The Book of Boba Fett

OK, finally got around to finishing the first two episodes.

And damned if they didn't make a DIRECT tie-in to Frank Herbert's Dune in the second episode.

"Spice" has been mentioned a number of times in Star Wars, but never more than just an off-hand kinda way. But Boba makes a comment which leaves absolutely NO doubt it was ripped off from the Dune series when he's talking about the illicit Spice and that the freight train is no longer allowed passage through the Tusken's "Dune Sea".

Geesh...gimme a break!
Spice was featured heavily in the last season of the Clone Wars. Of course the Kessel run was a spice run.

The Wookie is Black Krrsantan. He is a gladiator and a bounty hunter as Boba references. He was in the service as a slave to the Xonti Brothers. They trained him to be a Gladiator. Somewhere along the line he became free. This was before Empire. By then he was a bounty hunter for Jabba, When was killed by Luck he went to work for the Twins. The Hutt cousins of Jabba. This around 9 ABY. (After the Battle of Yavin)

To me this was a super mash up of Lawrence of Arabia, Dune and Star Wars. Its was a slow and a little disjointed.
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ETA: if you only want to watch one of these, watch the second one I posted…it definitely better. It’s the same 6.5 minutes or so if backstory, and then a couple minutes of the guy’s thoughts on how the character fits into the new show.

For any of you (like me) that don’t read the comics, here a ~6.5 minute history of the black Wookiee bounty hunter that appears in Ep2. Based on his history, he could definitely be a factor. Thought it was pretty interesting.

(After about the 6:30 mark, the video is just an ad for merch)
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If you wanna see stuff you missed…

I think in the first video he is wrong that the assassin is not part of the Crimson Dawn. The Hutts were part of that syndicate. Someone is pulling the strings and they are not local. I like the idea that it is Qi'ra who became Darth Mauls #2 and runs the Crimson Dawn by this time. Clarke has stated she would be interested in playing that role again.
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My wife continues not to like it but is sticking in so she can sigh loudly, complain and sometimes snicker at my comments.

"What's that liquid stuff Boba is soaking in, I think it must be FlashBacta"
"Look Boba hired a biker gang riding Vespas"
"Those 100% were Ford Thunderbird tail lights!"
"Now Favreau is ripping off Back to the Future!"
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Yyyep.. a Vespa biker gang.
They're a group of young cybernetically modified humans riding shiny bright colored speeders.
Or, you might say they're Mods. On scooters.
And holy WTF man... the only thing Boba does well in this series is take a punch.

But it's got Mushi and Machete so not all bad.
(ref: Bad Batch S1E5)
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Yyyep.. a Vespa biker gang.
They're a group of young cybernetically modified humans riding shiny bright colored speeders.
Or, you might say they're Mods. On scooters.
And holy WTF man... the only thing Boba does well in this series is take a punch.

But it's got Mushi and Machete so not all bad.
(ref: Bad Batch S1E5)
I expected a young Sting to be riding those things. They just looked completely out of place. And why do I feel like the makers of this show think I'm supposed to know who those kids are?
And was the water monger petitioning Boba for the return of his red stapler?
I do agree that the future hipsters on future Vespas was a little dumb. Even my boys were like "that's all the speed those stupid things have?!" Way too much modernization of the Star Wars 'verse with those steampunk wannabes and their mad-at-the-world 18 year old attitudes.
And was the water monger petitioning Boba for the return of his red stapler?
Yup. Stephen Root.

Episode 3 was not good. Danny Trejo was out of place. The car chase was out of place. The long melancholy reflective Bona scene was weird. The “Rancors are just misunderstood and want to be loved “ was out of place…

Oh….and aside from the Vespas…the bad guys are Hells Angels in Space?
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Stephen Root is a chameleon actor. He can blend in anywhere and do a damn good job.

Agreed Danny Trejo was just weird in that role.

And I did drop a Biff Tannen quote when that idiot mayor secretary guy crashed.
After 3 episodes in... gonna have to say that this is not so good. Even by Disney And Star Wars weirdness standards.
Don't get me wrong though. I'm really trying to like it, but it's just not as good as the Mandalorian. Same people, different results.
Even the composer can't capture the feelings his music did for the Mandalorian.
Oh well. We'll talk about the 4th episode soon. 🤣
You gotta set up some backstory on such a complicated topic like taking over the Hutt's territory. If it's going to be a good show, the action should start picking up now.
I do agree that the future hipsters on future Vespas was a little dumb. Even my boys were like "that's all the speed those stupid things have?!" Way too much modernization of the Star Wars 'verse with those steampunk wannabes and their mad-at-the-world 18 year old attitudes.
What’s with the red, blue, green, yellow color scheme of their bikes, other than a mod reference?
Also, these are supposed to be starwars cyberpunks- not lethal, vicious, or punk enough.

The mayor’s envoy deliberately disrespected Boba and did a lot of damage, is Boba gonna make him pay?

Don’t get me wrong I love this show, but it’s playing a little too family friendly. This should be darker and more vicious.
Yup. Stephen Root.
water mongers gonna water monger
Nice weekend Bill? : King of the Hill, Comedy-Drama, Television :  r/KingOfTheHill
Well we see now why the mod kids had to be introduced. They’re still annoying but at least it ties the story together.

I’m still entertained. I think people are being Star Wars hyper-critical if it.
Well we see now why the mod kids had to be introduced. They’re still annoying but at least it ties the story together.

I’m still entertained. I think people are being Star Wars hyper-critical if it.

Why would Bobba, the baddest mamajama in the universe worry about offending his underling regarding his eye?
Why won’t they show these underlings doing really cool, sneaky, and lethal stuff with their cyberpunk upgrades?
I’m starting to feel bad for Milton the watermonger
I swear the scene where Boba was riding a Bantha...the director was like "awww, shit. I forgot to do the green screen thing. OK...we'll just leave the background green and pretend we meant to do that. yeah. that's it."
I was starting to get frustrated and just turn it off when Boba was threatening that Pokemon Droid... thing. He's basically screaming at a vacuum cleaner, or maybe a washing machine, "Do you know who I am?"
No one's being hyper critical. This show is barely holding on.
Is there nobody behind this with a coherent story arc? Or just some adolescent wannabe directors just winging it?
i think the timing is ruined by overuse of the flashback sequences. It’s making it seem disjointed by trying to tell two stories at once.

I think I‘d prefer to begin at the sarlac pit and proceed from there.
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