Wrong address, and another innocent American dies

I knowed better.

This place rocks, pure and simple, and I'll whup any man's ass says different. Yet, I know that maintaining a level of decorum keeps the ideas a-flowin', and it's on me to earn my welcome.
Kudos brother!
I knowed better.

This place rocks, pure and simple, and I'll whup any man's ass says different. Yet, I know that maintaining a level of decorum keeps the ideas a-flowin', and it's on me to earn my welcome.

Good to have you here, hope you stay around long enough to understand that not all the "Kingsman" are bad. I hope people find me as a moderate. I'm far from a stooge. But in this case if you read everything I put are valid points. Not trying to confuse the situation but clear it up.
I hope people find me as a moderate.
I find you as "moderate" as I do the the taqqiya-moslems. That is, for the uninitiated, moslems are encouraged by their play-book to pretend to be one thing, to shroud the reality of their actual nature.

But in this case if you read everything I put are valid points. Not trying to confuse the situation but clear it up.
And I believe this exactly as much as I believe the other guy who has nothing but kneejerked excuses for everything the state (and its enforcers) does. I think you're a moderately-skilled obfuscator; nothing more.
I find you as "moderate" as I do the the taqqiya-moslems. That is, for the uninitiated, moslems are encouraged by their play-book to pretend to be one thing, to shroud the reality of their actual nature.

And I believe this exactly as much as I believe the other guy who has nothing but kneejerked excuses for everything the state (and its enforcers) does. I think you're a moderately-skilled obfuscator; nothing more.
You are still invited to back up your statements by quoting the proof of what you believe. But you said you don't want to so I guess you would rather just go on believing your own BS.
I find you as "moderate" as I do the the taqqiya-moslems. That is, for the uninitiated, moslems are encouraged by their play-book to pretend to be one thing, to shroud the reality of their actual nature.

And I believe this exactly as much as I believe the other guy who has nothing but kneejerked excuses for everything the state (and its enforcers) does. I think you're a moderately-skilled obfuscator; nothing more.

Wow more big words. Feel free to back any of them up since you have been here so long and have seen so many of my opinions. Especially one that I changed my mind on. Good luck to you my friend peace be with you.
My distrust meter pegs every time I hear someone refer to him/herself as "moderate", and I need look no further into their body of work. Because, I know that "tolerance" is a virtue only to the man without principles. I can look back, with much historical clarity, at how the cultural marxists chanted "peace", but really meant "surrender".
This. Right. Here. Is THE problem with "government". Is the belief that you can take a certain subset and elevate them to a privileged status above the "common" folk and bestow upon them powers, such as not only being armed but drawing down on a person who has done nothing wrong in their own goddamn home While demanding they disarm and allow themselves to be restrained. NO. Absolutely not. It's an irrational idea and people need to start waking up to this fact.

Oh and for the record, @Cowboy I don't want to burn it down either, but I don't see things getting fixed until a decent portion of it does and I am not content with this borderline Stasi State. I wish I could, but my experience is that once folks get a taste of that fake power called "government" they won't give it up willing.

I cannot agree more.
My distrust meter pegs every time I hear someone refer to him/herself as "moderate", and I need look no further into their body of work. Because, I know that "tolerance" is a virtue only to the man without principles. I can look back, with much historical clarity, at how the cultural marxists chanted "peace", but really meant "surrender".

Wow your one of those special folks aren't ya. so what is your opinion of this matter?
Here is s version of the story even thou I do not like CNN, but the DA is giving a bit of an account from the PD side, even thou they decline to give a statement. He basically stated the warrant information had the correct address but the apD officers were confused by the mail boxes as to which home was which. They knocked on the door and the dog came out which they fired upon and then the male victim wouldn't put his gun down and was killed. Again I don't trust CNN that often but this is another report on it.


Ah, so they were cowards and idiots...
Ah, so they were cowards and idiots...

I didn't say that, I merely shared the CNN story and since most won't click on it. Because
its CNN I shared the basic gist of the story they reported.
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When people call for a pizza they want you to find them, so they give good directions, people ducking warrants, not so much.

