaccinated" would be false for the UK due to their high vaccination rate. It might be true for NC where the vaccination rate is closer to 50/50. What we can probably agree on is that either way, that headline is typical media garbage since it doesn't tell you anything without knowing how much of the population is vaccinated and therefore whether you should expect the virus to mostly kill vaccinated or unvaccinated people.

And that's the main reason why I replied to 1858 Remington, because he seemed to be reading the data as showing that the vaccine is causing deaths. Whether that's true or not, the table alone can't show it.
1. Good point. It could be simply that the people who chose to get the vaccine were more fearful of the virus and self-isolated, or something like that. That could make even a placebo vaccine appear "effective". On the other hand it could be that the people who got vaccinated were the people at the highest risk, which would have the opposite effect (making even a placebo look "harmful").

As far as I know, the only way to avoid confounding variables like that and really figure out whether the difference is the vaccine vs the type of person who gets the vaccine, is to do a double-blind study where all the participants want the vaccine but a random half of them get the placebo. That's the kind of study they did to get the vaccines approved in the first place, and the numbers from that look good, but I will grant you that A. all of those studies are out of date with the new variants of the disease going around, and B. the total size of the studies was still pretty small, considering how rare severe COVID is (or was at the time of the study). Pfizer's study was something like 20K people with the placebo and 20K with the vaccine, and they were comparing small numbers like ~30ish severe cases in the placebo group to none or a couple in the vaccine group. I don't recall the exact numbers but that is ballpark, my point is, it's hard to draw extremely firm conclusions when you have a base rate that low.

It's kind of like trying to compare 22LR ammo. I've shot probably around 10K rounds of CCI Standard Velocity and I can remember only a couple rounds that simply would not go off no matter how many times they were struck. I've shot 5,000 GECO Semi-Auto and had no such failures. Was the GECO "better" than the CCI? Hard to say with how rare the failures are in the first place.

2. The table we're talking about just lists deaths, not deaths as a portion of infections. Can you elaborate on what you mean by "The only real comparison is in people who catch the Covid"?

3. Yes, a headline saying "the virus is mostly killing the unvaccinated" would be false for the UK due to their high vaccination rate. It might be true for NC where the vaccination rate is closer to 50/50. What we can probably agree on is that either way, that headline is typical media garbage since it doesn't tell you anything without knowing how much of the population is vaccinated and therefore whether you should expect the virus to mostly kill vaccinated or unvaccinated people.

And that's the main reason why I replied to 1858 Remington, because he seemed to be reading the data as showing that the vaccine is causing deaths. Whether that's true or not, the table alone can't show it.

1. I agree. Sadly, if it is true, my understanding is as soon as the trial was done, they gave the control group the vaccine, so...

2. You are correct, mea culpa. I added my own assumption which was not just false, but non-existent. Now I understand your point more clearly. ( I knew I shouldn't be doing this type of thinking at 2:30 in the morning. 😉)

Your explanation makes perfect sense to me. I apologize for mucking the waters. 🙂
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This guy has really interesting takes on covid, the vaxx, and why Trump still pushes the vaxx. It's a shame he goes so far out into left field that he loses even me now and then, and I love me a good conspiracy theory. Worth a watch though.

Start at about 4 minutes in...

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