War in Ukraine (World War III)

Never has been for the Russians, you'd think they would have learned that by now.
They aren't good at that.

But does Finland still have what it takes? It's been infested with globalism and socialism for a while now.
They aren't good at that.

But does Finland still have what it takes? It's been infested with globalism and socialism for a while now.

Finland ain't Sweden (in terms of singing kumbaya). It is mer permissive now than it's ever been, but it is still a very insular community and society. Plus, nationalism runs deep: if they are attacked, they will fight.

I imagine Russia thought Ukraine was going to be a speedbump. I would hope they are learning to reassess their expectations. With or without NATO Finland won't roll over.
Finland ain't Sweden (in terms of singing kumbaya). It is mer permissive now than it's ever been, but it is still a very insular community and society. Plus, nationalism runs deep: if they are attacked, they will fight.

I imagine Russia thought Ukraine was going to be a speedbump. I would hope they are learning to reassess their expectations. With or without NATO Finland won't roll over.
Works for me, I await the videos of Russians getting turned into dogmeat to cries of Perkele!
Who knows what is true over there at this point. This article doesn't seem to mention that specific city, but paints a bleaker picture of Ukrainian prospects:

True. Hard to know what is going on. But one thing is certain and has been pretty much true for years. Our major media sources lie about pretty much everything. So start there and add to that fact that our current Federal Gov’t also has lied about pretty much everything for several years.
True. Hard to know what is going on. But one thing is certain and has been pretty much true for years. Our major media sources lie about pretty much everything. So start there and add to that fact that our current Federal Gov’t also has lied about pretty much everything for several years.

You are right in that our media has been lying or years. So the secret is to look at foreign media as a way to confirm/refute many things. A lot of them are anti-American so if they confirm the same thing, chances (>50%) are they are all probably correct.
You are right in that our media has been lying or years. So the secret is to look at foreign media as a way to confirm/refute many things. A lot of them are anti-American so if they confirm the same thing, chances (>50%) are they are all probably correct.

Well the problem there is who to trust? It’s not like the other Western Gov’ts and countries have proven themselves to be any different than us. Maybe RT? 🤣
If 1 single idiotic Republican votes fort that insanity I may become political and join the green party or something to help hasten our demise. Although Democrat policies will probably beat me to it.

TurtleMan assured ZelensKKKy that it's going to pass. It's more likely that the Senate has only one Republican who isn't an idiot.

Looks like Russian jet don't have very good electronics.
Maybe with 40 BILLON Ukraine can afford Garmins.

And training. Can't forget all the training.

So I'm told.
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Maybe with 40 BILLON Ukraine can afford Garmins.

And training. Can't forget all the training.

So I'm told.
It's cute you think they're actually going to get that 40 billion. It's going to stick to a lot of fingers here before it goes anywhere
Looks like the steel factory guys are being evacuated.

Ukraine has confirmed that hundreds of its fighters trapped for more than two months in Mariupol's Azovstal steelworks have been evacuated.
Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Maliar said 53 badly wounded soldiers were taken to the town of Novoazovsk, held by Russian-backed rebels.
She said another 211 were evacuated using a humanitarian corridor to Olenivka - another rebel-held town.
Russia earlier said a deal had been reached to evacuate the injured troops.
About a dozen buses carrying Ukrainian fighters who were holed up beneath the besieged plant were seen leaving the huge industrial site in the southern port city on Monday evening, Reuters news agency reported.
Russian state-run media outlets also posted footage of what they say were injured Ukrainian soldiers being evacuated from Azovstal.

Ms Maliar said the troops would be exchanged for captured Russian soldiers.

Not sure if this is true or a Trout Memo/Operation Mincemeat-type counterintel thing:

This is just a guess on my part, but wouldn’t a country’s military have several plans? If it were me I might have one plan I’d like to accomplish, but have several others just in case things on the ground changed. Plus in the military does the big cheese really give the boots on the ground all the info and plans? Seems like that might be a bad idea. But I am not a war fighter so maybe I don’t get it.
This is just a guess on my part, but wouldn’t a country’s military have several plans? If it were me I might have one plan I’d like to accomplish, but have several others just in case things on the ground changed. Plus in the military does the big cheese really give the boots on the ground all the info and plans? Seems like that might be a bad idea. But I am not a war fighter so maybe I don’t get it.

There is a strategic objective that does not (should) waver, the purpose of the action/war: Defeat Germany. Then there are tactical objectives: take hill 305. Take Paris. Defend Bastogne. These serve to support the strategic objective. In OUR doctrine, our leaders can riff if something goes awry. The USSR/Russia doesn't.

As for who gets docs and plans, I am little dubious that master plans would be 'out there' like that. I am curious what the docs are in more detail.
Not sure if this is true or a Trout Memo/Operation Mincemeat-type counterintel thing:

Sure thing - Putin is so proud of his strategic master plan that it was distributed to every Private Ivan in the Russian Army.
IF Russia is getting its money's worth with Ukraine, she won't find any favors with tussling with Poland:

I think little Poland would do a replay of the Poland/Soviet war of 1920 on Russia.
Ukraine, an exemplary example of modern democracy. Wave that blue and yellow high and proud!

Ukraine Bans Main Opposition Party, Undermining ‘Beacon of Democracy’ Claims
Ukrainian authorities have banned the country’s main opposition party and seized all of its assets, according to reports.
The OPPL was the second largest party in the country and its popularity surpassed that of Zelensky’s Servant of the People party last year.