Yeah. If I had a warrant out on me and had a sudden attack of conscience and called to report myself, I would definitely try to screw up the directions.
"Yeah we gave B00ger a sex change because the lady said it was room one and well, it was actually the room with one guy in it. You don't know the challenges of actually reading the charts to confirm things, that takes too much time"

Surgeons: those with the thin sharp blade.
That reminds me of the true recent story of the guy who went in with a diseased testicle and the surgeon removed the wrong ball. True story. The post op conference started with him looking at the chart and saying "oh no!"
That reminds me of the true recent story of the guy who went in with a diseased testicle and the surgeon removed the wrong ball. True story. The post op conference started with him looking at the chart and saying "oh no!"

Bruce Jenner paid good money to get his nuts clipped off, this guy got a two for one.

Closest I have ever come to a "wrong address" was the Durham Fire Dept who came POUNDING on my door at 2 in the morning. I just opened the window and asked them what they wanted.
"We are responding to a fire"
"Ain't no fire here"
"Is this 4413?"
"No. Down the street."

I saw no reason to go downstairs and open the door. I had a handgun in my hand. Had it been a cop serving a warrant and I opened the door, I likely would have been shot.

If I don't have a second story window, I will just yell thru the door. I will NOT open the door just because someone says "Police! We have a warrant!" I think I might respond:"let me call 911 and get the right address for you retards" but I won't open up.

There are few reasons someone comes to your door in the middle of the night, and none of them are good.
Closest I have ever come to a "wrong address" was the Durham Fire Dept who came POUNDING on my door at 2 in the morning. I just opened the window and asked them what they wanted.
"We are responding to a fire"
"Ain't no fire here"
"Is this 4413?"
"No. Down the street."

I saw no reason to go downstairs and open the door. I had a handgun in my hand. Had it been a cop serving a warrant and I opened the door, I likely would have been shot.

If I don't have a second story window, I will just yell thru the door. I will NOT open the door just because someone says "Police! We have a warrant!" I think I might respond:"let me call 911 and get the right address for you retards" but I won't open up.

There are few reasons someone comes to your door in the middle of the night, and none of them are good.
I heard that firemen never go to the wrong address.
My feelings in regards to the OP, just look at the Stanford Prison Experiment. It doesn't matter the crime or lack there of committed, if they have the authority then they will use it.
I don't know about this particular town, but the general rule is that all even numbered addresses are on one side of a street and all odd numbered adresses are on the other side. The general rule in the US is that facing North, all houses on the Right, or East side of the street, are ODD Numbers. Those on the Left, or West side of the street, are EVEN Numbers. The two houses of interest are on opposite sides of the street. How did the officers miss this?
I don't know about this particular town, but the general rule is that all even numbered addresses are on one side of a street and all odd numbered adresses are on the other side. The general rule in the US is that facing North, all houses on the Right, or East side of the street, are ODD Numbers. Those on the Left, or West side of the street, are EVEN Numbers. The two houses of interest are on opposite sides of the street. How did the officers miss this?
In this case, the mailboxes were all on one side of the street, common in rural areas. However, the victim's yard had 3 mailboxs, two were a set for the duplex like houses across the street, where the actual target of the warrant lived. There were marked A+B, presumably with the same street number. The victim's mailbox was distinct and separate from the other two by several feet and clearly marked from what I can tell.
So, my feeling matter is the officers should have been familiar with this practice of mailboxes on one side of the road and if the saw the actual address had an A+B side, this should have involved extra focus on having the right address. The victims mailbox did not have an A+B because it was a stand alone home. The "bunched together" mailboxes talked about by the DA we're only 2 for houses across the street and 1 for the victim.
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I heard that firemen never go to the wrong address.
It does happen from time to time, usually with homes that aren't well marked. But if the Fire Dept shows up, and what they see at the location doesn't match the description they were given in the page out, the day captain is on the radio with dispatch to figure out what went wrong... Not busting down doors with an axe to find the fire.

