What's the "weird food" you like?


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2A Bourbon Hound 2024
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Nov 20, 2020
Charlotte, NC
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I had #2 on my list today for lunch and thought it'd make for an interesting thread here.

What sort of food do you like that makes your spouse and other people look at you and say "you actually eat that?"? Can be an odd twist on a standard food you eat, or a standalone weird or regional food.

A couple of mine I think both come from my grandmother who made both of these for me (and herself).

First for me is a banana sandwich. I haven't had one in years due to the crazy high carb content, but would love one right now. White bread with mayonnaise and sliced bananas. SO good.


A second is adding cream cheese to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Just some thin slices off the standard Philly silver-wrapped block. Makes it much better!


My wife (from Indiana) likes this crazy sausage thing called braunschweiger. I'd never heard of it until she asked for me to pick it up at the store. It's kind of pate-like and tastes of liver (tried it, yuck).

What's yours?
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Saltine crackers and milk, field peas (black eyed peas) w/mustard, sardines, braunschweiger, boudin. this off the top of my head. Probably some others.
Dried cuttlefish (squid). I can destroy a bag like it's beef jerky.

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1a. Dry spaghetti. No sauce, just sprinkled parmesan cheese.
1b. Kraft Mac & Cheese, but the cheese power sprinkled dry on the cooked pasta (not mixed in with milk).
2. Pretzel sticks with peanut butter. Reading on the couch and use the PB like a dip for the pretzel sticks.
1a. Dry spaghetti. No sauce, just sprinkled parmesan cheese.
1b. Kraft Mac & Cheese, but the cheese power sprinkled dry on the cooked pasta (not mixed in with milk).
2. Pretzel sticks with peanut butter. Reading on the couch and use the PB like a dip for the pretzel sticks.
Same … and pretzels dipped in queso sauce … the Tostitos jar stuff.
I had #2 on my list today for lunch and thought it'd make for an interesting thread here.

What sort of food do you like that makes your spouse and other people look at you and say "you actually eat that?"? Can be an odd twist on a standard food you eat, or a standalone weird or regional food.

A couple of mine I think both come from my grandmother who made both of these for me (and herself).

First for me is a banana sandwich. I haven't had one in years due to the crazy high carb content, but would love one right now. White bread with mayonnaise and sliced bananas. SO good.

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A second is adding cream cheese to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Just some thin slices off the standard Philly silver-wrapped block. Makes it much better!

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My wife (from Indiana) likes this crazy sausage thing called braunschweiger. I'd never heard of it until she asked for me to pick it up at the store. It's kind of pate-like and tastes of liver (tried it, yuck).
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What's yours?
Bannana sandwitches are great but haven't tried the cream cheese on a PBJ. I can see the appeal though.

Where do you get this mystery meat?

Uni is great. Am I remembering correctly that Asahi is your go to sushi spot? Currently we go to Sushi Republic on Tate St.

In response to the OP I like potted meat.
1a. Dry spaghetti. No sauce, just sprinkled parmesan cheese.
1b. Kraft Mac & Cheese, but the cheese power sprinkled dry on the cooked pasta (not mixed in with milk).
2. Pretzel sticks with peanut butter. Reading on the couch and use the PB like a dip for the pretzel sticks.
I think Imma gonna throw up my Vienna Sausage!
Cream cheese and jelly sammies were a staple when I was growing up. Not weird!

I like Spam. Many consider that wierd.

Other than that, all food is wierd to someone/somewhere.
Mine would probably be peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches, cheese optional. I can't stand braunschweiger, but then I don't like liver at all.

Growing up, we would have strawberry shortcake with strawberries, whipped cream, and biscuits rather than sponge cake or short bread. I've seen people turn their nose up at the idea before they try it and get converted.

Edit to add: Vienna Sausages are the bomb. Yum.
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Uni is great. Am I remembering correctly that Asahi is your go to sushi spot? Currently we go to Sushi Republic on Tate St.
I’ve not tried Sushi Republic…probably should. Yup, Asahi is my spot, although haven’t been in ages. It’s mostly a comfort thing for me. I was one of their first customers and they take care of me.
I had #2 on my list today for lunch and thought it'd make for an interesting thread here.