Its leader Viktor Medvedchuk, who claims he is merely looking out for the interests of the Ukrainian people by seeking better relations with Russia, was placed under house arrest last month.

A court decision indicated that all of the party’s assets and property within Ukraine would immediately be forfeited and given to the state.
Ukraine, an exemplary example of modern democracy. Wave that blue and yellow high and proud!

Ukraine Bans Main Opposition Party, Undermining ‘Beacon of Democracy’ Claims
Ukrainian authorities have banned the country’s main opposition party and seized all of its assets, according to reports.
The OPPL was the second largest party in the country and its popularity surpassed that of Zelensky’s Servant of the People party last year.

Its leader Viktor Medvedchuk, who claims he is merely looking out for the interests of the Ukrainian people by seeking better relations with Russia, was placed under house arrest last month.

A court decision indicated that all of the party’s assets and property within Ukraine would immediately be forfeited and given to the state.

Democracy is so much simpler when there is only one choice on the ballot.
Time to open up those pocketbooks folks! If you don't you're a Russian sympathizer bot.


''Yesterday’s speech follows Zelensky’s April statement that Ukraine needs $7 billion monthly to replenish the resources depleted by the war with Russia. Zelensky’s assumption that the world will provide it, though brash, is by no means unfounded.''

''Our bill is already more than 7 percent of the U.S. 2022 defense budget. Even more astounding, the $54 billion we’ve sent is more than the entire requested budget for the U.S. Marine Corps. Yet Zelensky still wants more from us. As for the $40 billion in aid Biden signed off on in May, there is no direct oversight in how the money is being allocated. With no fiscal responsibility, one has to wonder where the money is going once it reaches Ukraine — and whether it’s even making it into the right hands.''

''Ukraine ranked the second most corrupt country in Europe in Transparency International’s 2021 Corrupt Perceptions Index, second only to Russia. Zelensky recently tightened control by shutting down the opposition’s TV stations and banning over 10 political parties in Ukraine.''

But I thought saying Ukraine is corrupt was just Russian propaganda?
This thread is basically a Russia propaganda thread at this point. My wife has a Ukrainian mother that lives in Ukraine, and a Russian Father that is former mil and lives in Russia. She lived in Russia when we met. and has friends and family in both. It's OK to be a Republican and support Ukraine. One company trying to use Hunter Biden to buy influence isn't Ukraine. Ukraine is not overrun by corruption and nazis and if they had biological weapons they would have already used them. People are wonderful, friendly, conservative, It's like stepping back in time to 1940s-1950s America. My sister in law is about to give birth at home because her maternity hospital was bombed. In their city, government offices and hospitals were bombed first, Military are in tents in the forest. The college my wife went to and apartment she lived in (another nearby larger city) was bombed also. Local city has fallen to Russians, but that just means they have tanks on the main highway that fire at civilian cars. One nearby residential neighborhood was bombed but luckily all the bombs were dudes that didn't explode.

Russians we know are fed propaganda nonstop, and it was that way during my last trip to Russia. It works on most, just like most Americans conform to inflation is normal and masks will solve Covid. The Russians that are younger or more exposed to western world have a different view. A friend of mine there had to flee the country already. Wife's best friend there had the secret service visit her family because she shared my wife's Facebook post.

Brother in Law (called up) and Cousin (mil) are in battle of Kyiv. Have a friend that traveled into Kyiv for civilian defense. I said my goodbyes, but he thinks this will be Ukraine's greatest moment. Russian targeting of civilians is intentional. Cities have anti tank weapons and armed civilians in buildings and the Russian troops are not well motivated. They need to stay outside the cities and fire at landmarks because it's all they can do, otherwise they are going to get hammered.

Ukraine is an asset Russia can use against USA/Nato. It's people like my 9yr niece (making molotovs here) that will be left finish the cold war. This is Nazi Germany wiping out Poland again while the rest of world watches because it's hasn't effected them yet.

Time to open up those pocketbooks folks! If you don't you're a Russian sympathizer bot.


''Yesterday’s speech follows Zelensky’s April statement that Ukraine needs $7 billion monthly to replenish the resources depleted by the war with Russia. Zelensky’s assumption that the world will provide it, though brash, is by no means unfounded.''

''Our bill is already more than 7 percent of the U.S. 2022 defense budget. Even more astounding, the $54 billion we’ve sent is more than the entire requested budget for the U.S. Marine Corps. Yet Zelensky still wants more from us. As for the $40 billion in aid Biden signed off on in May, there is no direct oversight in how the money is being allocated. With no fiscal responsibility, one has to wonder where the money is going once it reaches Ukraine — and whether it’s even making it into the right hands.''

''Ukraine ranked the second most corrupt country in Europe in Transparency International’s 2021 Corrupt Perceptions Index, second only to Russia. Zelensky recently tightened control by shutting down the opposition’s TV stations and banning over 10 political parties in Ukraine.''

But I thought saying Ukraine is corrupt was just Russian propaganda?
I read somewhere last month that we are having trouble replenish our own missle/rocket supplies since we are sending them to Ukraine. We also stopped selling weapons to Taiwan because they prioritized sending weapons to Ukraine. Taiwan was actually buying them from us so that is a really stupid move.
We don’t even have to fight a war for us to be spending heavily on it. Your taxes are once again spent on a war that will go on for a decade. With supplies, arms, and cash we are reaching 150 billion one estimate states.
It's almost like the fight in Ukraine is the new and improved Spanish Civil War from the late 30s.

So who is going to write the modern For Whom the Bell Tolls?
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