I've got the wrong address a time or two. I'll radio in to verify the address, and ask for the nearest crossroads/intersection if needed to make sure.
Yes I have pulled up to the wrong address, but like others have said I didn't kick the door in and drag out the homeowner.
I don't know about this particular town, but the general rule is that all even numbered addresses are on one side of a street and all odd numbered adresses are on the other side. The general rule in the US is that facing North, all houses on the Right, or East side of the street, are ODD Numbers. Those on the Left, or West side of the street, are EVEN Numbers. The two houses of interest are on opposite sides of the street. How did the officers miss this?
They don't have a compass. :D
I don't know about this particular town, but the general rule is that all even numbered addresses are on one side of a street and all odd numbered adresses are on the other side. The general rule in the US is that facing North, all houses on the Right, or East side of the street, are ODD Numbers. Those on the Left, or West side of the street, are EVEN Numbers. The two houses of interest are on opposite sides of the street. How did the officers miss this?
Clearly you have never delivered pizza. There are many neighborhoods where the odd and evens switch halfway down the street. Or follow other strange rules of their own.
That being said don't open the door. If they want to talk tell them to talk to themselves.

Also giant inflatable yard numbers with Christmas lights and music. Oooooo and fireworks. The good kind not the cheapass ones.
I hope people find me as a moderate. I'm far from a stooge.

We just gotta keep in mind that you're one of them West By God Virginnies.:D
Clearly you have never delivered pizza. There are many neighborhoods where the odd and evens switch halfway down the street. Or follow other strange rules of their own.
All even numbers will be on one side of the street starting at the center of town heading out. If you go the other direction from the center the even numbers will be on the opposite side.

As far as I can tell right now going north or south from the center even numbers are on the right. East or west even numbers on the left.
Can't believe this is the point I have to defend. Again that is not always the case.

For photo evidence. Follow Ribbonleaf lane in fuquay Varina. Go to the street view and follow the road. They switch between the 800 and the 900 series. Several other neighborhoods in the area do the exact same thing. Holly Springs, Angier, Willow Spring. all do it.


Hell there is one street in Fuquay area that starts at 200 ish....ends with 500 ish and 700 is in the middle.
All even numbers will be on one side of the street starting at the center of town heading out. If you go the other direction from the center the even numbers will be on the opposite side.

As far as I can tell right now going north or south from the center even numbers are on the right. East or west even numbers on the left.
Does this only apply in the northern hemisphere?

And has anybody ever been to Salt Lake City?:eek:


Getting Around in Utah

Navigating Utah's Streets - The Grid System
Utah's street naming and numbering system is based on a grid system with the Salt Lake Temple as the center of town. This system makes for some unique addresses. Where else do you see an address such as 2150 East 13400 South? Although this can be very confusing and frustrating to someone who is unfamiliar with this system, it is actually a very efficient way of doing things. Here is an explanation of our roads so you may better find your way.

Let's use Salt Lake City as an example. Temple Square is the "Center" of town, and is bordered by North Temple to the North, South Temple to the South, West Temple to the west and Main Street to the East. The intersection of South Temple and Main is considered grid point 0,0.

From the center (grid point 0,0), the streets are incremented by 100, and are named by the position relative to the center. The names of streets running North/South and positioned to the east of Main Street are named 200 East, 300 East and so on. The same logic applies to the streets on the other 3 sides.

So, if you are looking for 300 south and 500 East, you know that the location will be 3 blocks South and 5 blocks East of the center of town.

Confusion comes in to play because the streets that run North/South are called either an "East" street or a "West" street. Remember, they are named after the positions relative to the center, and not the direction they run.

Also, residents tend to say "1st South" when they are referring to "100 South". This gets interesting as you go "way south" and you need to refer to 100th South (Do you mean 100 South or 10000 South??) The way to tell here is the inclusion (or elimination) of the "th". 100th South is 10000 South. 100 South (note no "th") is 100 South or 1st South.

OK, now that I've told you the rule, lets discuss the exceptions.

It gets worse...
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