What sort of food do you like that makes your spouse and other people look at you and say "you actually eat that?"? Can be an odd twist on a standard food you eat, or a standalone weird or regional food.

A couple of mine I think both come from my grandmother who made both of these for me (and herself).

First for me is a banana sandwich. I haven't had one in years due to the crazy high carb content, but would love one right now. White bread with mayonnaise and sliced bananas. SO good.

View attachment 384323

A second is adding cream cheese to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Just some thin slices off the standard Philly silver-wrapped block. Makes it much better!

View attachment 384324

My wife (from Indiana) likes this crazy sausage thing called braunschweiger. I'd never heard of it until she asked for me to pick it up at the store. It's kind of pate-like and tastes of liver (tried it, yuck).
View attachment 384325

What's yours?

Nothing wierd about banana sandwiches.
Cornbread and milk. People in SC and here in TX act like they've never heard of it.

Cracklin cornbread and milk.
Pickled herring, my wife hates it. I can eat a whole jar in a single sitting.

Corned herring.
I had #2 on my list today for lunch and thought it'd make for an interesting thread here.

What sort of food do you like that makes your spouse and other people look at you and say "you actually eat that?"? Can be an odd twist on a standard food you eat, or a standalone weird or regional food.

A couple of mine I think both come from my grandmother who made both of these for me (and herself).

First for me is a banana sandwich. I haven't had one in years due to the crazy high carb content, but would love one right now. White bread with mayonnaise and sliced bananas. SO good.

View attachment 384323

A second is adding cream cheese to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Just some thin slices off the standard Philly silver-wrapped block. Makes it much better!

View attachment 384324

My wife (from Indiana) likes this crazy sausage thing called braunschweiger. I'd never heard of it until she asked for me to pick it up at the store. It's kind of pate-like and tastes of liver (tried it, yuck).
View attachment 384325

What's yours?
Oh yeah. As the resident German I know this. I rather like it. Try "grobe Mettwurst" when you get a chance.
Oh yeah. As the resident German I know this. I rather like it. Try "grobe Mettwurst" when you get a chance.
Her family is of German descent as well (and she speaks German, has worked over there / visited family). I wasn't sure if it's a German thing, or a midwest thing, or both.
Her family is of German descent as well (and she speaks German, has worked over there / visited family). I wasn't sure if it's a German thing, or a midwest thing, or both.
Sausages and starting world wars is what we are quite good at. On the second maybe third time will finally be the charm?
Cheese cake and a beer together, oh so good.
I like the little whatever that dark thing is on the underside of a chicken thigh. A kidney, maybe?

Spaghetti sandwich.

Chappleburger (McDonald's cheeseburger with an apple pie inside).

The fat the chef cut off from everyone's steak at one of those Japanese places.

The individually wrapped "dill" pickles that sometimes hangs near the meat counter.

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Pickled herring, my wife hates it. I can eat a whole jar in a single sitting.
The last time I was visiting my friends in Indiana, there was pickled herring on the salad bar at a German restaurant. It was really good, I could probably eat a whole jar too. BTW, if anyone finds themselves in Jasper, IN, be sure to eat at The Schnitzel Bank.
Boudin is not considered weird.

Take it back. 😜

I recant my testimony, but some people do consider it weird. :eek:

Pickled herring, my wife hates it. I can eat a whole jar in a single sitting.

Never tried pickled herring, but I do like pickled pigs feet!

Nothing wierd about banana sandwiches.

Cracklin cornbread and milk.

Corned herring.

Love cracklin bread and haven't had any in a very long time.
Pickled eggs? I love them but never met anyone outside of my family that likes them.

Same with raw unroasted chestnuts.
Uni (sea urchin), snails, liverwurst, chopped liver (chicken livers), and much more that I can not think of right now
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