We Are Slaves

Perfect article for this article, especially with the title We Are Slaves: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/martenson-its-time-position-endgame or the original: https://www.peakprosperity.com/its-time-to-position-for-the-endgame/

Considering that US GDP dropped by -32.9% (annual rate) and clocked in at an annual rate of $19,408 billion in the second quarter of 2020, the US Federal Reserve had granted an astonishing (truly!) 3.3% of the entire output of the entire country to US billionaires. For doing absolutely nothing.

Let’s do a little math here. Handing 3.3% of the value of the entire economic output of 160,000,000 working people to roughly 600 individuals is the equivalent of granting each one of those 600 billionaires the entire yearly output of 9,020 people.

It’s like the Fed decided that each billionaire deserved to have 9,020 people become their slaves for the year. How is that *not* psychopathic? How is that fair? What’s the plan here? Keep going until these 600 people own everything in the world?

We're possibly seeing the end game move of the "Loot the Treasury", which is one of the final moves of failing republics throughout history, only as the article argues there is no national treasury, there is no gold or silver, only a negative net worth of about -$200 trillion, so instead they are stealing part of everyone's purchasing power instead by stealing part of every dollar in circulation via inflation.
I saw where someone me tinned new hires getting as much as an established employee. I run a job site worth several times over revenue wise what an employee that has only been at my company for 1.5 years runs. I've been with the company for 13 years now. He moved from New York so they reduced his pay, but he still makes about $7k more than I do. That drives me insane, but especially when I've had to teach him how to do certain things. If I moved up to New York the company wouldn't increase my salary comparatively to what he got to keep. Life's not fair, yada yada. My main point being is it leads to too large of an influx of Yankees which is why the south is turning blue slowly, but surely.

Disclaimer: Not all Yankees suck, just the ones that bring the disease called liberalism.
You running for office I don't know about? Preach it brother!!! Lol

Something WE ALL need to DEMAND is term limits!!!! Term limits on our Congressmen and senators! No more than 8 years, 2 four year terms.

And campaign finance reform! Do away with PACs and the like. And have complete transparency on where every red cent comes from. Their job is to represent their constituents, not funraising.
Good article from 2015 on this subject: https://straightlinelogic.com/2015/09/09/real-money-by-robert-gore/

Central banking and fiat debt are but new wrinkles—facilitators—of an age-old and pernicious practice: governments issuing as much debt as credit markets will allow before they impose ruinous interest rates. One of the leitmotifs of history, a recurring phenomenon, has been governments bankrupting their countries. The qualities of real money—that it has intrinsic value requiring resources to produce, and is not a liability—tether the amount of debt to the real economy and hinder governmental borrowing, slowing, and perhaps preventing, the oft-repeated march towards bankruptcy. Yet people posing as sophisticates praise central banking and fiat credit, enablers of government indebtedness, as “innovations,” while denigrating real money—precious metals—as “barbarous relics.”

This intellectual depredation is so complete that virtually everyone thinks of value in terms of central bank fiat debt, not real money, which is ass-backwards. Real money will always have value, and thus will always be exchangeable for real goods and services. Fiat debt comes and goes. Shouldn’t our notions of value be tied to the enduring, not the ephemeral? We say: “An ounce of gold is worth 1100 dollars,” but shouldn’t we say: “A dollar is worth 1/1100 of an ounce of gold”?

And a current follow up: https://straightlinelogic.com/2020/08/09/jubilee-by-robert-gore/
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